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Inhabitants of Maryborough - 16th October 1850

To His Excellency Sir Charles Augustus Fitz Roy Knight Companion of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order Captain General and Governor in Chief of the [...] [...] and [...] in chief of the Territory of New South Wales and its dependencies and Vice Admiral of the Same &c. &c. &c.

[possibly a faint line of text; ill.] be [...]

The Memorial of the undersigned residents of the Maryborough Wide Bay [note? or line of text; ill.]

We[?] most respectfully Sheweth That your Memorialists at great [...three/four words?] Settlement on the Mary River. [...several words] His Excellency was [...three/four words]

That your Memorialists have heard [line of text; ill] , or interacts[?] [line of text; ill.] about two miles distant by [line of text; ill.] appropriate for a Town

Your Memorialists respectfully beg to [three words...] [?have/more?] objections to the place fixed [...] Surveyor.

Your Memorialists can be [...two words?] the Squatters were [..] may be shipped on the South [line of text; ill.] the Burnett [line of text; ill.] will [line of text; ill.]

[possibly three, four lines of text; ill.] [...] of its banks of [line of text; ill.] and [line of text; ill.] at low Tides [line of text; ill.] [line of text; ill.] have to [line of text; ill.] at the [line of text; ill.] be shipped [line of text; ill.] supplied[?] [line of text; ill.] on the [line of text; ill.] and be [...] at the Settlement is [...] Eight months in the year, [... three/four words?] [line of text; ill.] expense its situation is a healthy one which is proved by an excursion of upwards of Two Years.

[marginalia; mostly ill.] [at very top] 50/[...]

Entd. 1. BC. M. in [folio, vol numbers; ill.]

Refer to the Surveyor Genl. 16th. Ch FR

[vertical] Transmitted for the report of the Surveyor General, Blank Cover [...] October 1850. for the Colonial Secretary W. Elyard Junr.

To be returned [possible note, too faint; ill.]


Last edit 22 days ago by Les
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Your Memorialists beg to add that several of us have examined a place on the Rivery Mary called the "Brothers" twenty two miles lower down the river than Maryborough and six miles from the mouth, at which [...] a grand abundance of fresh water - in the river opposite [? ...two words ] water for living, vessels with a [... several words] not further from the [...several words?] and Burnett [two words the present settlement.

[whole paragraph; ill.]

[signatures; ill.]

Edward F[...] Palmer [four or five lines of signatures; ill.]

[oblique; lower left] The design for [...] of Maryborogh will include the spot already settled, as well as that [...] [?amended] by the Surveyor [...] the necessity for laying out another Town nearer the mouth of the River, in [...] that large Vessels may be freighted for England direct, will not be lost sight of.

[note; oblique; overwrites. ill.]

[filing note; ill.]

Last edit 22 days ago by Les
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Joseph[?] Bartley [...] Morris [16 lines illeg] John [...] [7 lines illeg] William Climpson[?] George[?] [...] John Holoombe[?] [6 lines illeg]

Last edit 24 days ago by 12leafclover
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This page is blank

Last edit 24 days ago by 12leafclover
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Brother[?] Mary River Hervegar[?] Bay Frasers Island

Last edit 24 days ago by 12leafclover
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