50/10,180 - 28th Octr 1850 Jno Ferrett Further letter representing want of police protection
Wallam Creek Lower Condamine Darling Downs September 28th 1850
To the Honorable The Colonial Secretary, Sydney -
Sir, In April last by a letter alluding to mine of a former date, representing the want of Police Protection here, you apprised me that arrangements had been made for Stationing an Officer and Troopers of the Native Police in this locality. If up to this date these arrangements are not carried into effect may I hope that you [...] inform me at what date I may expect [...]! Sir, if it be not speedily done [...] will be of no service to Squatters now there, as such depredations as are now daily committed by both Blacks and Whites must in a very short time completely ruin them; - The Blacks are now more troublesome than I have known them, and it is only with continual fighting I can keep [...] of this Station; - [...] the battle grounds to [...] to [...] been [...] large numbers [...] [...] the men : - Speared and Hunted all over the country; In fact White Man must go where the Cattle are without the Blacks throwing Spears at him; - the consequence of Life and [...] being so insecure, many Stations in this locality[?] are now unoccupied. Three parties, of late, have left this area - they near neighbours / Under these circumstances, the Blacks have taken advantage of my single handed position, and [...] and daily try their utmost to drive me, also further back to the Settled Country.
Their numbers are now great. [...] days since, at one Camp, I found upwards of Eighty Families making preparations to attack this Head Station. After this Statement I doubt not that you will see the necessity of expediting the Arrangements as much as possible, and act accordingly.
I have the honour to be Sir, Your Most Obedient Servant Jno. Ferrett
[oblique] Inform Mr. Ferrett of the Commdr. of N. Police last request of the intended movements of the Corps. A copy of this may be sent to Mr Wickham. 29th. Ch FR
[faint note; ill.]