The Board of Inspectors of the Tennessee Pennitentiary met Friday Sept 14th 1877.
Present Gov Ja [page eaten] by invitation. Col Chas Gibbs, James S. Gaines, Col M.F. Pack chairman inspector and Supt ???
The subject of a ?????? the foundry and wings No 1 and 2 of the main ????? and no mention of Col Gibbs the following ????? unannimously adopted.
Resolved that the superintendant be directed to constract for and furnish a tin roof for the foundry building, the lessees at their own expense to prepare said building for the same.
The superintendant is further authorized to contract for roof and cover with tin the main building that is the building between the wings No 1 and 2. The total cash of same to be at the expense of the state. Provided that all expenditures on the part of the state in the ????? be made out of any funds belonging to the Penitentiary which may now be in the hands of the Superintendant of Prisons of may hereafter come into his possession, in being distinctly understood, that no part of the expense or cost of this work, is to be paid out of the State Treasury or taken from the rental of the Penitentiary.
The following ???? offered by Col Gobbs were adopted.
Resolved, that the Superintendant and Warden of the Penitentiary are hereby specifically required to see that each proner shall receive regular rations of tobacco of good quality, one half pound to each prisoner a week and shall examine and inpect all tobacco provided for prisoners and reject and send back such tobacco if not of good quality and that a copy of the ????? be such by the secretary of the lesseees and it is further ordered that the warden provide a book case for his office.
No other business appearjjing the board adjourned to meet at the call of the chairman.
MF Pack, chairman
HF Cummins, sec.
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