



Status: Complete

October 10, 1946 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three

[A header spans Columns 1 and 2]
GOINGS-ON - - - -

[Column 1]
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Chandler,
Mrs. Georgia Poole, and Miss
Lillian Chandler were dinner
guests of Miss Edna Chandler

Employees of the third shift
in Weave Room 2 regret to
learn that Susie Surratt has
quit work here. She now holds
a position in Columbia.

Hazel Buchanan was the
week-end guest of Miss Kyle

Miss Mary Jane Dugger, Roy
Tate, and Murray Garrett were
dinner guests of Miss Amber
Stroud last Saturday.

We welcome Mrs. Blanche
Hart as a new battery filler in
Weave Room 2 on the third

Kyle Kirby and Hazel Bu-
chanan entertained a large
number of friends at Miss
Kirby's home Saturday night.
Games were played and re-
freshments were served. Ev-
eryone had a most enjoyable

We are glad to have Opal
Smith back at work after being
out sick a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Mays Stroud
and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Bridges, of Travelers Rest, re-
cently enjoyed a very pleasant
trip through the mountains of
North Carolina.

We welcome Mr. Boyd Mar-
tin as the new overseer on the
third shift, Job 3. Mr. Martin
recently took over this job to
replace Mr. F. C. Gunter, who
resigned. We all wish Mr.
Martin much success in his new

Miss June Tolley of Wash-
ington, the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. David Tolley of Mari-
etta, was recently home on a
week's vacation.

We welcome a new employee,
Joe Mooneyham of Pickens, as
oiler. He has recently been
discharged from service after
serving three years.

Miss Fannie Allen of High-
lands was a recent visitor in
the home of Nellie Barnette.

Doris Hart and a friend flew
from East Flat Rock, N. C. to
Tennessee last Sunday. Doris
reports that she enjoyed the
trip very much.

Miss Faye Singleton had as
her week-end guests, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Raines and son.

Mrs. Doris Hart and Miss
Dorothy Barnett were guests at
the wedding of Miss Sollie Cox
of Marietta and R. F. Nabors of
North Carolina held at the
home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cox, on Sat-
urday evening, September 26.

We were sorry to see Hellon
Yeomans leave us but we all
wish her the best of luck on
her new job.

Miss Pearl Price had as her
week-end guests, Hattie, John-
ny, and Luke Starling from

[continued on Column 2]

Winston-Salem, N. C., and Ed
Ferguson, Evelyn and Mollie
Baughman from Greenville. All
had a very nice week-end.

We are sorry our sweeper,
Joe Capps, had to be out from
work a week due to illness, but
are glad to see him back at
work now.

Neta Burrell enjoyed a party
that was given in her honor
Saturday night at the home of
her brother at Dunean.

We believe Robert Allison
really enjoys his squirrel hunt-
ing. He had very good luck
one day recently when he killed
seven. Robert, why didn't you
think of us and divide your

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Smith at-
tended the wedding of Beatrice
Hannah last week at Greer. The
couple will make their home in

We are sorry to learn that
Roy Daniel is on the sick list.
We wish you a speedy recov-
ery, Roy, and hope you will be
back at work real soon.

Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Case
spent the week-end in Hender-
sonville, N. C. with Mrs. Case's
brother, J. D. Grice.

We welcome Richard Lynch
as a new weaver and Alice
Lynch as a new battery filler.
We hope both of you will en-
joy working with us.

Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Bag-
well and daughter, Brenda, vis-
ited Mr. Bagwell's sister, Mrs.
Hendrix, Sunday.

Sollie Cox certainly will be
missed by everyone. Sollie is
going to take up life as a house-
wife. We all wish her the best
of luck and happiness in her
married life.

We are sorry to learn that
Mrs. G. H. Case was ill recent-
ly, but hope she is feeling fine

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Moon
visited their daughter at Shrin-
ers Hospital Sunday.

Misses Faye Singleton and
Bonelle Leatherwood and their
boy friends motored to Ashe-
ville, N. C. recently and had a
very enjoyable trip.

The second shift employees
of No. 1 welcome Mr. Leon Pit-
man back to work as a loom
fixer. They also welcome Mr.
John G. Keller as a new loom

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dodson
went to Hartwell, Ga. on a wild
hunt for fat back, but to our
surprise they succeeded.

