1912-05-28 Greenville Piedmont



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[across all columns] THE GREENVILLE DAILY PIEDMONT, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1912.

[top section, column 1]

The Ocean Yoyage

[torn] of the small things for the [oc]ean voyage are just as important part as the large ones. For in[stance], shoes play an important part [of a] woman's ship board dress. These [torn] are very much in evidence, [blurry] blow one's shirts some[times] recklessly. The skirt for deck [blurry] should be somewhat heavy, [torn] although a long coat is considered [sma]rt, it is pretty uncomfortable and [torn] some to walk in.

[torn] special need is a long chiffon [scarf] for the hair. A hat need but be [worn] during much of the time spent [on] board and the long veil keeps [torn] coiffure snug and smart. Hair [nets] are also good for this purpose. [torn] convenient article to have for the [torn] trip is a bag to serve as a re[cep]tacle for magazines and like matter. This bag is hung on the arm of the steamer chair, and it can contain [torn][every?]day work and all the little things that come in handy when one expected to spend days on the water.

The fountain pen is absolutely a necessity to the traveler. It is a convenience in the stateroom to have one's handkerchiefs, neckwear and such little articles in a bag that one does not have to search for and unlock every time any one of the articles is needed. The suitcase be also a nuisance for such a purpose. Pin cases and toilet cases are also convenient for the traveler. These things may seem of little consequence to the traveler before she starts her journey, but once she is aboard the steamer she will soon realize their necessity. ---------------------------o--------------------------- Parraffine paper can be used to polish shoes. It is also a good lining for cake tins. __________________________________ [article spans middle section of cols. 1-3]

Marking the Bride`s Linen

WHEN a bride starts work on her household linen — the process of marking — there are several questions that arise. She may be at a loss to just what initials to place on the linen, she may not know the correct size letters to use on the various pieces, or where to place them. These problems have been confronting June brides for years and years, and often it takes considerable delving to bring out the desired facts.

It is the custom to always mark a bride's linen with the initials of her maiden name. Of course, it is possible that fashions may change— although never radically—regarding the size or the placing of the letters, but the rule of using the bride's initials has never been altered and probably never will be. She may use one or two, just as she pleases; but she should use neither letter of her new name. Through the ages it has been the custom to place the initials of the maiden name on all linen, for the simple reason that while the linen is being prepared the maid still retains that name. She has not taken up her married name, and therfore the linen is really given to her while she is unmarried.

At present the letters of a tablecloth should be approximately two inches in length, and the letter should come just within the edge of the table. On a square cloth the initial should be placed at one corner, but almost any location will answer for the round cloth. Napkins are always marked in one corner, usually about three inches from the edge, with the letters about three-quarters of an inch in length. Sheets are always marked on the upper edge in the center, three inches from the hem, and the initials

[article continues on middle section, column 2]

should be about two inches in length.

In most instances pillow slips are marked to match the sheets in letters from one inch to one and onehalf inches in length. It is a rule to mark sideboard cloths with the letters from one to two inchese in length. The letters are placed in such a manner that they may be seen on the sideboard. They may be located at one end and half way across the cloth. If the sideboard cloth is decorated with emproidery of the eyelet variety the inital can be worked in the same way, using a similar stitch—small eyelets and seed stiches.

Many brides of the season have taken up a new manner of marking the household linen—that of working the letters out of plain, white net. This plan is a very decorative one and is not at all hard to do. In the first place the initial to be embroid-

[article continues on middle section, column 3]

ered is stamped on the linen and backed by the net. Then the thread is taken very carefully around the angles of the letters, and then the linen is cut carefully away. All edges are buttonholed down to the linen, leaving a transparent letter outlined with very heavy buttonholling. The edges of the net are trimmed away when the work is finished.

In order to make the whole more effective, a good plan is to embroider a small wreath or spray about the letters.

Regarding the proper initials for the household linen, it might be said that the bride's initials should be placed on almost all of her possessions, especially those received before her wedding. She should not forget that her maiden initials should be placed even on her going-away trunk and suitcase.

[image of woman in rocking chair sewing]

[return to top section, column two]

[headline and article span cols. 2-6]

Mr. Justwed Has a Hundred Thousand Dollars - For One Minute

That there could be any possible connection between the making of money and a little domestic squabble meams scarcity evident. Oh, no, not making in the sense of earning for, ye gods and little fishes, aren't nearly all domestic misunderstandings based upon that fact—not in the sense of actually manufacturing money. The Justweds found the connection the other day while sight-seeing in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing at Washington whither, you recall, they had gone for a little Springtime jaunt.

Not that money itself nor the making of it was responsible for the little difference—oh, no. It must have been Mr. Justwed's — well —natural married man perseverances. At least, Mrs. J. is of that opiniom. In addition, she felt thoroughly justified in demonstrating for his benefit the truth of the old adage, "What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander."

For the convenience of tourists in the Capital of the Nation and to prevent vast theft by visitors they have a corps of trained guides at the Bureau to point them around the building and explain the many interesting phases of the making of our paper currency. Parties of a dozen or more are led by a guide—always a woman —through they rooms where the dies are engraved, where the printing is done, where it is packed in special boxes to be carried to the Treasury. The guides are, naturally, only human and their explanation can be either perfunctory or extremely enlightening. Much depends upon their frame of mind and the people in their respective parties though, to be rare,

[article continues on top section, column 3]

enough to show frequent repetition can cover the subject by rule without even thinking about it.

As such Mr Justwed must needs make himself a little different from the rest of the party, assume a portion of the management of the affair

[text split by image of Mr. Justwed and the guide]

She made a hit with Mr. J. instantly.

and in the vernacular, "start something." He did—from the insight he saw the guide detailed to conduct the party of which the Justweds were interested spectators.

She was an exceedingly fetching guide. She wasn't old and she hadn't been in the Government service long

[article continues on top section, column 4]

enough to show the unmistakable earmarks of the grind of it all. She was pretty, dainty, stylish, what you will. This point is she made a hit with Mr. J. instantly.

But this is just between us two, for naturally, Mr. J wouldn't admit it for

[text split by image of Mr. Justwed and the guide]

a minute. Husband like he explained to Mrs. Justwed later that he was "jollying her along" solely to secure better service for the—ahem— entire party!

Mrs. J. even agreed that such magnanimity was indeed commendable but inquired immediately if he didn't think a man bad to possess a pretty big bump of conceit to imagine his presence could produce that effect upon a woman who sees a hundred or so men every day! Whereupon—but that was the aftermath, not the incident.

