[Incomplete letter]
[...] sheer joy & [...] so warm & sweet & fragrant, [...] kisses tasted as if all the flowers of a summer were on your lips. I'll come back full of love & high ideals, rejuvenated.Wait for these joys & love me all the while. I look on you devotedly as ever I did, I love you more than [...] words can tell. I adore you. I [...] is in your embrace. Good [bye] [...] darling, I'm all yours. Alan xxxxxxx
Scarborough St., Southport, 7th Jan, 1945
My Precious Husband,
I have your New Year letter in my hand it leaves me spell bound, the same as many other of your letters do darling. You feel you owe me so much Alan dear, don't think that, you have been far worse off than I have, you have suffered so much and been through such a lot, you are such a darling.
You still have hopes of coming home, seeing your request hasn't been refused there is still hope. You should know definitely any time now, unless the C.O. has forgotten about it.
Olive and I have been having some laughs here to-night, she has been at me to come to bed and it is only 7:30. The chap that did May's window breezed in about ten minutes ago and frightened the life out of us, he is such a queer looking bird. The front door was opened, the light off in the salon, he just walked straight through to the lounge, we didn't know who he was. Sunday night and he came to make a correction in his work. I am glad Olive is here, I would be frightened if I was here alone.
You make me feel ashamed when you tell me you would have appreciated a damper cooked in coals. Yes, I do think I should have baked your cake darling, will you forgive me, some day I will be able to cook anything you ask for I hope I will make up then for the times I have let you down. I will see what I can do about some shortbread.
Are you really sun-tanned all over, how exciting,
unfortunately I'm not, I would like to bake in the nude, maybe you wouldn't like me tanned all over.
Alan darling, I am just in the mood for you to sweep me off my feet. Your letter is so beautifully written it brings tears to my eyes, two months holidays with you would be heaven.
Do you intend getting out of the army darling, I have just been re-reading your letter and it reads that way. It never dawned on me you may be doing that, it gave me a bit of a start, I am so proud of you in your uniform. Let me know what your plans are.
Olive and I cooked a tea to-night, it was good. Self praise is no recommendation I know, but I really did enjoy it.
We went to the beach for the day to-day. It was over-cast all day but the sun was good. The waves were so big they were frightening.
May and Stan are coming back tomorrow, May had to go up to see her doctor. I may go home for a couple of weeks for a break, just for peace and quiet.
Olive is in bed asleep, she is making me full envious, it wont be too long before I follow, bed is my best cobber lately.
Did you do anything exciting over Xmas, you didn't mention. I suppose you had your parties how are the W.A.C.S. treating you?
I am going to turn in now darling, I will write you a longer letter early this week. Good night dear.
Tons of love Nancy X X X.
Scarborough St., Southport, 10th Jan, 1945
My Precious Husband, Your letters are certainly few but one thing I will grant you is you make up for that when you write. I am sure you must spend hours writing a letter, you word them so beautifully it [...] like a tonic for me to read them. Maybe it is because you write that way I look for one every day. I havn't received anything from you since one written on New Years Day. I didn't mean to start my letter this way, I really don't want to complain or nag, and you know me darling, I will be nagging before I know where I am.
May and Ian came back last night, also Stan, I am not lost for company once again. I expected them Monday night and actually cooked a hot dinner for them but they didn't arrive. I was disappointed, because my tea tasted good, even although I say it myself darling. Ian was so pleased to see me, I was waiting at the door for them and as soon as he saw me he came dashing along the footpath with open arms and grabbed me and kissed me, trying to talk at the same time.
To-day Stan, Ian, and I went over to the beach for the afternoon. we all enjoyed the surf, it was a lovely day, Ian loves the surf.
I have been busy sewing and knitting, my sewing was mostly renovating, a thing I hate doing but which had to be done, tedious little jobs which take so much time. I am making some head way now so while I am in the mood will
stick at it till I finish.
May was pleased to receive a letter from you. She diid tell me Mum said I was like Ralph and I couldn't do anything else but laugh, it struck me as funny, but I couldn't believe it. Later she gave me your letter to read, I had another laugh.
I wish I had been with you when you sang at the party, I am pleased to hear for once you sang for an audience, I know they must have enjoyed it. I went to see the "Great Waltz" over the week-end, the music was the best. Strauss waltzes, and all I could think of all the time was you singing "Silent Night." I have even gone so far as to review the words. I do think you have a lovely voice, you shouldn't be modest about singing for anybody.
You did have a good Xmas Alan, I am glad. I thought perhaps you would feel low and lonely, of course I didn't wish that, I wanted you to be happy and have lots of fun. I think I grumbled about my Xmas, but on the whole I had a good time, it was quiet, that is how I like it.
May met your mother and Col in Wynnum, she was very nice to her, didn't mention you or I, she likes May. Col is apparently on leave.
Alan you are the only man I have ever had implicit trust and faith in regards other way women, I have always trusted you. It is strange I trust you so much, because you know my opinions of men, I don't like to write about what I think of them on the whole. You told me once I thought that way because of the company I kept, it is not that, I have kept me eyes and ears [...], I know what goes on around me. I am still having my