



Status: Needs Review

Page Four THE SLATER NEWS December 22, 1945

[Column One]

Library Clubs
Hold Their Party

The auditorium at Slater
Hall was the scene of a gay
and colorful Christmas party
given for members of the Boys
and Girls' Library Clubs on
Monday afternoon, December

The decorations were confin-
ed to a long table on which had
been placed paper covers fea-
turing Santa Claus in his sleigh
riding above the housetops. The
center of the table was marked
by a brilliantly lighted Christ-
mas tree. Stately red candles
glowed near the end of the
table, while frosty bowls of red
apples nestled in cotton
sprinkled with artificial snow
added their bit of holiday cheer
to the occassion. Each child's
place was marked by a souve-
nir container of mixed candies.
These containers were especial-
ly attractive since they featur-
ed Santa Claus descending into
a fireplace where stockings
were hung awaiting his arrival.

During the afternoon the
children enjoyed a series of
games such as "Christmas
Handshake" and "Who Has
The Stocking?"

The Girls' Library Club has
27 members while the Boys'
Club has 51 members. Those
enrolled in the Girls' Club are:
Elaine Foster, Betty Garrett,
Sara Faye Johnson, Clara Ram-
sey, Madge Robinson, Margaret
Robinson, Carolyeen Smith,
Nancy Stephenson, Patricia
Summey, Sigrid Gosnell, Sarah
Jo Johnson, Betty Lou Phillips,
Joan Rowland and Frieda

Also: Martha Robinson,
Jackie Hayden, Fern Barrett,
Joyce Bryant, Carolyn Dixon,
Patsy Southerlin, Ida Sue
Stockton, Barbara Godfrey,
Barbara Ann Thornton, Fran-
ces Hester, Barbara Lou Hes-
ter, Mary Ann Tilley and
Elaine Childs.

Members of the Boys' Li-
brary Club are: Gene Adding-
ton, Richard Burnette, Donald
Burnette, Bobby Cole, Thomas
Cox, Rudolph Daniel, Billy
Garrett, Sammy Johnson,
Mickey Ramsey, Max Robinson,
Kenneth Waldrop, Donald Bar-
rett, Herbert Farthing, Ted
Smith, Don Waldrop, Buddy
Brown, Weldon Gosnell, Jim-
my Hembree, Junior McMakin,
Jesse White, Jimmy Revis,
George Hopson, L. B. Vaughn,
Jr., Buddy Stephenson, James
Johnson and Jimmy Lell.

Also: Bobby Johnson, Clar-
ence Canham, Dean Vickers,
Eugene Henderson, Robert
Henderson, Belton Voyles,
Richard Rowland, James Hes-
ter, Kenneth Hester, Alton
White, Jerry Mack Ballenger,
Fred Revis, Bobby Sprouse,
Billy Joe Huffman, Charles
Clerk, Truman Dickson, Bobby
Addington, Larry Childs, Jack
Dean, Marshall Jones, Dickie
Gossett, Bobby Waldrop, Mack
Vickers, Maxie Waldrop and
Grady Eanes.

The party for these two clubs
was sponsored by the Slater
Community Association. It was
planned and supervised by Mr.
and Mrs. W. Earle Reid.
The surest way not to fail is
to determine to succeed. ―

[column 2]


James E. Grice, S. K. 3/C.
a former employee of this Com-
pany expresses his sentiment
and that of his two pals, in re-
gard to their present "Point"
status, in the following poem.
We hope that his plea will be
answered, and that he will
soon be home again.


The news that I read in the
paper each day,
Has blessed me with these few
words to say.
There's pain in my heart and
soreness in my joints,
From kneeling and praying for
forty-four points.

Just because we're storekeep-
ers, (Important Men)
The Navy says that we've got
to stay in,
To us, all of this is more than
With no consolation until Jan-

After January we don't know
After all these blessings that
we have got.
"Yes" points have been lowered
(for other men.)
Others go by the thousands,
(we go by the ten.)

I see where Mac got a letter to-
And here's what the writer had
to say.
"I know that soreness will
leave your joints,
As us U. S. Sailors get out with
thirty-four points."

