[address] August 8th 1850
The Honorable the Colonial Secretary Sydney
Sir, It is with [...] [...] I have [line of text; ill.] in my state [...] [line of text; ill.] have been [line of text; ill.] [line of text; ill.] [line of text; ill.] [line of text; ill.] [line of text; ill.]
[line of text; ill.] district for [line of text; ill.] [line of text; ill.] until [line of text; ill.] is numbers [...] within the time they have made there several attacks, [...] [...] the huts were lastly taking a pack of sheep, 13[...] [...] the men so as to make them [...] 631 only of which I have been able to recover with great exertion on the part of myself and neighbours.
They [?have/leave] [?but/such] a message that they would kill my men
and take all my sheep is also those of my neighbours, and until some protection be speedily granted, we cannot possibly [?long] hold our stations.
I therefore pray that a detachment of the native police may be forthwith sent to this district, and wish to know in what manner I am to act[?] for the protection of my men and prospects[?] until this is [...]
[...] Your obedient servant [signature; ill.]
[oblique] Mr. Corfield may be informed in accordance with the [...] [...] on Mr. Richardsons letter 50/9029.
20th[?] Ch FR