Semaphore - December 1953



December 1953 page 15

December 1953 page 15

awakening of the splendid things all of you as a group are accomplishing for so many people. Never did I realize you were doing so much."--Mrs. Jeannette B. Mills, Charlotte Technical High School.

"Being a relative newcomer to Charlotte, I had no idea that there was such an industry in the community. It was also thrilling to learn first hand of the imagination and industry which so evidently characterizes your company. Thank you for this lifting of my horizon." --George A. Douglas, Coordinator, Fami ly Life Education Program.

"I want to thank you and your associates for a profitable and most enjoyable B-E-M Day. I was indeed fortunate to be privileged to visit the P & N Railway. Being made aware of the fine relationships between businesses and schools is very gratifying."--Miss Betty Cunningham, Central High School.

It goes without saying that the railroad was delighted to have an opportunity to play host to the group and is sincerely grateful for their kind reaction to the tour.

[image: Santa Claus riding a train]



General Committees to plan the annual P & N-D & S banquets have been appointed and are now hard at work on arrangements for the three events scheduled in January.

Chairman of the general committee for the N. C. Division party is Orla F. Asbury, III, DFA in Gastonia. Mr. Asbury's committee is composed of the following: Home E. Ellis, attendance and registration; Baxter Bigham, decorations; Mrs. Blanche Fite, hostesses; Paul U. Taylor, entertainment. The banquet and dance will be held at the Hotel Charlotte on January 2.

The Durham & Southern banquet, to be held at the Washington Duke Hotel, Durham, on January 9, will be under the direction of General Chairman H. L Tillerson. Assisting Mr. Tillerson will by Erby Tart, Mrs. Blanche Matthews, Miss Dora Whitaker, Miss Gladys Bottoms, and A. B. Austin.

In South Carolina the banquet will be held at the Poinsett Hotel in Greenville on January 16. Frank Sellers of the River Junction operating offices has been appointed general chairman. His committee consists of Mrs. Madie Walker, attendance and registration; R. L. Ellison, decorations; Mrs. Louise Deshields, hostesses; and T. A. Shirley, entertainment.


Service awards always take the limelight at this time of the year. No less than 27 employees will receive the awards at P & N banquets on January 2 (N. C. Division) and January 16 (S. C. Division). Five will get 35-year awards; five 30-year awards; seven, 25-year awards; two, 20-year awards; and then, 15-year awards. W. L. Hogan, General Manager, will present the service awards at the two banquets.


Last edit over 1 year ago by MKMcCabe
December 1953 page 16

December 1953 page 16

[image: heading space, line drawings of people doing various tasks]



Auditor of Receipts D. J. Caldwell attended the meeting of the Committee on Freight Accounts, Accounting Division of the Association of American Railroads, held at the Hotel Buena Vista, Biloxi, Mississippi, on November 17, 18, and 19.

We were glad to have Edna G. Bundy help out with the comptometer work during the time Peggie Greene was absent due to illness the middle of November.

Blanche Fite's brother, Henry Hunt, and family of Maryville, Tennessee, spent a few days in Charlotte the first of November en route to visit their son, Charles, who is stationed at Ft. Jackson, S. C. The middle of November Blanche was a patient at the Rex Hospital in Raleigh, but is now back at her desk and seems to be fully recuperated.

Traveling Auditor M. M. "Bill" Morrison spent Thanksgiving with his sister, Mrs. B. B. Belk, and Mr. Belk at their home at Myrtle Beach, S. C.

Gertrude Hill had as her guest over the Thanksgiving holidays, her niece, Joyce Stovall, of Atlanta, Georgia.


Miss Ellen Sears of Ellenboro, N. C., has replaced Mrs. William Black who resigned her position with the Charlotte agency. Miss Sears was formerly employed by Pyramid Motor Co. of Charlotte.

Assistant Agent and Mrs. H. M. Parris of Charlotte spent Thanksgiving with relatives in South Carolina where they enjoyed an old-fashioned Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings.

[image: toddler boy in suit]

Andy Kistler, above, two-year-old son of Master Mechanic and Mrs. Sam Kistler, won the title of "Little Mr. Belmont" at a contest sponsored recently by the Belmont Chapter 221 O.E.S. His prize was the gold loving cup he is holding.

Conductor J. H. Whitlock took his annual vacation this month and spent a good deal of his free time at one of his favorite sports -- hunting.

