



Status: Complete

Page Two
August 9, 1945

The Slater News
Published Every Two Weeks
By S. Slater & Sons, Inc.
Established 1790
In The Interest of Its Employees




Weave Room: Ernestine McCall,
Nellie Barnette, Walker Reid,
Gladys Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sara C.
Chitwood, Dovie Faust, Georgia
Bennett, and Louise Bagwell.

Preparation Dept.: Jessie Vassey,
Dorothy Hawkins, Julia Brown,
Mildred Mull, Mary Wallace,
Lucille Tate, Ruby Drury, Nellie
Ruth Payne, Stanley Hawkins,
Irene Cox.

Cloth Room: Jessie M. Smith.

Community: Mrs. Raymond Johnson,
W. Earle Reid, Ruby P. Reid,
Doris F. Atkinson.


Good Work!

The Slater News notices that
Patrica Summey and Elaine
Foster have received the Girl
Scout Service Pin as a result
of their work at the playground
last summer in the interest of
the betterment of this communi-

We wish to heartily com-
mend and thank these two
young ladies for the fine con-
tribution of their time towards
community betterment, and
wish to commend their example
to all of the residents of this
village as it is a step in the
right direction. Most of the
things which have contributed
materially to the betterment of
society as a whole have come
from people who have given
the things they had to the bet-
terment of the rest without
thought of self or agrandise-
ment. This is a real Christian
spirited attitude, and one that
could be emulated by others.

We sincerely hope that
others will be embued with this
spirit and will do something to
leave their mark for the bet
terment of all as shown our
community by these two young
ladies not yet in their teens. We
wish to again thank them for
their work and for their ex-
ample to others and truly say
"you have done good work."

Keep On The Job

The end of the war in Ger-
many has caused a good deal
of unrest among employees of
industries throughout the coun-
try. Weary of long hours and
attracted by stories of fabulous
salaries in other occupations,
many American workers have
changed positions only to dis-
cover that their original em-
ployment was more advantage-
ous in every respect than the
position they changed over to.

It's the old, old story of
"Farther Fields are Greener"
and it leads to regret on the


Twilight from our corner on
a recent Sunday afternoon:

The skies are overcast with
dripping clouds, and the kid-
dies of our corner have fore-
gone their habitual evening
game of hiding to gather a-
round the checkerboard on our
front porch.

Cicadas saw away on their
fiddles and tree frogs chirp

A sailor boy, with trousers
turned up away from the wet
streets, swaggers by in step
with a civilian.

The measured chop-chop of
an axe as a neighbor splits
wood for cooking tomorrow's

And the patient plop of a fly
swat as another neighbor kills
flies in her kitchen.

The deep-throated bark of a
dog half a block away is an-
swered by the yap-yap-yip of a
tiny fellow across the street.

A couple of small children,
out for a short walk, turn at
the corner and go back home.

Part of the kiddies of our
corner go to their homes, and
the others go inside to read

A lightning bug flies slowly
across the yard and blinks his
tiny light against the dusky

Three small boys, apparently
in a recent fight, walk down the
street, one apologizing to an-
other with, "Well, what do you
think you did to me? I told you
I was sorry."

The western sky flames out
in a glory of red sunset against
gray clouds.

Street lights come on to hold
back the blanket of darkness
that hovers nigh, ready to tuck
our village to rest in its little

And soft music from the
church on the hill provides a
lullaby for quiet meditation.

part of the worker who leaves
old friends and familiar em-
ployment for an occupation
which never materializes into
the dream job he thought it
would be.

We are still engaged in the
serious business of fighting a
dangerous enemy. Our present
occupations are vital to the
smooth operation of the war ef-
fort, and it is our patriotic
duty to stay on our present
jobs. What would you think of
an army that decided to return
to civilian life when an im-
portant battle was about to be
fought? You'd be horrified at
such cowardice, wouldn't you?
You'd feel that the army was
deliberately laying down on
the job, wouldn't you? Well,
it's practically the same situa-
tion in civilian life. What if the
employees of a war industry de-
cided to quit their jobs and be-
come salesmen? Our armed
forces would be deprived of the
weapons of war as a direct re-
sult, and the enemy would walk
all over us. That's why it's im-
portant that we stay on our
present jobs. To win this war
we've all got to put our should-
ers to the wheel, and that
means that we've go to stay on
our jobs and back up our fight-
ing men.