Now, we'd like to use our free-
dom of speech,
In hopes some Congressman's
heart it will reach,
While we're stranded here in
this occupation,
In the line of duty and it's no

We've sacrificed everything
and done our best,
Now, we feel that our points
should be with the rest.
If this could be done, it would
ease our pain
And then, we couldn't feel that
we sacrificed in vain.

By—The Sad Sacks,
Over There

P. S. Our tribute to those who
share the same fate.
Men Overseas
(Con't. from page 3, col. 3)

ing with unit clubs and day-
room activities in France, Ger-
many, Austria, Belgium and in
Denmark (Bremen Leave
Area). By Christmas the num-
ber of clubs and number of
hostesses in their bright blue
uniforms with the rainbow
shoulder patch will have in-
creased considerably according
to the needs of the various
theater areas.

One hundred Army librar-
ians — again American girls in
the same natty blue uniforms
— are now in the European
Theater "manning" the Army's
libraries and helping the G. I.'s
who like to read make appro-
priate selections from the
Army's vast supplies of books
and magazines.

[article continues col. 3, middle section]

In Europe, also, Special
Services operates what are
known as G. I. Tours. Enlisted
men on furlough at Christmas
time and officers on leave may
spend their holidays traveling
at Army expense to places of
interest in France, Switzerland,
Belgium, Holland, England and
Scotland, where they may have
the opportunity to participate
in the native civilian Yuletide

In both the Pacific and
European Theaters the Chris-
mas season is expected to find
a vastly accelerated program
of athletic, musical and drama-
tic events participated in by
soldiers for their own amuse-
ment and that of their buddies.

[article continues on col. 4, bottom section]

Special athletic contests will
be planned. V-Dices — the
Army's own records — will
bring Christmas music to the
G. I.'s who may also engage
their talents performing in
orchestras, dance bands and
the like. Special Services is
now recruiting 70 young act-
resses, singers, dancers and
legitimate performers to go to
the Pacific where they will
play feminine roles in soldier
shows. One hundred actresses
are similarly engaged at pres-
ent with troops in Europe, Bel-
gium and Germany, where they
will be active in this work
throughout the Christmas holi-

Hundreds of USO-Camp
Show performers will be in all
foreign theaters of operation
at Christmas time entertaining
soldiers. A request for more
professional talent was recent-
ly made by Gen. Douglas Mac-
Arthur, who pointed out that
USA-Camp Shows have contri-
buted materially to the main-
tenance of high morale among
our troops.

At present, there are 253
units overseas in all areas, com-
prising 1,701 entertainers.
Overseas theatrical units are
offering such shows as "Junior
Miss," "Dear Ruth," "The Late
Christopher Bean," "Kiss and
Tell," "Pardon Me," "Girl
Crazy," "Room Service,"
"What a Life," "Three Men on
a Horse," and "Salute to

A sergeant back from over-
seas, on a recent radio quiz
program, knew so much about
current Broadway productions,
he was asked how that could
happen since he'd spent the
past three years out of this
country. He answered:
"You've no idea of the quality
of entertainment provided us
in the service" — a fitting trib-
ute to the efforts of Special
Services and USO - Camp
Shows, Inc.

Movies — including the lat-
est from Hollywood — will be
shown on the basis of three
new programs each week in
overseas Army camps and
Army requisitioned foreign
civilian theaters, providing
holidy-season recreation for
many G. I. "fans" who prefer
this type of entertainment for
relaxation . . . and to remind
them of home.

[article continues on col. 5, bottom section]

Army Exchange Service con-
tinues to pay a big part in
helping to boost the morale of
soldiers far from home and
loved ones during such "family
days" as Christmas. Not only
does the Exchange's Gift Order
Service enable G. I.'s all over
the world to make Christmas
gift selections from catalogues
for the folks at home well in
advance to be delivered in time
by dealers in this country, but,
as a sideline, it stocks PX's in
foreign countries with native
sourvenirs and curios so the sol-
dier can buy them at reason-
able prices. Thus, when doing
his Christmas or other gift
shopping, he is protected from
paying local dealers war-inflat-
ed prices.