Engineer W. A. Wentz was also taking time off recently to do some hunting.

Retired Engineer H. T. Worley spent a few hours early this month visiting the trainmaster's and dispatcher's office. He enjoys keeping in touch with his old friends and fellow workers.

Conductor and Mrs. Seth White of Gastonia are the proud grandparents of Wanda Melissa Stewart, new daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart. Mrs.

DECEMBER, 1953 17

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December 1953 page 17

December 1953 page 17

Stewart is the former Miss Jean White, daughter of Conductor and Mrs. White.

T. A. Jones of the Mt. Holly agency attended the Duke-Carolina game on November 28.


[image: infant boy smiling]

Cecil Earl Connelly, Jr., age seven months, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Connelly of Greenville. His father is in the mechanical department at Greenville.

T. Walter Steading, retired P & N employee, died in Greenville several weeks ago. He had been in declining health for several years but his condition became serious only a few days before he died. Mr. Steading was born June 12, 1871, in Spartanburg County. He had been a resident of Greenville for the past 32 years. The funeral was conducted at Triune Methodist Church and burial was in the family polot at Graceland Cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kirk of Belton attended the wedding of their nephew, Claude Hunter, at the Thomasboro Presbyterian Church in Charlotte on Thanksgiving Day.

Engineer B. B. Bridgeman enjoyed his vacation recently catching up on his farming chores. He is a successful parttime farmer.

Brakeman Forest Vaughn enjoyed his vacation recently resting up and doing odd jobs around his home.


1. In what city is Grand Central Station--Boston, New York, Philadelphia or Cincinnati?

2. Which of these states has the greatest railway mileage--New York, Pennsylvania, or Illinois?

3. Are rail anchors attached to the head, web, or base of the rail?

4. Are fixed charges--interest and rental charges or station and terminal expenses?

5. About how may new freight cars were placed in service on the railroads of the United States last year-- 30,000, 60,000, or 100,000?

6. Is Indianapolis, Indiana, in the Eastern or the central time zone?

7. For what railway Officer do the initials GFA stand?

8. What do the initials RRB on the right upper corner of a railroad envelope mean--Railroad Business, Railroad Brotherhood, or Railroad Retirement Board?

9. What branch of railroading is especially concerned with gusset plates-- dining car department, enigneering department, or advertising department?

10. How many switching and terminal companies are there in the United States--less than 100, between 100 and 200, or more than 200?


1. New York. 2. Illinois. 3. Base. 4. Interest and rental charges. 5. About 60,000. 6. Central time zone. 7. General Freight Agent. 8. Railroad business. 9. Engineering. 10. More than 200 (218 to be exact).


Last edit over 1 year ago by MKMcCabe
December 1953 page 18

December 1953 page 18

[image: various churches and a family dressed up for church]

Light their life with faith Bring them to worship this week

When they're little is the best time to give the children the biggest gift of all . . .

Faith. Bulwark of the soul in troubled times. Source of inner peace every day. With it, your children will be ready to meet the obstacles . . . to relish the happy times fully.

And there's no better way to help them find Faith, than by making attendance at church or synagogue a family affair. Go together this week . . . and every week!

CALL TO WORSHIP Christmas in our churches tells the joyful message of the birth of Christ and Peace, Good Will Toward Man. SEMAPHORE is privileged to join with this plea and urge you to attend church regularly--not just at Christmas or Easter or at Thanksgiving but the whole year 'round.

Last edit over 1 year ago by MKMcCabe
December 1953 Back Cover

December 1953 Back Cover

Piedmont & Northern Rwy. Co. Durham & Southern Rwy. Co. P. O. Box 480, Charlotte, N. C.

Form 3547 Requested

Sec. 34.66 P.L.&R. U. S. POSTAGE P A I D Charlotte, N. C. Permit No. 451

[image: engineering waving from train with company logo]


Engineers are the tradition heroes of the railroad history. Theirs is the glamorous job of operating the powerful locomotives that pull scores upon scores of box cars day and night through all sorts of weather.

The P & N and D & S are especially proud of engineers like G. J. Martin, a man with 22 years of service to his credit. Our engineers have an impressive record of reliability, skill, and loyalty.

These are proven qualities of our engineers and other train personnel . . . and they are proven qualities of our SERVICE WITH COURTESY.

Ship P & N or D & S and see what we mean.

Last edit over 1 year ago by MKMcCabe
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 20 in total