Our boys in Army, Navy and
Marine forces aren't thinking

Cloth Room Chatter

Sgt. Ansel Looper and his
Texas ride were recent visi-
tors in the Cloth Room. Sgt.
Looper is a brother of Lake
Looper, and a former employee
of S. Slater & Sons, Inc. Mrs.
Looper is the former Miss Lu-
Jean Holstene, of San Marcos,
Texas. The newly weds are
making their temporary home
near his camp in Texas.

Pvt. Wilton Poole has been
home on a ten day furlough,
but has now returned to his
post in Calif. Wilton is the
proud father of a baby son.

John "Red" Southerlin, S-
2/C, of Camp Peary, Va., has
been visiting relatives and
friends, but returned to Vir-
ginia on July 27. He tells us
that he likes the Navy very
much, but will be glad when it
is all over so he can be back
with his family.

Mr. and Mrs. Duff Stroud had
as their Sunday guests Mr. and
Mrs. Olin Brazile and Mrs.
Bertha Owensby, all of Green-

Mrs. Lillie Mae Green has
been walking on air since she
was notified that her husband,
Pfc. Laten Green, had arrived
in New York from Europe and
will soon be home.

We regret to learn that Mrs.
Sallie Guest had an unfortun-
ate accident Monday. She fell
and injured her leg badly. We
hope she will soon be able to be
back on the job.

We are glad to have Miss
Mabel Kemp back after several
weeks absence due to illness.

Pfc. Clyde Coleman, husband
of Mrs. Mildred Coleman, has
recovered from his siege of
pneumonia and is back with his
company in Germany.

Mrs. Perry Rampey, Mrs.
Jessie M. Smith and Miss Janie
McCluney visited Mrs. Ram-
pey's mother, Mrs. Beulah Mc-
Junkin in Pickens last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson
entertained the family and
Miss Lucille Cunningham, Miss
Frances Coleman and Mr.
Charles Waldrop at supper at
their cottage at River Falls.
The event was in honor of Mrs.
Johnson's brother, "R e d

New members recently added
to the Cloth Room force are as
follows: Mr. Charlie Lingerfelt,
sweeper; and Mr. Baxter C.
Hammett, shearer. We wish to
welcome these two men and
hope they will enjoy working
with us.


"On the eighth day of every
month the Japanese commemo-
rate Pearl Harbor and the out-
break of the Pacific war - it
was on the eighth according to
Japanese time. The main fea-
tures are straw-filled effigies of
President Roosevelt, Winston
Churchill and Generalissimo
Chiang Kai-shek, stabbed to
shreds by eager groups who
use pen knives, kitchen knives
and sometimes honored-family
swords." - Yin Tso, a Chinese
student who escaped from
Japan to Free China.

of changing their jobs. Neither
should we. Let's keep our pro-
duction forces intact by keep-
ing employment turnover at a
minimum. It will pay dividends
in victory and security in the
long run.


Miss Ophelia Riley recently
spent two weks in Hillsboro,
N. C. with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Edd Riley.

Mrs. Louise Bagwell has been
out sick for the past few days,
but we hope she will soon be
back with us.

Mrs. Florence Hayden and
children, Jackie and Henry,
spent the weekend in Laurens
with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hay-
den, and the children remained
for a two weeks' stay with
their grandparents.

Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Mc-
Cury, of Tennessee, were the
guests of Mrs. Rhoda Tolley on

Hollis Peterson met his
brother, Ibra, somewhere in
Germany recently and they
spent four days together. Both
boys formerly worked at Sla-

Mrs. Ella Mae Bagwell of
Spartanburg, and Pvt. C. J.
Everitt, of Camp Croft, were
visitors in the home of Mrs.
Priscilla Bruce recently.