That soldiers abroad have
Christmas well in mind is evi-
denced by the fact that 126,802
Christmas gift orders, valued
at $927,129 have been processed
by the Army Exchange Service
by October 30, with 90,000
more orders in process. It is
estimated that a total of 250,-
000 to 300,000 Christmas pres-
ents will reach the families of
overseas soldiers through this
service by Christmas Day.

For their women folks, sol-
diers are ordering jewelry,
compacts, cosmetics, perfumes
—in that order of popularity;
for "Dad" or "Brother" it's
wallets, ties, lotions, jewelry,
gloves, scarves and tobacco;
for the children, toys, dolls,
comic magazines. Classed un-
der "general" they have order-
ed candy, packaged fruit,
flowers, books, and magazine
subscriptions, pillow tops and
silver gifts, phonograph al-
bums and umbrellas.

Wholesome holiday activities
for their own pleasure and
comfort; opportunity to send
gifts to the home folks. . . Yes,
thanks in good measure to
Army's Special Services — and
not forgetting the Quarter-
master supplying holiday food
and the Army Postal Service
bringing welcome packages
and letters from home—Ameri-
can men and women in uni-
form in the far-flung places of
the world will have a far bet-
ter chance for a Merry Christ-
mas away from home this year
than has ever been possible
since our troops landed on
foreign shores to fight a win-
ning war.

[column 3, top section]


Four years ago America
Was in peace and oh so gay,
Gratefully, hoping and praying
For a happy Christmas.
Then December seventh
War was declared and took
our loved ones away.
They took it like a man and
Never seemed to care.
But oh how our hearts for
Were filled with grief and fear.
Oh, on that bright December
Pearl Harbor was bombed
without a warning.
As the days went on, Christ-
mas came
And went like a dream.
And as we know, the three
Following were just the same.

But this Christmas should be
the happiest Christmas of
memory forever. For this is the
year of Victory and peace.

And while we are celebrating
our happy Christmas, let us re-
member Pearl Harbor, and
those who have died in this
war of sorrow. And let us
remember and honor the serv-
icemen and women that re-

Margaret Rose Johnson
Slater, S. C.


Considerable difficulties
have been experienced
within the last three
quarters in collection of
water bills for the Slater
Water, Sewer & Light
District. The biggest
trouble is procrastination
and a certain element of
the consumers will not
pay their bills until they
are delinquent and have
to be contacted personally
and sometimes hard feel-
ings result.

This is strictly a busi-
ness proposition. We buy
our water from the Green-
ville City water works
and must pay our bill by
the 15th and warning is
hereby given that in the
future if your water bill
is not paid between the
1st and 15th water service
will be discontinued.

Please be reasonable
and pay your water bill

Slater Water, Sewer &
Light Commission
F. J. Brannon, Commis-
A. B. McMakin, Com-
F. P. Hamilton, Com-

[column 4, top section]

Victory Christmas
Is Great Affair

Christmas will be celebrated
throughout America — cele-
brated as never before in our

For this is the year of Vic-
tory — and peace. Gratefully
our carols will rise to reach
those who have not yet rejoin-
ed us. Silently and prayerfully
we will remember those who
will never return. We here at
home safe in the land we love
preserved from the ravages of
war know that this year we
have cause to keep the great
days saccred. Again the Christ-
mas tree will glisten, the Yule
logs blaze, and the presents
made ready for Santa's visit.
Again Merry Christmas will
echo and re-echo as there is
truly Peace on Earth, Good
will to men.

Betty Jean Cox,
Slater, S. C.

[column 5, top section]

School Closes
For Holidays

The Slater-Marietta School
will close on December 21st at
12:30 for the Christmas holi-
days. Work will be resumed,
January 2nd at 9:00 A. M.

With the beginning of our
school work January 2nd, we
are to have again public school
music taught after a period of
one and one-half years without
it. Miss Kathleen Farnsworth
of Greenville is to be the teach-
er. Miss Farnsworth is a gradu-
ate of Converse College, Spar-
tanburg, S. C., and has taught
one year in Texas. We are de-
ighted to have Miss Farns-
worth as a member of our fac-
ulty and also glad that we are
able to offer public school
music to pupils. Too, she
will give private lessons in

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