"Come this way, please," said the pretty guide to the party as a whole, in quite her most efficient tone. Nor did she cease at any time to be official; the other was entirely on Mr. Justwed's part. None of them over do.

"Certainly," answered Mr. J., taking the request entirely to himself. And he placed himself directly at her side as she led them down the long corridor.

When she showed them a case of [dies?] from which money was printed Mr. J. was right at her elbow with a dozen or more questions. And when she then led them to an elevator to be lifted to the floor on which the printing is done who was it stood aside gallantly and insisted that she enter before he did? Who? Why, Homer Justwed to be sure!

He wanted to know all about the ink. How it was made, why it was green, did it permanently stain the fingers, could it be manufactured by any one except Uncle Sam? To all his quaries the guide gave him courteous, pleasant, formal answers— that's what she was paid to do!

Then he self-[blurry] spokesman for the party—evinced extreme interest in her work. Was it tiresome? How long were her hours? How many guides were employed? Did she ever have "frank" people to deal with? What—some fresh ones, too! Well, well!

That proved too much for Mrs. J— who had followed along quietly with the rest of the party all the while. She bit her lip, ground her heel in the floor and vowed to get even with Mr. J.

Then the fair guide led them to the

[article continues on top section, column 5]

room in which the pages of printed notes are assorted, counted and bundled ready for delivery to the Treasury Department. Mr. J. at once became an animated interrogation mark. He explained that he was accustomed to seeing money in large

[text split by image of Mr. Justwed and the guide]

quantities since he was cashier of a bank in his home town. But he acknowledged this beat anything he had ever seen before.

Was any of it ever stolen? What— every single bit of paper, printed and unprinted, had to be accounted for each night before any of the employees were allowed to leave the building? Well, well—that was indeed worse

[article continues on top section, column 6]

than having to balance the books every evening. Did she —

But at that point the dainty guide interrupted to lift a pile of notes from the table on which they reposed and explained to the party that any one who wished might hold them for a minute or so—just "to see how it feels to have a hundred thousand dollars in your hands at one time."

Obviously, Mr. J. would have been the first to try it—but a grinning countryman, his eyes wide with wonder, beat him to it. Several of the women in the party screamed in mock dismay as they gingerly supported the small fortune for a second or two. Then it was passed to Mr. J.

"Hey, [Blossom?]," he said, turning to find Mrs. Justwed. "If we duly had an airship now we'd sail right out of here and—"

But Mr. J. was not in the party!

Mr. J. gasped a moment and suddenly lost all interest in the hundred thousand and the guide.

For there, in the room they had just left, was Mrs. Justwed deep in conversation with a lusty, handsome young printer who was solicitously and eagerly explaining to her the gentle art of printing the currency of the realm!

That she was immensely interested was plainly evident from her close attention and the sweet smiles with which she rewarded his efforts every now and then.

Indeed, it was only after Mr. J. had called her name three times that she looked up.

Then she remarked much as one does when interrupted at a pleasing task, "Oh, is it you?"


[top section, column 7] Fashion Note

The art of dreaming will come chiefly in choosing from his the numerous styles which offered for consideration names that will suit the individually of wearer.

With a couple of tub frocks the [woman] with a moderate dress allowance [will] always be well attired on sum[mer] mornings and if these are kept st[rict-] ly for outdoor wear it is astoni[shing] how long they will keep fresh, [and] they save the afternoon frocks immensely. A smarter version of cotton frock is in mercerlized and foulard, which comes in dull p[astel] blues and grays made with a b[ib] top and hem of self-color, which exactly like foulards.

Silk covered hairpins are a nov[elty] and have the great advantage of [not] slipping out of the hair. They [are] made in eight shades—gray, and two shades of golden and four [shades] of brown. They are becoming [more] popular every day. ---------------------------o--------------------------- Shields for the Kimono Sleev[es]

EVERY woman has experien[ced] the difficulty of imperling dr[esss] shields in a kimono sle[eves,] blouse or bodice. The shields [will] not lie flat, even when sewed in several places, and the drawing the sewed in shield is sure to [have] the effect of the outside of the bl[ouse.] A resourceful little woman has [come] upon a clever idea. She takes lingerie blouses that have begun [to] show signs of wear around the sh[oul-] ders; cuts off the sleeves above [the] elbow and removes the collar, [cut-] ting away the blouse at the top [of] a corset cover. In this lingerie she sews the shield securely and [the] outer blouse is protected without [be-] ing pulled or drawn by having [the] shield sewed to its fabric.

[return to middle section, column 5]

[headline and article span middle section, cols. 5-7]

Facts Concerning the Baby

GREAT care should be exercissed in the bathing of the baby. The bath usually consists of an application of olive oil, and as soon as the baby is born it is wrapped warmly in a soft blanket. During the oiling process, only one portion of the tiny body is exposed to the air at a time. In this way chilling is avoided. Only one or two tablespoons of olive oil are necessary for the bath. This is slightly warmed and is applied to the skin with a soft cloth. Then it is wiped off with another soft cloth, and the skin is found to be clear and clean. For the first few days of its life the baby should be oiled every morning, and the eyes treated with a boric acid solution. When King Baby is two weeks old he may be given a

[image of woman pushing stroller down street, spans cols. 5-6]

[article continues on middle section, column 6]

[blurry] milk every morning. But the tub bath should be avoided for a longer time in case the baby is poorly nourished, the olive oil baths being kept up for a longer time.

A baby's stomach is a very delicate instrument, as most mothers have discovered, and thus there is a necessity for a strict diet. The very young baby is unable to digest much except milk, and if the stomach is constantly imposed upon by being forced to take foreign substances, it rebels and will never do its work properly. Improper food often causes sickness and death, while in other cases the stomach may be permanently injured. Until a baby is fully a year old, it should live almost entirely on good, pure milk.

It also requires a moderate amount

[article continues on middle section, column 7]

of water each day. Physicians [agree] that the only addition to the [diet] should be a teaspoonful of juice once a day, after the baby [is ?] months of age. When the baby [is a] year old a little prune juice or of baked apple may be given each day. Gradually other articles [of] food may be added to the diet. These must be things that are [easily] digested by so tender a stomach. [The] baby should be urged to drink [plenty] of water between meals, but it sh[ould] never be given ice water.

