Pages That Need Review
Enclosure in the Surveyor Generals Letter no 50/296_ of 30th April 1850 to the Colonial Secretary. 50/4439 Description of the (proposed) Quarantine Ground at Moreton Bay The Northern portion of Stradbroke Island, bounded on the East and North by the Sea from a point due East of W. Hutton to Amity Point, at the South entrance to Moreton Bay, on the West by the Waters of Moreton Bay to a point about two miles South of “Canaipa“ and due West of W. Hutton, and thence on the South by a line bearing due East to the Sea Coast aforesaid. Laid before the [...] Council 14 May 1850 [...] [...] 50/18
50/6145 - 7th July 1850 The Treasurer of the Moreton Bay Hospital to the Honorable the Colonial Secretary, enclosing Subscription List for 1850. & applying for aid
Brisbane 26 June, 1850. No. 1 of 1850
I have the honor, by direction of the Committee of the Moreton Bay Hospital, to transmit to you a certified List of the subscriptions raised in this District in aid of that Institution, since the commence= ment of the present year, amounting to £140..4..8; and to request that you will have the goodness to direct the necessary warrant to be prepared for the payment of an equivalent sum, as provided by the Act of Council.
I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedient servant W.A. Duncan Treasurer
The Honorable The Colonial Secretary &c &c &c Sydney.
[marginalia] [top] Mr Davis
[circled] a.o. 1368.- 2/7/50
Auditor General B.G 1 Jul 1850 [signed]
To be returned
Examined and the Costings found to be correct.
The amount of the Receipt as shewn by the enclosed Statement is £140..4..8.
It may be proper however to notice that the period of the acccount is not stated, and that this amount includes the following Items vizt: Collection, Church of England.....£4..5..0 W. Mason, for Treatment........... £48..0..0 ................................................£52..5..0
When the Assistant Surveyor Burnett, who has been instructed to lay out a General Cemetery at Warwick, furnishes his survey and descriptions copies of the latter shall be [...] an Abstract for final approval as is customary. T.L.M.
Sur Gnl Office 29. Nov 1849
Ent'd: 49/260, fol 104 in Vol 4.
Returned CSO} 3 Dec 1849}
[on angle] Inform Dr Gregory. 4th ChFR
Dr Gregory accordingly 14 Dec'r 1849.
Copy for Sur General 17 Dec'r 1849.
End of february
Resubmitted 2 March
to be expedited 5"
End of March Resubmitted 5 April
End of Apr Resubmitted 3. May.
Expedite 18
Sur: General 23. May 1850. End of June
3 50/5604 - 12th/14 [3?] June, 1850. 25th June 1850 Ent'd VCB B. The President of the Brisbane School of Arts to the Honorable the Colonial Secretary respecting proposed Grant to that Institution. - and applying for an allotment of Land
Brisbane 6th June, 1850.
Sir, I do myself the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 18th May, intimating that His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to grant authority to place on the Estimates for 1851, the sum of £300 in aid of the Brisbane School of Arts, upon condition that no application be made for an annual grant; and that the building be commenced before the money, if voted, can be issued.
2. I have laid your letter before the Committee & members of the Institution, who have requested me to express their thanks to His Excellency for his compliance with the prayer of their Memorial and to add that they will readily
The Honorable The Colonial Secretary Sydney.
[marginalia] 50/4254.
Sent to Auditor Gen'l 10 May for Estimates
Refer to the Surveyor Gen'l with reference to the application in the 3rd paragraph. 17th ChFR
Blank Cover 24th June 1850. for the Colonial Secretary W Elyard Jun
To be returned apprised 24th June '50
3 50/5380 Triplicate.
New South Wales.
Report of the Principal Superintendent of Convict's, respecting the arrival and distribution of the Convicts by the "Bangalore"
I have the honor to report for the information of His Excelleney the Governor that having received information of the expected arrival at Moreton Bay of some convict ships direct From England, I considered it my duty after a consultation with the Colonial Secretary to send one of my senior Clerks (with the Police runners) to Brisbane to muster and distribute such men as might arrive there, and the following is
[marginalia] Forwarded to HM. Secretary of State by despatch No. 123, of 5 July 1850 -
is the report made to me by that Gentleman on his return.
"On the 1st. Ultimo having heard of the arrival of the convict ship "Bangalore" at Morton Bay, I procurced the necessary documents from the Police Magistrate and proceeded on board, when I found that the vessel had originally embarked 297 convicts in England, under the superintendence of Dr. Jones, Surgeon in the Royal Navy, four of that number had died on the passage out, six others, from ill health were immediately landed and placed in the Brisbane Hospital, (one since dead) and the prisoner named in the margin was relanded in England, although is name was not struck out of the Assignment List.
Dr Jones however handed to me the order of the Admiral Superintendent of
[marginalia] William Stokes tried at Maidstone Is.
5 of the Portsmouth Dock Yard to remove the man from the Bangalore to the Stirling Castle Hulk, together with a written receipt for the man given by the Deputy Governor of the latter vessel. I inspected such portions of the ship as were occupied by the prisoners which I found in all respects to be both clean and wholsome, the men themselves presented a very orderly and creditable appearance fully bearing out the very excellent character given of them by the Surgeon Superintendent and with whose treatment during the voyage they expressed themselves perfectly contented - one remarkable fact is worthy of notice, that not a single punishment of any prisoner occurred since their embarkation.
After the muster and personal description of the men were completed, persons were permitted to visit the ship, but only under a written order from the Police Magistrate and in eight days from that period the whole number was engaged with the exception of three, who by the concurrence of Captain Wickham were landed atBrisband, and received into Barracks, two of these men are clerks and the other a Jew and were expected to be specially applied for.
The wages obtained by the laboring portion of the men ranged for £13 to £16 a year and so Mechanics and domestic servants was given from 18 to £30 per annum, in each case with the usual rations. The readiness with which these men were applied for and from
7 from various sources of information derived in the District, it is evident that there is still a great demand for this description of labor in the surrounding Districts of Moreton Bay, and I are fully persuaded that had another vessel arrived with the "Bangalore" having on board the same number of men, that they would have been eagerly sought for and speedily disposed of - I may perhaps be permitted to remark in support of my opinion that one Agent alone at Brisbane had instructions from various persons to obtain 180 men but of course was not successful in hiring so large a proportion from one vessel.
In conclusion a consider it my duty to make you aware of the obligation I am under
under to the Police Magistrate at Moreton Bay, so the Surgeon Superintendent of the "Bangalore", as well as to the Master and Officers of that vessel for their kind cooperation with me on all occasions in carrying out the public duty with which I had the honor to be entrusted"
2. - To this it is only necessary for me to add my testimony of the energy, zeal, and ability displayed by Mr Storsey in the performance of the duties entrusted to him on this occasion.
Principal Superintendent of Convict's Office, Sydney 8th. June 1850. J McLean