Mrs. June Austin and family
recently spent a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penland.

Mrs. J. H. Fuller and daugh-
ter, Jackie, visited her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Richardson,
of Marietta.

We welcome the following
newcomers to the second shift
in Weave Room No. 1: Miss
Lucy TeVogt, and Mr. and Mrs.
Howard F. Wyatt.

Mrs. Opal Lane and Mrs.
Inez Hannon have recently re-
turned home after a delightful

Miss Adith Richardson was a
recent visitor of her sister, Mrs.
W. T. Harton, of Belmont, N.

Mrs. H. B. Johnson, of Shel-
by, N. C., spent several days at
Slater with Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
Johnson. She was accompanied
home by her little neice, Kay

Mrs. Lonnie Mae Morgan has
been out several days sick, and
we wish for her a speedy re-

Mrs. C. J. Johnson, Mrs. H.
B. Johnson, Misses Kay and
Brenda Thrift spent Wednes-
day in Greer with Mrs. John-
son's mother, Mrs. F. E. Lin-

Mrs. Frances Duncan has
been out from work several
days due to illness of her

Miss Beatrice Looper was
out from work last week with
her brother, Hoyt Looper, who
left Friday for the Army.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Starkey
had as their weekend guests,
Mrs. G. A. Waldrop, Mrs.
James Starkey, of Greenville,
and Mrs. L. K. Starkey, of At-
lanta, Ga.

Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Davis and
family spent a few days in Shel-
by with Mr. and Mrs. E. S.
Davis, whose son, Marcus
Davis, recently died in a Naval
Hospital in Albany, Calif.

We welcome Miss Frances
Foster as a battery hand on the
third shift in No. 1, and Sam
Looper as a cloth doffer. We
wish both of them luck in their
work here.

George A. Barnett, S-2/C,
had a nice visit with friends in
Slater recently. He is now serv-
ing with the U. S. Navy at
Davisville, R. I.

Last Monday Mr. Ray Clark
and Mr. C. G. Marsh enjoyed a
fishing trip at Pioneer Park.
Mr. Clark has had fish on the
table many times lately, being
an expert fly fisherman. He al-
ways has very good luck with
the fly rod.

Facts And Figures

(Con't. from page 1, col. 4)

have rendered patriotic service
to their country.

Shintoism, or "the way of
the Gods," is a purely native
cult which has no creed, no
moral code and no priests, al-
though it has 14,000 gods be-
fore whom offerings are made
at periodic intervals. Shino-
ism appears to be mostly a kind
of ancestor and hero worship.

Buddhism entered Japan in
552, along with the arts, let-
ters and science of China. Bud-
dhism is the most powerful of
the Japanese sects, and the
majority of the people are bud-

It is interesting to note that
Japan has never been defeated
in warfare (although she will
experience defeat in this war)
and that she has remained bar-
baric even under the powerful
influence of Chinese arts and
sciences with which the entire
race is impregnated. As a point
of information, Japan now con-
trols over 400,000,000 slave
peoples and has a powerful
standing army which it will be
no cinch to knock out of action.

That is a thumbnail sketch
of your enemy. He is strong
and powerful. He would rather
die for his country than cause
an enemy soldier to die for his.
He subsists on a meager ration
of rice and fish and runs highly
efficient war plants on a 24
hour day basis.

Japan will eventually be
compellled to surrender uncon-
ditionally. Our Army, Navy
and Marine Corps are rapidly
proving that the Japs are be-
ginning to crack under the
superior skill of our armed
forces. But the final defeat of
Japan depends not only on our
armed forces, but on our efforts
on the home front. The bonds
we buy and the goods we pro-
duce all add up to a crushing
defeat for the Jap. Let's stay
behind the men behind the guns
and get the nasty job of whip-
pring the Jap over with as
soon as possible.

I am an old man and have
known many troubles, but most
of them never happened -
Mark Twain


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