Special care should be taken in [the] selection of the milk for the [baby.] In case it is cow's milk, it should [come] from a reliable dairy. Those who [have] made a study of baby food [blurry] milk from Jersey or Guernsey cat[tle is] usually too rich for babies. The [milk] must be kept strictly clean and [free] from contaminating odors. [Bottle] and milk pans should be [soaked] every day with hot water in whi[ch a] little baking soda has been [blurry]. Afterward they can be rinsed in [clean,] fresh water. Absoslute [blurry] the care of the milk is temperat[ive.] ---------------------------o--------------------------- FOR KITCHEN APRONS.

WHEN making aprons for kit[chen] wear it is a good plan to [add] an extra thickness of the [ma-] terial just across the front below [the] waist, as this part of the garment [??] elves the greatest wear. Then, [when] the outside becomes thin, there is [a] patch all ready and faded to the [same] shade as the apron. This plan [can] also be carried out to advantge [when] making sleeves for children's dr is the little elbows soon c through.

[return to bottom section, column 1]

[headline and article span cols. 1-2, bottom section] Facts and Fancies. Of Interest to Women Local Society News

[photo of girl wearing middy blouse] A NEW MIDDY BLOUSE FOR THE CANOE GIRL.

Daintier than the regulation Jack Tar blouse with navey blue triming, is this pretty canoeing blouse of white [gateau?] with facings of pink linen. The model is very girlish and is worn over a short skirt, of gray and white cotton whipcord. Through the street the canoeing girls wears neat button boots of white buckskin with her short skirt, but at the boathouse she changes into rubber soled yachting

[continues on bottom section, column 3]


Afternoon Cards.

Miss Clifford Irvine charmingly entertained on Saturday afternoon, this being a pretty compliment to Mrs. William Gilreath's house guests, Mrs. W. E. Adams and Miss Allen from Thomaston, Ga., Mrs. Tiller, of Washington D. C., and Miss Hines, of Atlanta.

The Irvine home on Hampton avenue was thrown open and was particularly attractive with the added beauty and fragrence of quantities of Dorothy Perkins roses which were sent from Miss Addison's exquisite flower garden. There were pale vases of lovely sweet peas in all thick delicate colors.

Before the game was begun a most refreshing punch was sered by Miss Cordelia Moore, who also assisted Miss Irvine in scoring. An enthusiastic game of progressive euchre was played, after which the cards were cut for the consolation, which was won by Miss Eleanor Furman, she with the honor guests each receiving a lovely cottage bouguet of sweet peas.

An ice course was served on the card tables.

This was one of the most enjoyable of the lovely affairs given by Miss Irvine, who entertains with a charming grace and ease of manner.

Her guests included, besides the honor guests, Mrs. Frank Robinson, Jr., Mrs. Fred Eubanks, Mrs. Thomas McAdoo, Mrs. Richard Sullivan, Mrs. Harry Harris, Misses Hattie and Sarah Rowley, Miss Eliza Killian, Miss Elaine Thompson, Miss Eleanor Furman, Miss Stuart, of Virginia, Misses Virginia and [Bug?] Morris, Miss Lucy Poe, Miss Lurin Bean, Miss Theodora Hayne, Miss Rita Richardson, Miss Corinne Goodlett, Miss Eudora Ramsey, Miss Louise [cut off]

[article continues on bottom section, column 4]

Miss Mary Mauldin, Miss Alma Hicks of Wilmington, N. C., Miss [Paney?] Wyman of Aiken, S. C., Miss Sara Croswell, Miss Agnes Corbett, Miss Lawrs Hammond, Miss Emily Fair of Warrenton, Va. ----------o---------- The following nicely gotten up invitations have been received:

The Trustees, Faculty and Graduating Class of the Greenville City Public Schools request the honor of your presence at the Commencement Exercises Friday Evening, May 31, 1912, at eight-thirty o'clock Grand Opera House. Greenville, South Carolina. ----------o---------- Personals.

Mrs. Adams and Miss Allen, of Thomaston, Ga., and Miss Hines, of Atlanta, left today for their homes after a delightful visit to Mrs. William Gilreath. ----------o---------- Mr. and Mrs. Raven McDavid are with Miss Annie Addison on North street until they move into their new home on North street. ----------o---------- Miss Stuart has returned to her home in Virginia after a pleasant visit to Mrs. Alvin Dean on Buncombe street. ----------o---------- Miss [Nectie?] Symmes has returned from a visit to relatives in Anderson. ---------------------------o--------------------------- A POPULAR SECTION

[photo of Lafayette Gleason] LAFAYETTE GLEASON

Lafayette Gleason, of New York, has been selected as temporary secretary of the National Republican Convention, which will be held in Chicago in June. Mr. Gleason is popular with [cut off]

[bottom section, column 5]

[advertisement for Cardui Tonic]

MRS. POWELL IS NOW HAPPY ----------o---------- Her Miserable Experience For More Than Four Months Enables Her to Appreciate Good Health. ----------o---------- Dry Ridge, Ky.—"I am so happy," writes Mrs. Lydia Powell, from this place, "to be well. I was so poorly that I was almost dead. I had a pain in my left side. My stomach was weak and I was just a skeleton! Our family doctor treated me for four months, but I did not get any better.

I had heard so much about Cardui, the woman's tonic, that I thought I would give it a trial. Now, I am thankful for wonderful help I have received from it. I believe if I had not taken Cardui, I would have been dead or crazy now. My health is very much improved.

When I commenced to take Cardui, I could hardly walk across the room. Now I can walk four miles and do my work with a great deal more ease. I will always recommend Cardui to all suffering women. I owe my life and health to Cardui, and I cannot praise it enough for the good it has done me."

Cardui has a record of more than 50 years' success as a medicine—a tonic—for weak, tired, worn-out women.

Suppose you try it. It will help you.

N. B.—Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special Instructions, and 64-page book, "Home Treatment for Women," sent in plan wrapper on request. __________________________________ NURSE WEDS AT MIDNIGHT. ----------o---------- Joke Responsible for Wilmington Wedding. (From the Philadelphia Ledger.)

Culminating a romance which had its inception at the seashore last summer, Miss Helen M. Dean, 24 years old, a graduate nurse of the Medico[Chirurgical?] hospital, and George [cut off]

[bottom section, column 6]

day night. The wedding was the result of a joke which Miss Dean played on several of ther friends Sunday night.

