Copy Styal Nr Wilmstow [?sic, Wilmslow] near Manchester March 5th. 1846 Sir, I should feel much obliged if you can give me any in= =formation relative to a young man who emigrated, through Government, to Port Philip by the Ship "Margaret" which left Liverpool about the 23rd. October 1840 His name is James Rogerson, he took with him a Wife and two Children. We have not heard any thing from
from him although he promised to write on his arrival- If you can procure any intelligence relative to him you will confer a great favour on a large circle of relations and friends. I am &c (Signed) John Shawcross
To Edwatd Barnard Esq 5 Cannon Row London
Copy Styal Nr Wilmstow [?sic, Wilmslow] near, Manchester March 5th. 1846
Sir, I should feel much obliged if you can give me any information relative to a young man who emigrated, through government, to Port Philip by the Ship "Margaret" which left Liverpool about the 23rd. October 1840 His name is James Rogerson; he took with him a Wife and two Children. We have not heard anything from him although he promised to write on his arrival. If you can procure any intelligence relative to him you will confer a great favor on a large circle of relations and friends. I am &c (Signed) John Shawcross.
To Edward Barnard Esq 5 Cannon Row London