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45 49/3490 - 11th June 1849 Henry Dangar Conveying intelligence of further Outrages by the Blacks on the Lower Condamine

10. Eliz'th Street 4 June 1849

Sir, I regret to inform you that Commr Rolleston has lately advised of a very serious outrage having been committed by the Natives on the Lower Condamine but particularly at an [authorized?...] Station of my brother, Mr John Dangar, situated to the [So' west?...] by [illegible line] - where one man has been murdered - the Stores Carried away - the buildings burnt

The Honble E Deas Thompson[sic] Eqr Col'l Secretary &c &c &c

[margin notes] Let Mr Dangar be informed that the Comm't of the Native Police now on the McIntyre will be instructed to take such steps as may be in his power to protect the Settlers on the Lower Condamine 12th ChFR

Mr Dangar Mr Walker 12th June 1849


Last edit 20 days ago by Les
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burnt to the ground - and the lives of those remaining there placed in the greatest danger -

If I had not noted that the position of the attached Station is but three or four days journey [...] on foot to water [?] from the Station proper. - [...] [...] on the McIntyre River - I have to solicit that the Officer of that Corps may be directed to proceed with as little delay as possible - and with a sufficient number of men - to the neighbourhood alluded to - I have reason to believe that the presence of the police force for a short time will have a most beneficial effect - as it already has in the North West District of the McIntyre. -

I have the honor to be


Your most obt Ser't

[signed] Henry Dangar.

Last edit 15 days ago by Cursivefancier
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