One of them asked her if it were true that she and Bronson were married. She answered in the affiirmative. Then, when here fiance called she told him of the joke. Declaring that the best thing to do in a case like that would be to make the joke a reality, Bronson telephoned for a taxicab and ordered the driver to go to Wilmington. There they were married by the Rev. George L. Wolf at midnight. Miss Dean lives at 1,422 Thompson street and Bronson lives at 2,900 Girard avenue. They will start a wedding trip in a few days. ---------------------------o--------------------------- [advertisement for Greenville Grocery]

Try our Java and Mocha Coffee at 3t cents pound. It is fine. Greenville Grocery Co. ---------------------------o--------------------------- KILLED AS SHE MILKS COW. ----------o---------- Woman`s Brother Struck by Same Lightning Bolt and is Paralyzed

Blairsville, N. J., May 28—As she sat in the barn on the Van Horn farm in Frellinghuysen township last night milking a cow, Miss Cavilla M. Curtis, 54 years old, was instantly killed by lightning.

The same bolt struk and knocked down her brother, James Curtis. He was rendered unconscious. His legs are paralized, and physicians have

[article continues on bottom section, column 7]

been unable to determine whether [the] injury will be perminent. ---------------------------o--------------------------- [advertisement for Greenville Grocery]

See the Greenville [Gro-] cery Col. about fruit wholesale and retail.

[advertisement for C. D. Kenny Co.]

[image of man talking on telephone]

We have a blend for every p[alate.] When we can not please you on fees or teas, you need the do[ctor.] You're sick. Have you tried [Kenny's] Special Coffee 25c, or Kennys C Ten 50c? Call us today [for] Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Baking Po[wder] and Rice.

Nice Souvenir every Saturday.

C. D. KENNY CO. Phone 174. 118 S. Main

[return to bottom section, columns 6-7]

[advertisement for Miss Hicks Millinary]



We have everything you could want in the Millinery Line for Summer Use.

MISS HICKS Opposite Blue Ridge Hotel. Washington St.

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[first column] GREENVILLE DAILY PIEDMONT Established 1834. ----------- Every afternoon except Sunday. At [235 S. Main St?] Greenville S.C. ----------- ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES ------------ HAROLD C. BOOKER, Editor ----------- TELEPHONES: [?] Office ..............[234?] [Editorial?] Rooms ..........[247?] [Geo.R. Koester's?] private office .. [242?] Society [Editors?] ...........[743?] ------------ SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier in the City: One Year ..................[??.??] Six Months ...............[2.??] Three Months ..........[???] One Month ...............[??] --------- By Mail: One Year ...............[???] One Month .............[??] Entered at the Greenville Post Office as mail matter of the second class. ------------ Eastern Representative. E G. LinGenstein, Inc. 112 East 13th St, New York City Western Representative. E.G. LinGenstein, Inc. 285 Boyce Bldg. Chicago, Ill. ------ The Greenville Dail Piedmont will publish brief and rational [??] of subjects of general internal which then are signed by their authors and are not of a defamatory nature. ------ All checks and drafts and money orders should be made payable to The Daily Piedmont. GEO. R. KOESTER, Publisher ------ TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1912 ------ Rainy days are good days for swatting flies. ------- Only a few weeks until the watermelon season. --------- Everybody's going to [Chic's?] Springs tomorrow. ------- Wonder what Mr. [Cormips] would take for his ten votes? -------- June brides will be exactly one dollar higher this year than last. ------- [Picking?] cotton would be good exercise for the school boys after this week. -------- One idea of a mean man is that Minnesota pastor who stole a blind man's wife. ----------- Our idea of people for what to feel sorry is the [terrible?] fame of Spartanburg. ----------- The strawberry preserves will be all right after the strawberries themselves are gone. ----- It has been a long time since pictures of Cuba scarred the front pages of the papers. ---- We don't belive that Doc Wiley would approve of eating cucubers and we are sure we don't. ----- Choosing between Wilson and Clark will be almost like choosing between Bryan and [Henit?] ------ "Hock die Norfolk" exclaims The Charlotte Observe. We hope it will be painless if it does come. ------- Mayor John P Greee of Charleston is [turning here raise?] interesting reading matter these days. ------ An exchange describes [automobile?] racing as "throwing dice with death." Which isn't so bad. ------ What has become of the old fashioned [country?] school that didn't have what is known as a "graduating class?" ----- We with Mr. Bryan would get him a good job of some sort so ho wouldn't always be worrying the Democratic party. ------- [???} tan't at least be said of South Carolina that Tom Watson, of Georgia, or Marion Butler, of North Carolina, ever lived in it. ------- The Augusta Herald has an editorial on "The Fly in Poetry." We suppose it can do less harm [???] than any where else. ------- That city is mighty poorly situated where [boosters carrol arrange?] a map showing it to be the center of some wonderful sector. ------- The Atlanta Journal wants to know what has become of the old fashioned men who used to under [this"?] from out of town? ------ The Nashville Tennesseer says that for a child, which weighs only nine and a half pounds that [Wilis?] baby has made a lot of noise. ---- If the Socialist had not been in such a hurry to hold their convention they might have been [???] to have secured Mr. Roosevelt to accept their presidential nomination after the Republican nominate Taft. ----- News that Wilbur Wright, the famous aviator and co-inventor of the aeroplane, will not recover from an attack of typhoid fever will to received with the greatest regret the world over. Together with his brother Orville, he has made a name that will go down in history. We hope that he will yet survive the attack of that dread disease. ------ Every once in awhile, The [Chts-?] ter Lantern gets gay by copying a squib from The Times and placing a foolish heading on it, thereby making a sun of itself Fort Mill Times. Does the copying of the [???] from The Times or the placing the foolish heading over it constitcting the "making an ass of itself?"

