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modern bungalow. There's the usual
sago leaf roof; they're ideal; so cool &
picturesque looking like the thatched
cottages in Yorkshire. [Sawn?] timber floor
& building frame uplifts it from the
native built shacks.
All partitions & walls are of plaited kipa
or sago rib. Some of the designs are
most decorative. The rib is much like
that of cocoanut or date palms only
more highly lacquered. The 2 inch
wide surfaces of the ribs are split off &
plaited. Each strip is about 15 feet in length.
Honeymooners are well catered for.
Angau outstations accomodate them
all. At [illegible] one of the houses has been
set aside high up overlooking the
breathtakingly beautiful fiords. Another
honeymoon cottage is at Higaturu & a more
remote on at Kokoda. Higaturu is
full of the Shangri La ish aspect.
It's the [illegible] of the district services

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