William Mercer Green Papers Box 1 Folder Correspondence 1866-1867 Document 5



Needs Review


[Eng an?] June 3, [66?]

My dear Sir

Pardon me for reminding you of the importance of having the timber, as it is [chimened?] from up [North?], Seasonally the [North?] [Safin?] [Rivers?] [a?] not left to be worked up in its present condition.

The propasition of [old?] Mr [Robins?] to lease some land in order to furnish building material. Such as door & window. and [Co as?] [so?] [as?]- [sich?] of [Ann Nichen?]. With my approval, under Such restriction as will [prot??] the [m?i?erlis?] from every [for?bits?] danger of [lbi?] [ar-Inciation?].

The objection of Mr.

Last edit over 4 years ago by heidimarie
Needs Review


[many?] to minimizing the combined duties of Rear [Mart???] & chancellor, which may, be renewed by the distinguished genteleman whose name is now before the committee, [much? hath?] been [obviated?] by the appointment of [Mr Lyon?] to that position, [leaving?] the [hi??] chancellor to [ex?????] the public function which [M? Many?] attaches to that office. [unclear]Whether such[/unclear] a [undisach?] by such cases.- The difficulties have not escaped my attention [but?] the delay [c????? ne??] upon their confusion. Will depend on, [?????] for a [openly?] [mang???at??] of an [enterprise?]. Very Faithfully Yrs [Q.P.B. Miner?]

Last edit over 4 years ago by heidimarie
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