[second column] Thomas W. Lawson, author of "Frenzied Finance," an unusual man in many respects, has announced his candidacy for the United States senate from Massachusetts to succeed Murray Crane, who will not offer for re-election. The announcement of the latter that he would retire was made only last week and Mr. Lawson immediately threw his hat into the ring. My mony, Mr. Crane's announcement is looked upon as a concession of his defeat and that of the administration. In the Massachusetts primary, he was a candidate for delegate at large to the Chicago convention on the Taft ticket and he was defeated by a very large majority. He has been recognized as one of the Taft administration's strongest friends and it is quite likely that this endorsement which Massachusetts gave to Roosevelt was interpreted by him to mean his own downfall. Rather than be kicked out, he decided to step out. Thomas Lawson is known the world over. His career has been an exceedingly checkered one. An exchange says of him: "Commencing native life as an office boy in a broker's establishment, he had thorough drilling in the art of manipulating stocks; and filled with the spirit of gambler, freesharer, and adventurer, with a remarkable intelligence, and having an unusual state of energy, he charged headlong into the Wall Street game and won millions. Later, with the same aggressiveness he entered the magazine field and wrote numerous articles on the operations of Standard Oil magnates. The social object of his attacks was Henry H. Rogers, famous in big finance and an the builder of the Virginian railway. In this campaign of confession and [denumciatise?] he attracted widespread [stintile?] and for a while was one of the most talked of men in the country. "Lawson is many times a millionaire, a veritable product of the bucket shop, but a man of undoubted talent and exceptional mortal capacity. In point of ability he is probably Crane's superior, and while the owner of a vast estate, he would not lack in sympathy for the [cases?] or causes of the people. To citizens of conservative views and strange restraint, Lawson's candidacy will not applea; but there are others, and the number of them is not small, who will regard him as well fitted for the office to which he aspires. A queer combination of qualities, some attractive and some unattractive, we have to doubt that Massachusetts will think a long time before acceding to his wishes." We hardly think Mr. Lawson a fit man to represent Massachusetts or an other state in the upper house of Congress. Should he be fortunate enough to secure the Republican nomination, which is very unlikely, it is highly probable that he would be rejected by the people of his state. The laws of this country ought not to be made by a man who has lived in the past as Lawson has lived. -------- ROOSEVELT IN HISTORY Theodore Roosevelt, as he will go down in history, will be greatly different from the Theodore Roosevelt, who is today so greatly admired in some of the states of the nation. The [???] will be the attendance of official data in the arches of the Department of Justice in Washington which shows beyond successful contradiction that Roosevelt is allied and always has been with the "tar-mucking interests" the same interests which are now innaming with a [??] hand his campaign for the nomination. Although the ex-president, past repeater of politics that he is, may be able to lead thousands of voters to believe that he is really against and independent of the great industrial trusts which are ever tightening the screws on the American public and sending up prices; even though Mr. Roosevelt may be able to temporarily find the majority of the people in this regard and be again nominated for the presidency, he will not be able to fool historians. The data at the Depatment of Justice, revealing his refusal to bring vriminal prosecution against Geo. W. Perkins for organizing the illegal harvert trend, will be considered with the [powers] statement of the Roosevelt campaign committee in New York showing Perkins contributing thousand of dollars in the attempt to return Roosevelt to the White House. This chain of strong circumstancial evidence, showing, first, Roosevelt, shielding Perkins from the probability of a jail sertence and, second, the millionaire harvester trend, [??] showing his appreciation by contributing his tainted dollars to Roosvelt's campaign fund, must surely be commented upon by Roosevelt's historian. History will have to that during all the time he was in the White House, as well as when running for a third term, Roosevelt and Perkins were in frequent conference. His-

[column 3] tory will show that in the years between 1905 and 1912, when J.P. Morgan's partner, showed Morgan how to dominate the boards of directors of all the great railroads, steam ship lines, express, telegraph and telephone line tanks, insurance companies and the big industrial trusts, to the end that Morgan now has a strangle hold on a corporate wealth of over thirty-five billion dollars, which is nearly one-third of the total wealth of the nation. Mr. Roosevelt's history will also relate that while he was president [Hardette K. Townsend?], one of his assistant attorneys general, investigated the harvester trust, reported that it was a monopoly of the most vitious character, that it was holding up the farmers, that all the plans fors its organization and manipulation had been conceived and executed by Roosevelt's friend, Geo. W. Perkins, and that Mr. Roosevelt's answer to the recommendation of the investigator to prosucute the trust was an order to his attorney general not to start suit, which action saved Perkins from a possible penitentiary sentence and the trust from prosecution. Not one out of a hundred person the country over knows of these facts, and it is impossible to educate all of the people on a subject like this in a short time. But Mr. Roosevelt's historians will find it all. And perhaps even more. So, although Mr. Roosevelt may be able to fool the people of his own time his acts will live against him in history! --------------o------------ GIVE THE FACTS The Greer New Leader in the issue of last week said This is about Chase the State legislature should pass some law preventing newspaper reporters from harrowing the feelings of people with graphic descriptions of the condemned criminal's last horrible moments in the death cell, his march to the chair and the [contortions?] of his body and face as the deadly [current?] strikes his frame. What good can come of the rehearsal of this?

To which The [Columbin?] Record replied:

"We can not agree with our contemporary in advocating a law to prevent the publication of the details of legal executions. "Harrowing" they may be, and shocking to the [sensitive?] mind for the publicly given such executions as that of Clarence V.T. Richman in Boston Henry Clay [illegible] Jr., in Richmond, serves a purpose other than satisfying the craving for the morbid.

"A legal execution is very hard to justify, but it is an established institution and the justice of it does not belong in this discussion. The law was never designed for [illegible] or to influct physical suffering [illegible] the murderer. It was not designed primarily to punish the perpetrator of such a crime, but to [illegible] that retributive justice follows the commission of such an act. A [illegible] [illegible] is more in the nature of a [illegible] to others who may contemplate taking the life of another. The life of a murdered man can not be restored through the destruction of the life of the man who killed him. But the executions of murderers have had a salutary effect upon those who have no respect for the lives of others. The legal execution has prevented thoughsands from taking human life, and the example set by the law will fail in its [illegible] if publicity be not given. The more harrowing the details, the more effective it will be upon those for whom it is intended. By all means let there be publicity of legal executions that the whole world may know what will happen when murder is done."

We agree with The Record. When [Bealsie?] was executed the same discussion was provoked and at the same time we stated our belief that publication of the full details of these electrocutions would lend to warn others from putting them selves liable to a [illegible]face.


Spring has just come to Greenville while Rock Hill is in the midst of summer. That is just about the difference in the two places. Greenville behind and Rock Hill aheadRock Hill Herald.

We will say for the benefit of Brother Fain that we have spring weather the year around. In the winter it is pleasant here just as it is in the summer. We sympathise with the Rock Hill folks who are in the midst of the summer heat already. They can find relief by coming to Greenville.

