The Board of Inspectors of the Tennessee Pennetentary met at the State Prison on Monday 22nd day of May 1877 -- present Col Chas Gibbs, Col James L Gaines, absent, Col Marsh Pack.
The board of Inspectors accompanied by his Excellency Gov. James D. Porter who was present by invitation and Gen. BF Cheatham Supt made inspections through the prison. After which the Board met in the Wardens office and proceeded to organized by calling the Jany S Gaines to the chair and the election of Col M Pack permanent chairment of the board.
The subject of of salaries of officers was introduced by Col Gibbs and the following was adopted. Res.d that the salary of superintendant be Twenty Five hundred dollars, warden one thousand dollars, physician one thousand dollars and chaplain three thousand dollars. Deputy warden eight hundred dollars.
On motion Col Gibbs the superintendant of the prison is hereby instructed and authorized to erect a sustainable privy? for the accommodation of the convicts.
The board agreed and appointed? the 1st Tuesday in each month as these regular day of meeting. No other business appearing the board adjourned to the next regular day of meeting.
J.L. Gaines Chairman
H.F. Cummins?, Secretary
The Board of Inspectors of the Tennessee Penitentary met by request of the Superintendant August 1th 1877.
Present Chas Gibbs, James S. Gaines, absent M.F. Pack. The busness being the consideratino of a tin roof for the foundry and roof on main building between wing No 1 and 2.
After consideration the board adjourned to meet again at the call of the chairman.
James S. Gaines, Temp? Chairman
H.F. Cummins, Secretary
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