Misses Bonelle and Robbie
Leatherwood spent a very hap-
py week-end in Newport, Tenn.
with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Leatherwood.

Everyone was very sorry to
see Mr. Tom Hawkins leave for
Florida. We all wish him the
best of luck and a speedy re-

[Bottom of Column 1]
Overseas Mailing

(Con't. from page 1, col. 2)

be purchased and mailed
earlier in the period than gifts
going to England," they ex-

Youth is glorious, but it isn't
a career.

[Bottom of Column 2]
Life is a straight line be-
tween birth and death which
many people try to lengthen by
walking in circles.

Decide promptly, but never
give any reasons. Your deci-
sions may be right, but your
reasons are sure to be wrong.

[Column 3]
Theatre Guide

October 11, 1946
Wallace Beery
Margaret O'Brien

October 12, 1946
Irene Dunn
Rex Harrison

October 14, 1946
Joan Leslie
Robert Hutton

October 18, 1946
Ray Milland
Olivia de Havilland

October 19, 1946
Bette Davis
Glenn Ford

October 21, 1946
Paul Henreid
Eleanor Parker

[an illustration of a stork]

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Poole
are receiving congratulations
on the birth of a son at Cole-
man Hospital in Travelers Rest
on September 4.

Mrs. Poole is the former Miss
Bertie Smith.

Mr. Poole is employed as a
packer in the Cloth Room of
this plant.

[Caption below photo spanning columns 3, 4 and 5]
Photographer Claude Guest snapped this picture while the members of the Baseball Team
and their guests were "wading" into the fried chicken dinner given in honor of the Baseball
Team. Everyone attending reported an enjoyable time as the 1946 Baseball Season came to an
official end.

[Column 4]

Again, we have so many new
library members that we wish
to dedicate this column to

The first of these new-comers
to the library is Miss Louise
Booth, who is employed in the
mill office: She is not only a
new library member, but is also
"new" in the village, since she
has been working here only a
short time. Miss Booth is a
sister of Mrs. Francis C. Gun-
ter, with whom she resides at
42 Second Street.

Mr. Henry Tinsley recently
affiliated himself with the li-
brary by becoming one of its
new members. Although Mr.
Tinsley lives at Travelers Rest,
he is one of our employees, and
works in the Preparation De-
partment. Mr. Tinsley's wife
became a member of the library
some time ago. However, she
has been sick for several weeks,
and has been unable to do
much reading. We wish for
Mrs. Tinsley a speedy recovery,
and look forward to having her
visit the library again soon.

We are always glad to wel-
come our school children as
new library members. Athalee
Christopher, one of the sixth
grade girls, recently placed her
name on the roll, and we hope
that the library will be of real
service to her throughout the
year. Athalee is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. James Chris-
topher of Marietta.

Still another new member is
Mavis Morgan, another one of
our school girls. She is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Rufus Morgan of Route 2,
Travelers Rest. We are glad to
have Mavis, and hope that she
will visit the library as often
as possible.

Now let's talk about school
boys for awhile, and introduce

[Column 5]
Eugene Stone as our next new
member. Eugene, son of Mrs.
E. J. Stone, is a Slater resident.
He has visited the library to
secure materials for special as-
signments, and we trust that
we can continue to be of ser-
vice to him.

Robert Stone, brother of Eu-
gene, is our next new member.
He, like Eugene, came to the
community library in search of
special materials to use in con-
nection with his school work.
We are glad that these boys
thought of the library, and
hope that their visits will be

Our last new member is a
little girl who not only enroll-
ed as a library member but she
has also joined the Thursday
Afternoon Story Hour group.
She is none other than "Jackie"
Clary, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James W. Clary of Slater.
"Jackie's" father reads exten-
sively, and we are glad to see
that both she and her brother,
Jimmy, member of Boys' Club,
have acquired Mr. Clary's taste
for reading.

To all these new members,
we say "Welcome; we are glad
to have you."

And may we add one other
word not only to the new mem-
bers, but to everyone—please
come to the library as often as
possible, and always feel free
to call on the librarian for help
regarding library materials.
She is always glad to assist.

Myrtle Lane

(Con't. from page 1, col. 4)

men to banish the Indians from
Florida to Arkansas.

The librarian thanks Mrs.
Lane for her kindness in donat-
ing these books to the library.

Politics: What the politicians
think the people can't see

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