wished americans hurt me!! -- I am? else be kind, leading a Dine boy, with one hand, as I led my homer? with the other 2 so me went to the General Margner, where they were treated just the same as if they had seen his own wife a mother! --- Oh it does me good to think ? yet. -- I was only a lad, ton? 2 my manter? met much timid a twenty, but all them things that happen'd in the war, one just as fresh as them. That happen'd yesterday, 2 maked? if any they fresher.
["I'm for more does than you Uncle Richard, but I can say the same, 2 it does my old heart good to talk 'em all over.-- You had'nt from your account of the matter rack? horrid times. York 2 the Jarsies?, 2 them harts? as we had in the Caroling's, you had no such radically torres? to misguide you, 2 betray you to the
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