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Winchester Tennessee
June 12 1858


D[ea]r Sir

Your letter of yester-
day has just been received. It is true
the survey has not yet been made but
it will be next week. Mr. Barney
came here last week to make the survey
I made the arrangement for Mr.
& Dr. Estill to go and show the
lands. I having to go to McMinnville

When they got out on the mountain
they found that Mr. Barney expected
the funds to be raised to pay the expen-
ses and as nothing had been done to
actually raise the money they conclud-
ed to postpone the survey until I
came back. I got home night before
last and immediately upon learning
the facts sent word to Mr. Barney to go
on with the survey and the money should
be forthcoming. I regretted that he
was not instructed to go on at once.

There is no difficulty in raising the
money here – not the slightest –

I went to work last Monday morning to
raise fifty dollars to finish the road

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