We cannot help but wish that Governare Wilson will win out in the New Jersey primary today. If he has done anything good at all since he entered politics it was the [illegible] ing of the rotten political machine which existed in the skeeter state. This machine is making an awful effort today to come back at him. The machine has the support of none of Governor Wilson's opponents so it is declaring an [illegible] [continues on column 4]

[cartoon spans top of columns 4 and 5) A LOAFER By Miss Hilda Wadsell Illustrated by Wellman

I met a man-once on a timeWho seemed inclined to shirk. He said his clothes were seedy, so No one should give him work" [Cartoon image of two gentleman facing each other. One is wearing dirty trousers. He faces a smartly dressed gentleman] [Writing in image illegible] I helped him out with things to wear Complete from head to toes. But now he says he cannot work 'Cause that would spoil his [illegble] [Cartoon image of the same two gentleman. Both gentleman are smartly dressed. The first gentleman is saying "WELL, WHY DON'T YOU GET A JOB NOW?" The newly smartly dressed gentleman is walking away saying "WHAT! SPOIL ALL THESE GOOD CLOTHES? [NIK?}"]

[column 4) delegation. We cannot help, however, but think how differently Mr. Wilson's opponents have acted from Mr. Wilson though. In Ohio Wilson let Harmon's [illegible] use his name but in New Jersey Harmon wouldn't let Wilson's [illegible] use his name.

It is a [illegible] commentary upon a man's interest in affairs of state and nation if he doesn't take a daily newspaper now. With both state and national politics at fever heat, it would seem that every person who can read would be subscribing to the daily papers.

Colonel Henry [illegible] declares that [illegible] is a [illegible] and that he ought to be in an asylum. Others say he ought to be in jail.

[Tom?] Felder first had a big row with Cole [illegible]. Now he is engaged in one with Tom Watson.

Back at the Piedmont

Has Quit.

Greensboro News

Booker asks: "[illegible] any case yet?" Now, [illegible] [illegible] [illegible] [illegible], [illegible]

Greensboro News

The Greenville Piedmont, in a grouchy frame of mind, says: "A man moved from Winston-Salem, N. Ca. to Greenboro the other day. He is entitled to neither sympathy or congratulations. [illegible] of stand off." He is to be congratulated that he was smart enough to move to Greenville.

Campaign Slug.

Greenwood Journal.

The Greenville Piedmont has unearthed the fact that one of the campaign slugs used by the [illegible] people is that Judge Jones is a Russian Jew.


(By Ada Foster Murray-Mrs. Henry Nika Akka-in Harper's Weekly.)

Through the woods of Carolina Starry [illegible] light the shadows, For the dogweed is in blossomDogwood; and the yellow [illegible] And the [illegible] [illegible] [illegible], And [illegible] [illegible] with [illegible]

Up the twilight of the marshes Green the tide of spring is creeping, Where the [illegible] [illegible] are [lonely?] In their [illegible], gray and solemn. By the tall pines, [illegible] downward In the swamps of [Carolina?] Stars and [illegible] are the spectres Of the ancient trees departed.

[illegible], dreams within the woodland, An enchanted melancholy As a web hangs from the branches Sorrow [illegible] as the waters Lifts the [illegible] of [illegible] [illegible], And [illegible] [illegible] is [illegible] sighing Through the [illegible] of Carolina.



Walter G. [illegible], in [illegible] For [illegible] [illegible] economy the [illegible] [illegible] the [illegible]. She made her own [illegible] dress at home and trimmed it with old lace; And then to match the lace she bought a forty-dollar hat, And a twenty-dollar parasol to harmonize with that.

To give the hat a jaunty [illegible] she [illegible] much new hair, And then her gloves were out of tone, and so got a pair; And next she bought some dainty shoes - ten dollars more at least And last a sixty-dollar [illegible] - then threw away the dress".

Catholic Standard and [Times?]

Hard Lines-"You haven't really broken with him!" exclaimed Miss [illegible]. "Why, I thought he was your ideal." "So he was", replied Miss. Fickelt, "but as soon as I bed a man who sizes up to my ideal, it just seems to be my luck to have the fashion in ideals change."

Judge's Library

Unauthorised Liberty "Why Mrs. Jocko, you seem vexed! What's the trouble?" "Trouble enough, Mrs. Tiger. Dr. Leo is using my portrait to advertise his beauty parlor." "That's a compliment." "Not much! Dr. Leo has labeled my photo, "Before Taking Our Treatment."

[column 5] Judge's Library

"Oh, sweet [bucolic?] maid," he cried. "You whom the poet's tears [illegible] [illegible] [illegible] Although the term be hazy; Your hair is of that [illegible] [illegible] The daisy's [illegible] [illegible] so must you Be called an ox-eyed daisy!".

[illegible] "Excuse me, youth," the maid replied, "But do you praise me or deride? Years [illegible], indeed are hazy Now, let me tell you plain, [illegible] I am that which I am, a persA -[illegible], [illegible] daisy." Houston Post.

Judge's Liberty. [illegible] a [illegible] [health?] "My dentist has retired from the practice of his profession". "Is that so? Why?" "He couldn't [illegible] his business with his religion." "What was the trouble?" "He's a [Christian?] Scientist".

[Cartoon image of a smartly dressed gentleman with a walking stick, tartan trousers, waistcoat and hat. Talking to a smartly dressed woman holding an unopened umbrella and wearing an extravagant hat]


Ferry - Yes, I thought all the world of her. Killy - Then why did you give her up? Ferry - I [illegible] [not?] [illegible] the [illegible] [illegible]


To Attach a Pair of "VELVET" Neverslip Plus RUBBER HEELS

Wear a pair on your shoes today. Attached by G.W. PIEGLER, [illegible] Greenville, S.C.

FOR FURNITURE of all kinds and all interior woodwork. Just Use CAMPBELL'S The Original VARNISH STAIN Good for Floors too your dealer sells in CARPENTER-MORTON CO.BOSTON


[Advertisement column 6 and 7] ALL THE GO.

Every man wishes to be neat and at the same time comfortalbe. That is why the

Negligee Shirt with soft collars

is becoming more and more popular as the sun's ray's become more trying on man. They are cool, airy and don't fit the neck like a pasteboard band, but lay loose and comfortable. Prices 50c to $1.50.

Smith & Bristow, Corner Main & Washington Streets.


A BANK of large resources and extensive connections which enables it to extend to its patrons every reasonable accommodation upon the most favourable terms.



[Column 6] [Advertisement contains image of a man standing at sign post with the words "DO YOU KNOW THE WAY?"


Says "make adjustments promptly" for the reason that if neglected serious trouble and expense develops. If your machine is getting "noisy" or "loose" bring it here and have it put in first class shape by our expert, REAL mechanics.

