January 1953 page 18


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MKMcCabe at Jan 08, 2023 09:33 PM

January 1953 page 18

Mr. and Mrs. N. D. O'Briant spent
Christmas with their daughter, Mrs.
Oscar Starns of Alberta, Ga. Mr.
O'Briant is the Durham agency.

Yard Brakeman R. W. Matthews was
married on December 20.

Agent T. F. Womble of Apex, a joint
Seaboard-D & S employee, has re-
ceived the 50-year Seaboard service
emblem in appropriate ceremonies. Mr.
Womble joined the Seaboard as a flag-
man in 1902 and has been agent at
Apex since 1913.

John McAllister, son of Superintend-
ent and Mrs. H. A. McAllister,
Christmas with his parents and then
visited his brother in New York before
sailing for the West Indies where he
will be stationed for two years.

Mrs. Blanche Matthews and family
spent Christmas with relatives in Win-
ston-Salem. She is a steno-clerk in the
traffic department.

Mrs. C. F. Dean, wife of Section
Foreman Dean,
has returned to her
home after treatment in Watts Hos-

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Griffin spent
Christmas in Charlotte with their
parents. Mr. Griffin is traveling freight

Mrs. and Mrs. W. J. Kerr, Jr. enter-
tained the Durham office employees
and their wives and husbands at their
home on January 2. The group enjoyed
a buffet supper, songs, and a comic
fashion show put on by the men.

Lela Taylor, 54, sister of Carlton
of Dunn Shops, died in
Dunn on January 9.

The Dunn Shops were recent hosts
to the 12th-grade physics class of the
Dunn High School. The group of 30
inspected the locomotives and repair

W. L. Thames, former D & S op-
erator, was a recent visitor to Dunn.

[image: men and children standing around Santa Claus]

Pictured above is Agent W. E. Cobb
of Dunn,
right, at the Christmas party
of the Branch Sunday School in Dunn.
Mr. Cobb organized the Sunday School
a year ago with an enrollment of 29.
There are now 107 students and 85 of
these attended the Christmas party.

After enjoying a visit from her sister
and family at Christmas, Mrs. Billie B.
agent at Coats, and her son,
Kenneth, a student at Louisburg Col-
lege, visited Mrs. Keene's mother in
Reidsville, N. C.

Twenty-six floats sponsored by local
churches were entered in Dunn's first
Christmas parade held on January 20.
The float sponsored by the First Bap-
tist Church was built by the young
married couples class of which L. W.
Turner, Jr.,
clerk-operator at Dunn, is
a member. The largest crowed of people
ever seen in Dunn were on hand for
the parade.


For every 100 persons employed in
the actual operation of trains, about
375 persons are employed to keep the
tracks, yards, bridges, locomotives, cars
and other equipment and facilities in
condition, to handle clerical work, to
look after purchases and supplies, to
man the stations, yards and supply
depots, and to perform other duties
required to keep the railroads operat-
ing smoothly and efficiently.

JANUARY, 1953 19

January 1953 page 18