January 1953 page 4




Status: Complete

[photo of large banquet, spans top half of page both columns 1 & 2]

Banquets Give The Year A Good Start

[column 1]

ANNUAL banquets held in Charlotte
and Greenville early this month
feted more than 600 P & N employees
and guests and helped to get the New
Year off to a good start.

The North Carolina Division was the first
with its banquet at the Hotel Char-
lotte on January 3. This gala occasion
under the chairmanship of John F.
Manley, attracted 325 persons. It be-
gan with a banquet and ended in a
lively dance.

South Carolina followed close behind
the Tarheels with an enjoyable ban-
quet and dance held at the Poinsett
Hotel in Greenville on January 10.
Harry T. Campbell was chairman of the
arrangements committee for this suc-
cessful event. Approximately 275 em-

[column 2]

ployees and guests were on hand for
the festivities.

The only serious business conducted
at either banquet was the awarding of
service pins and a brief message from
President Rankin. But even so, the
banquets reflected the strong spirit
of friendliness and teamwork which has
contributed so materially to the suc-
cess of the P & N through the years.

The unavailability of suitable ban-
quet facilities in Durham necessitated
cancellation of this year's annual Dur-
ham & Southern banquet. However, it
is expected that the event will be re-
sumed next year.

On the pages to follow SEMA-
PHORE, through the medium of the
camera, has attempted to recapture
the festive spirit of the two banquets.

JANUARY, 1953 5

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Hello. I have a question: I have been transcribing your publication and at the end of column
1 I have typed i.e. SEMAPHORE, 1953 - then going onto the next column, I have added the page number at the bottom of column 2. I have seen another transcriber putting both the SEMAPHORE and page number at the very end with a transcriber notes on placement. Which way would you like it to be done?