Arthur S. Colyar Biographical Files Document 23



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Winchester Tennessee June 12 1858


D[ea]r Sir

Your letter of yesterday has just been received. It is true the survey has not yet been made but it will be next week. Mr. Barney came here last week to make the survey I made the arrangement for Mr. Logan & Dr. Estill to go and show the lands. I having to go to McMinnville

When they got out on the mountain they found that Mr. Barney expected the funds to be raised to pay the expenses and as nothing had been done to actually raise the money they concluded to postpone the survey until I came back. I got home night before last and immediately upon learning the facts sent word to Mr. Barney to go on with the survey and the money should be forthcoming. I regretted that he was not instructed to go on at once.

There is no difficulty in raising the money here – not the slightest –

I went to work last Monday morning to raise fifty dollars to finish the road

Last edit over 5 years ago by JustAFamHistorian
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from the coal banks to Beersheba Springs - the hands we sent out not having quite finished it – and in an hour I raised about one hundred and twenty five dollars.

The surveys will be made in good style. Assure Mr Fogg of this fact –

We want to give the trustees some refreshments at Rowe's Spr ing as they go to Bersheba - Say the 1st or 2nd of July – Mention this to Mr Fogg and ask him if he can let eno ugh of them know the fact - We can make the arrangement for them to stop – look round and take some refreshments and then go on to Bersheba that night. Ask Mr. Fogg to write me on this subject.

Yours Truly, A S Colyar

Last edit over 5 years ago by JustAFamHistorian
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Mr Colyer

to R Houston

June 12 1858

Last edit over 5 years ago by JustAFamHistorian
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