We are equipped to handly any auto job promptly from an ordinary repair to a thorough overhauling.

Mountain City Foundry and Machine Works,

Phone 323. Expert [illegible] and Contracting Engineers and mechanists.

[Advertisement columns 6 and 7)

Shoe Shine Parlor, Now Open. For Ladies and Gentlemen AT The Up-to-Date Shoe Repairing Co. 222 N.Main Street.

[Advertisement columns 6 and 7] WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST! "WOMEN and Children first!". This order from the deck of the Titanic has suddenly set the world afire as if with a new ideal. Artists have illustrated it with striking cartoons, ministers have thundered it from pulpits and newspaper writers have drawn its obvious moral and inspiration with pens that varied from stupidity to genius. It is no new ideal. Life insurance agents and companies have preached and persuaded it in the United States for seventy-five years until a [illegible] worth nearly thirty billions of dollars has been erected by fathers, husbands and sons to the one vital and revivifying ideal of the great Republic. It is the Titanic of the great social seas and every dollar paid in for life insurance is a life boat in which "women and children first" are to be rescued when the captain of the family takes his last plunge from the bridge of his domestic ship. Is it any wonder that the race of men who have learned to sacrifice day to day for safety of these women and children should die with courage and resignation when the crisis appears? Life insurance has had more to do with ingraining this practical ideal into the race and making of men alike is the presence of of the threatened family than any other social business movement. Life insurance has always been and will continue to be the one practicable life-boat for women and children endangered in the mid-ocean of life.

Southeastern Life Insurance Co. of South Caroline.

W.E. HOLBROOK, General Agent. 314 Masonic Temple.

[Advertisement in column 7] Chalmers MOTOR CARS GIBBES MACHINERY CO. Spartanburg, S.C. and Columbia, S.C.

[Advertisement in column 7] "Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean, And the pleasant land"

Remember to have heard this when a child, don't you?

It is true today, and one dollar opens a Savings Account.



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I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Greenville county, subject to the Democratic primary. HENRY RECTOR. ----------------------------------------------------

I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Greenville county, subject to the tules and regulations of the Democratic primary. J. D. GILREATH ================================ CLERK OF COURT. ------------------------------------------------------- I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection as Clerk of Court of Greenville County, subject to the Democratic primary. JOHN M. CURRTON. -------------------------------------------------------- I respectfully announce myself a candidate for Clerk of Court of Greenville County and pledge to abide the result of the Democratic primary. W. P. HICKS. ================================== FOR CORONER. ---------------------------------------------------------- I hereby announce myself a candidate for corner of Greenville county, subject to the Democratic primary. ROBT. L BLACK ================================== MASTER. ---------------------------------------------------------- I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of master in Equity for Greenville county, subject to the Democratic primay. J.W. GRAY ------------------------------------------------------ I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Master in Equity of Greenville county subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. E. INMAN. ================================ FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER ----------------------------------------------------- I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as County Commissioner from the Upper Section of Greenville county, subject to the Democratic primary. T.J. NEWBY ---------------------------------------------------- I hereby announce myself as a candidate for County Commissioner for Upper Section of Greenville county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. W.W. PEARSON. ------------------------------------------------------ I hereby announce myself as a candidate for County Commissoner from the Upper Section of Greenville county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. GEORGE W. MORROW ------------------------------------------------------ I hereby ammounce myseld a candidate for county commissioner for lower section of Greeville county. Subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. OLIVER R. WARE ---------------------------------------------------- I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Commissioner for the Lower Section of Greenville County, subject to the rulesof the Democratic primary. J.R.ARNOLD. =============================== I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Commissioner from the middle section of Greenville county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. J.P. GOODWIN =============================== FOR STATE SENATE ----------------------------------------------------- I hereby announce my candidacy for the State Senate from Greeville County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. WILTON H. EARLE ----------------------------------------------------- The friend of Alvin H. Dean hereby present his name to the voters of Greenville county as a candidate for the State Senate, subject to the action of Democratic primary. ============================== FOR MAGISTRATE --------------------------------------------------- I respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election as Magistrate, subject to the Democratic primary. SAMUEL STEADLEY --------------------------------------------------- I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for Magistrate of Greenville Township, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. J.C. MITCHELL =============================== FOR TREASURER ----------------------------------------------------- I hereby announce myself for reelection to the office of County Treasurer for Greenville County, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. J.H. WOODSIDE =============================== FOR COUNTY AUDITOR ---------------------------------------------------- I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as Auditor of Greenville county, subject to the Democratic primary. M.L. GULLICK =============================== FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION ----------------------------------------------------- I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of County Superintendent of Education for Greenville county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. JAS, B DAVIS --------------------------------------------------- I hereby announce myself a candidate for superintendent of education of Greenville county, subject to the Democratic primary. J.R.PLYLER ---------------------------------------------------- PROFESSIONAL CARDS ------------------------------------------------------ DR W.E.SCOTT OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN (???????) is Manson House over Caoenter Bros. Drug Store 214 E. Main St. Office phone 743 Residence phone 542 All (???????) (???????????????) ------------------------------------------------------ M CULLOUGN, MARTIN & BLYTHE ATTORNEYS AT LAW (????????????????????) Greeville, S.C. (???) A. McCullough, Benj. F. Martin and E.M. Blythe Associate firm Marila(?) (???????) (??????) Anderson S.C.

[column 2] [header] WANTS. ================================= WANTED -------------------------------------------------------- WANTED-- Solicitors Only good men will be taken. Applu at 203 W. Coffee St. Ask for Sherman 5-27-3t M ---------------------------------------------------------- WANTED-- You to let us insure your Live Stock against Death from Any Cause. Reliable old line company. Tates reasonable. Call or Phone W. B. Anthony, Sec. 106 E. Washington St Phone 343. 4-29-(?) ---------------------------------------------------------- WANTED--- To buy some old (?????) Must be clean. No strings 1 cent a pound. The Daily Piedmont (???????) --------------------------------------------------------- WANTED- To print for partien lar people. The Lewis Printing Co., 117 W. McBee Ave. 4-22-(?) --------------------------------------------------------- WANTED- Two settings of white Plymouth Rock eggs at once. Address 231 Perry Ave or Phone 1103 5-25-3tx ================================= FOR SALE -------------------------------------------------------- FOR SALE- Old newspaper 10 cents per hundred. Daily Piedmont 1174 S. Main St. 5-27-(?????) -------------------------------------------------------- FOR SALE- Business property vacant lots. Pice to suit most any one. W. T. Rison, Nansion House Building. 5-27-(???) ================================== FOR SUNDAY DINNER. Spanish Mackerel Frying Chickens Speckled Trout Large Hens Butter Fish Fresh Eggs

Costner`s Fish Market Phone 2096 Opposite P.O. ================================== CHESTER JORDAN DENIED A NEW TRIAL BY COURT ------------- (By The Associated Press) Washington, May 27- The United States supreme court declined to grant new trial to Chester Jordan, actor convictedof murdering his wife near Boston. Her desecrated body was stuffed into a trunk .

