



Status: Complete

June 12, 1947 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three

[Column 1]
GOINGS-ON - - - -

Mr. J. A. Pierce has been off
for a couple of days, attending
graduation exercises. His son
finished with a scholarship.
Congratulations Jim!

The second shift is glad to
welcome Mr. Ed Farmer back
on the job. We are also glad to
have ''Shorty'' Vaughn back
with us after a short absence.

We are sorry to hear of the
illness of Ira Ward. We hope
he will soon be well again.

Mr. and Mrs. Duck Smith,
Marcelle Gavis and Mrs. A. L.
Smith and son enjoyed a motor
trip to the mountains Sunday.

Daisy Batson has a new ne-
phew, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Owens of Travelers Rest.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner Jones
spent Sunday with friends in
Liberty, S. C.

We welcome Edgar Ellison
as a new weaver to No. 2 Weave

The employees of Weave
Room No. 1 Wish to welcome
Evertie Reeves back to work.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bright
were visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Richardson in Greenville

We welcome Mr. F. K. Epps
to Weave Room No. 1 as Over-
seer of the third shift.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee V. Duncan
have as their week-end guest,
their daughter of Laurens, S. C.

For sometime Mr. A. L. Mar-
tin has worn a proud look on
his face, and walked with a
swagger in his stride. At first
it was all a mystery—but leave
it to the girls to find out! He
has completely remodeled his

The employees on Job No. 2
have organized a club to send
flowers, in case of sickness or
death, to their fellow-workers.
The membership fee is fifteen
cents per week.

Mrs. Fannie Goldsmith was a
recent guest in the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Hattie Camden.

Miss Mary Chastain has as
her week-end guest, Miss Doris

Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Thrift
and children enjoyed boat rid-
ing at Tuxedo, Sunday.

We are sorry to learn that C.
L. Francis' little girl is a pa-
tient at the General Hospital in
Greenville. We hope she is soon
able to return home.

Weave Room No. 3 extends
a hearty welcome to Norwood
Pitman. Norwood received his
discharge from the Navy May
25, 1947.

Mr. C. L. Sprouse was honor-
ed with a birthday dinner at
his home last Sunday. Out of
town guests were: Mrs. Cora
Sprouse and Mrs. Roy Jackson
of Ware Shoals, and Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Sprouse of Piedmont.

We are sorry to learn that
Mrs. Ruby Stone is a patient
at Coleman's Hospital, and
wish for her a speedy recovery.

Mrs. G. J. Vickers and daugh-
ter, Jorene, visited relatives in
Laurens and Columbia last

Mr. Curt Ramey and son,
Johnny, were recent guests of
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sprouse.

Linda Burnett, small daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bur-
nett, is getting along nicely af-
ter having had her tonsils re-
moved recently.

[Column 2]
Have you noticed the great
big smile Mrs. Bernice Foster
is wearing lately? She is the
proud grandmother of a new
baby boy.

Mrs. Worthy of Greenville
was a visitor in the home of
her brother, James Smith, last
Sunday. James reports that
they enjoyed a fine chicken
dinner together.

Rosa Lee Cox and a number
of friends motored to Tuxedo,
N. C. last Sunday. Rose Lee's
cousin, Margaret Jones, came
back home with her for a visit.

On the way to Marietta from
Slater, you can see a little ce-
ment block home on the hill-
side, surrounded by pine trees.
It's cute too. Well, that is the
new home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim-
my Canham, and they have al-
ready moved in. Here's wishing
lots of happiness to them!

Doris Pridmore spent an en-
joyable day at Table Rock
State Park last Sunday.

Veda and H. C. Epps were
week-end guests of Mrs. Fannie
Epps. Mrs. Epps says one of
her greatest pleasures is having
her children come back home
for a visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson
and daughter and Mrs. Earline
Thrift and two small daughters,
were recent visitors in N. C.
They report that they especial-
ly enjoyed a trip to Chimney
Rock and Lake Lure.

Mr. C. W. Kuykendall says
he has an increase in his family.
Oh No! It is a new son-in-law.
His daughter, Mary Frances,
was married to Frank McClain
in Pickens on Monday evening.

Miss Edythe Owens spent the
week-end with her sister, Mrs.
Ben Gilstrap.

Billie Raines, his parents,
and his sister, Ginny, had a
grand time visiting in the home
of his grandmother, Mrs. R. L.
Youngblood, recently.

The employees of Weave
Room No. 3, were certainly glad
to welcome Carl Ward back to
work. In addition to being sick
himself, Carl's baby was badly
burned on the hand. We are
glad the baby is also recovering.

At last! Gordon Breedlove
has really traded cars.

Elizabeth Edens and Ethel
Talley enjoyed being together
again. ''Lizzie'' visited in Clem-
son recently.

We all had the pleasure of
wishing Mr. George Ballenger
a Happy Birthday, May 17th.
He was showered with gifts of
candy, cigarettes, gum, etc., but
refused to tell his age. But Mrs.
Ballenger gave him a birthday
dinner, and we found out—
There were sixteen candles on
his cake!

Mr. Roy Fowler and his wife
and son were recent visitors in
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Burrell.

