




Wednesday 6.1.43

My Dearest Alan,

You are right when you say our letters are few and far between, but I have run out of news. You are in one place, I in another, we don't know the same people and no place to write about, I have tried many a time to write but receiving no letters from you makes it harder than ever.

I have just arrived back from leave and could hardly believe my eyes when I found this letter with your familiar handwriting on the envelope. Darling you would be disgusted with me if you were here, all the trouble I am in. I went on leave a few hours before I should have and was marked 9 1/2 days A.W.L. (what a record). I wont worry you with my troubles though, I can take it.

Alan Cameron is stationed here along with three other lads from your crowd. Dad gave him a letter of introduction, he hadn't any idea Alan was a friend of yours. I found out during the course of conversation, isn't it a coincidence meeting him like that. I also met Owen in Brisbane, met him on Edward St. corner so was only speaking to him for about ten minutues, he was pleased to receive your letter. There was a short write up about Harold Jesser in the paper, Rouna was proud.

I didn't get a chance to go up home while I was on leave, the days just flew by, and I was on the go the whole time. I will go up next chance I get.

Alan I did wonder what your feelings were now, three years all but a few months is a long time to be parted. Maybe we have both changed in that time, but by your letters you are still my Alan. I'll admit I get annoyed and unreasonable at

Last edit 3 months ago by Darren Farkas


times because you couldn't get home before this, I know that is wrong in my heart, but that's a woman for you. I have had so many disappointments about your home coming I don't build castles in the air any more, they have benn dashed to the ground too many times. You are due for a break so it shouldn't be long now, here's hoping.

Little Ian is lovely Alan, I bathed him a couple of times for May, he loves his bath. Jeff and May have reason to be proud.

We all thought of you at Xmas, on Xmas day darling I though of you a lot and Mum and I both wished you would be with us next year. It wasn't like Xmas this year it was strange. I hope Alan you enjoyed it although I don't know how you could.

Jeff might be with you soon according to May, I guess that would be a happy reunion. I haven't seen him for close on a year.

Alan news is so scarce, I can't think of anything to write about so will have to close. I am still waiting for your return, that will be a happy day and I will be listening again to your happy laugh and loving you as I used to. I am off to bed now darling. Your loving fiance Nancy xxxx

Last edit 7 months ago by State Library of Queensland


98817 22.1.43 A.C.W. O'NEILL, N.J. Hut 206 No 1 B.A.G.S. R.A.A.F EVANS HEAD

My Own Darling, I just received a letter written by you late December, Alan your letters are so few , I can hardly believe my eyes when I see your familiar writing on the envelope. Darling I still love you with all my heart and miss you a lot, I too am always thinking of you. I can't express myself in words Alan, my love or you will be forever, it is something so deep within me nothing will ever change me. They say you only fall in love once and it is perfectly true, I know only too well because my heart aches so much for you. Right now I am sitting on the bed, most of the girls have gone out, I can't hold the tears back my darling, if tears could bring you back again you'd be by my side right now. Someday soon we will be together again I pray, and we will make up for all this lonliness and heartache. I wrote you a letter a couple of months ago, evidently you haven't received it yet, I asked you where I came on your list. Ignore it darling, it is because I love you and want you so much I am so jealous. I want you all to myself, but I know that is impossible , I can't be selfish like that because other people love you too.

In the two and a half years we have been parted, I have been out to dances and shows a lot, I feel a heel for ever going out and enjoying myself like I have, but I have never stopped loving you. I have had my fling, and would love to be honoured to look after you now, our marriage will be a haven of paradise loving the way we do Alan, we will show May & Jeff what we can do.

Last edit 7 months ago by State Library of Queensland


Alan our letters are censored by our Officer here and I am finding it hard to write to you, because I know the Officers criticise the girls and I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of having anything on me. I am posting this in Brisbane, we have two days this week end. Alan whenever I go to South Brisbane station and look across to that hotel where we stood and talked on our last night together it leaves me with a vacant feeling. The memory of those last few days will forever be as clear as if it were only yesterday. The Saturday night you walked in unexpectedly in your tropical uniform you looked marvellous, I am proud of you.

Little Ian is lovely Alan, I bathed him a copuple of times while I was on leave, he loves his bath. Cries when you take him out, he splashes with his little feet and hands. May is slighter than ever now, but still has a lovely figure, she misses Jeff, although baby helps to keep her occupied.

I rang Mum from here on Monday night, I hadn't received a letter for a few days and was worried. I could hardly hear her, she was asking after your feet, Mum is sure you will be home any time now, she worries over you as much as I do.

P.O. Iyatt's brother is in Moresby, there were three boys, Arthur, the one I knew is now down south somewhere. If you still wish to write to him I will get his address for you, it won't be much trouble.

I knew about H. Jesser, Rouna told me. I know somebody else who deserves something too, I am pleased to hear he is with you again.

Ken Gardiner isn't home yet to my knowledge, he has been gone a long time too.

I will go up home over the week-end. I haven't seen your people for some time but Mum has. Xmas wan't like

Last edit 7 months ago by State Library of Queensland


Xmas this year, on Xmas Day I was thinking of you a lot, Mum must be able to read my thoughts because she remarked she too hoped you would be home soo and toasted our old happy family would be togheter again next Xmas. I will have to close now as I have to do some ironing, my drabs to wear home. Darlking look after yourself and you can be as sure of me as you are of yourself because our love is mutual, I pray this dreadful war will be over soon. Yours forever Your loving fiance Nancy xxxxxxxxxxx

Last edit 7 months ago by State Library of Queensland
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