Mrs. Willie Mae Henderson
had a special treat recently. Mr.
and Mrs. Willis Warren and
daughter, Bonnie, were visitors
in Mrs. Henderson's home. Mrs.
Warren is a Greenville girl, and
the former Miss Della West.
She and her husband are re-
turned Missionaries from South

Mrs. Mamie Lee Newell of
Orlando, Fla., sister of Mr. W.
F. Fowler, was a recent visitor

[Column 3]
Theatre Guide

June 14, 1947
James Warren
Debra Alden

June 16, 1947
Frances Langford
Phillip Terry
Gene Krupa
Ralph Edwards
June Clayworth

June 20, 1947
Marshall Thompson
Clem Bevans
George Tobias

June 21, 1947
Humphrey Bogart
Lizabeth Scott

June 23, 1947
James Stewart
Lionel Barrymore
Donna Reed

June 27, 1947
Loretta Young
Ethel Barrymore
Joseph Cotten

here. She was the dinner guest
of Mr. and Mrs. George Burrell.
The nieces and nephews of Mrs.
Newell all met at the Burrell
home also. It was quite a family
get-together. Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
lis Pepper and Neta Burrell al-
so were recent guests of the
George Burrell's. It would seem
that Mr. and Mrs. Burrell are
doing a lot of entertaining in
their new home.

Thomas Williams is now
working in Weave Room No. 1.
We hated to see him leave us,
but hope he will like his new

Pearl Price, John Altman,
Evelyn Altman, and Mollie
Baughman motored to Ander-
son, S. C. Sunday afternoon.

[Picture spans columns 3-4]
Dr. Carl G. Campbell, Pastor of the Vineville Baptist Church
of Macon, Ga., is seen above delivering the Commencement ad-
dress to the graduates of the Slater-Marietta School.

[Column 4]

Miss Sybil Flanagan of
Greenville was the week-end
guest of Miss Jorene Vickers
this past week-end.

We would like to congratu-
late Roy Dean, as he was one
of the graduates to finish Slat-
er-Marietta High School this

Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Hamil-
ton recently spent the week
with their daughter, Mary, in
South Boston. They report that
they had a very nice visit.

We have a nice supply of
aluminum ware down at the
canteen, which includes: tea
kettles, double boilers, coffee
pots, and also electric fans and
irons. Drop in to see our dis-

We are sorry that Arthur
Brown has been out for several
days. Hope he will soon be back
at work.

Pearl Price has as a visitor
this week, her grandmother,
Mrs. Cynthia Reece of Green-

Bernice Foster has had to be
out for several days due to ill-
ness in the family. We are glad
to hear that all are just fine

Mr. and Mrs. George Vaughn
have a big baby boy at their
home. He weighs 7 lbs. and 10
ozs., and has been named Ken-
neth George. Congratulations!

Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Southern
of 25 Hyde Street, Greenville,
are happy to know that their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Reed from San
Antonio, Texas, are to arrive
in Greenville June 6 for a two
weeks visit.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hum-
phries had Mrs. Humphries'
Mother and two sisters as their
guests Sunday.


(By Barbara Godfrey, Scribe)

On Wednesday, May 14, 1947
the Brownie Troop of Slater

[Column 5]

The librarian wishes to thank
the parents of the Story Hour
members for their splendid co-
operation in sending their chil-
dren to the practices held in
preparing for the public pro-
gram staged by the Story Hour
groups. Without the parents'
help in this matter, it would
have been impossible to present
the children in such a program.
We are happy that the parents
of our community realize that
these public programs which
present the tiny tots in a per-
formance each summer are ar-
ranged as a part of the training
offered to those who belong to
Story Hour. Parents, we com-
mend you for your cooperation
and interest in this part of the
library program, and we thank
you for your appreciation of
this phase of the children's

Again, two of our library pat-
rons have remembered the li-
brary by donating some of their
own books.

Peggy Scarce, member of the
Girl's Library Club, gave a de-
lightful little book called
''Sleepy Time Stories.'' This
book contains a collection of
stories which have long been
favorites with children. We ap-
preciate Peggy's thoughtfulness
in giving this book to the li-

Mrs. Roy Burnette has very
kindly remembered the library
by donating a book entitled
''Hungry Hill.'' This title, writ-
ten by Daphne du Maurier, has
been very popular, and we
thank Mrs. Burnette for her
kindness in giving a copy of
this book to the library.

Several Story Hour children
have recently had their tonsils
removed at the Wood Memorial
Clinic. These children are Lin-
da Burnette, Marcia Dale Bur-
gess, and Aaron McCollum. We
are glad that these youngsters
are getting along nicely, and
wish for them a very speedy re-

went to the Fish Hatchery at
River Falls.

When we arrived at the Fish
Hatchery, we took off our
shoes and went to see the fish.
We saw one huge fish which
looked like it was blue.

Then we went to the river.
The rocks in the water and the
flowers on the bank made it
very beautiful. We waded in
the water, which was very cold
at first but we soon got used
to it. After wading awhile, we
roasted the hotdogs and then
returned to the river.

Sandra and I were standing
on a rock when Martha Robin-
son saw a lizard on it. Sandra
jumped and I almost fell in the

Finally it was time to go
home, but no one wanted to

On the return trip, we saw
three red birds which were red
as could be.

Upon returning to Slater,
everyone said they had a good
time and then went home.

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