Jordan claimed he was denied constitutional trail because once of the jurors who sat in his case was found to have been insane 24 hours after the verdict was handed in. -------------- THREE THOUSAND MOORS ARE SLAIN IN BATTLE --------------

Paris, May 27- Ten thousand Moors attached the French camp at Merada near Algerian frontier the French losing one hundred and eighty wounded. The Moors were repuleed leaving one thousand dead and three thousand wounded on the field. ---------------- ANDERSON CANDIDATES --------------- Many Wish to be Mayor and Aldermen.

Anderson, May 27- Candidates for mayor and aldermen of the city of Anderson are getting numerous since the time of the primary, June 18th is not far off. The following announcements have been made: For mayor W.B. Magruder, Robert E. Ligon Clarence E. Tolly and J. A. Cook; for alderman, Ward1, E. E. Elmore and J.E. Barton; For alderman Ward 2 C.M. McChure and L. A. Campbell for alderman, Ward 3, J.L. Hembree; for alderman, Ward 4, L.P. Fouche and J.H. Tate; for alderman, Ward 5, Lee G, Holleman and for alderman Ward 6, W.C. Broadwell, J. M. Cathcart and R.L. Carter. ------------------ THE TRIAL OF DARROW ---------- Prospectove Juor Tells of Effort Made to Bribe Him. (By the Associated Press)

Los Angeles, May 27-The trial of Clarence S. Darrow, the Chicago lawyer, for alleged jury bribery was resumed at 1.30 o'clock this afternoon. George N. Lockwood who Saturday told the story of the alleged attempt to bribe him as a prospective McNamara continued his direct testimony.

---------------------------------------------- MARKETS



NEW YORK COTTON May 27, 1912. Local spots.....................11 1-2 N.Y.spots.........................11 40

Open Close January..............11.83 11.19 February...........-------- 11.28 March................11.42 11.28 May....................11.07 11.95 June.................---------- 12.89 July....................11.09 11.96 August.............. 11.15 11.08 September......... 11.72 11.06 October..............11.27 11.18 November..........-------- 11.17 December...........11.33 11.24

------------------------------------------------- CHICAGO GRAIN CORN Open Close Sept......................673. 5-8 78 6-8 May........................82 1-8 81 7-8 July.........................76 3-8 76 4-8

------------------------------------------------------- OATS Open Close Sept.......................42 7-8 42 1-8 May........................56 56 3-8 July.........................51 2-8 50 1-8

--------------------------------------------------------- WHEAT Open Close Sept......................106 1-8 164 7-8 July.......................111 1-8 110 1-8


[Column 3] NEGRO MURDERED ANOTHER AT OAK DALE LAST NIGHT -------------------------------------------------------------- CREPT INTO HOUSE OF WILL WOODS AND CRUSHED HIS SKULL WITH BAT -------------------------------------------------------------- DEPUTY SHERIFF IS IN HOT PURSUIT MURDERER -------------------------------------------------------------

Joe Thomas Crept Into the House of Will Woods, Near Oak Dale, Last Night About 10 O'Clock and With a Baseball Bat Beat Woods' Head Into a Pulp - The Negro Died This Morning at 4 O'ClockWhen Murderer Was Last Seen He Was Making Towards Fountain Inn


News reached the sheriff's office this morning that a negro by the name of Joe Thomas murdered his half brother, Will Woods, last night at Oak Dale, a station on the G & G. railway, seven miles from Greenville. Coroner Batson was called, and is this afternoon holding an inquest over the body of Woods, while Deputy Sheriff Hunsinger is in hot pursuit after the murderer. At O'clock Thomas had not been captured, though it is thought that the negro will be taken before night fall.

Murdered While Sleeping. At about ten o'clock last night it is said that Thomas crept into the house of Woods, and while the negro was sleeping crushed his skull with a baseball bat. The negro died this morning at 4 o'clock as a result of the wounds. Little is known as to the cause of the trouble, though it is said that the two negroes quarreled [illegible] of late.

Joe Thomas, who is said to be from Ohio, has lived in this section for only a few months. Went in Direction of Fountain Inn. When the Thomas negro was last seen he was making toward Fountain Inn, where he probably expected to catch the C. & W. C. train that passes that place at about [illegible] o'clock for Laurens. If the negro succeeded in catching this train the county officials will have much difficulty in locating him.

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[headline spans top section of cols. 1-3] A Few Helpful Moments With the "Get There" Club Memorial Day.

You may not care & snap about the Civil War, Horace, and you may even be indifferent to the picture of the Old Veterans marching along on May 30th to the cemeteries to decorate the graves of their dead—but just because you feel that way, because you're young and lusty and climbing up the ladder of business success is just the reason why you should stop and think a minute. We young ones are very prone indeed to minimize the value of any and everything that isn't of our own day and generation.

Now, cutting out all "fireworks" and patriotic oratory, Horace, let's get down to hard brass tacks and take a look at this Memorial Day business. Its [externals?] are a few [dot-] tering feeble old men in blue struggling along the [line?] of march on their great day with flowers in their hands and memories in their hearts of stirring days when the whole land ran blood and men's souls were tried in a [illegible] that none of us will ever have to be looked at. The bugles are playing, the flags flying and the entire country paying tribute to them and their brothers [who?] long since passed to the land where memories are no more. That's the external side of it, Horace—beautiful, just and inspiring

But underneath is a lesson that we —especially we young chaps with our minds intent upon financial troubles and battles of existence—should take home to ourselves not property as a [illegible] but as [blurry] of real importance. There where whole graves are decorated on Memorial Day are accorded that slight token of esteem because they gave their lives for a principle; because they set out to ac-

[article continues on column 2, top section]

complish, a certain [finding?] and did so. Moreover, they [blurry] through" with their hands clean! They proved themselves heroes, not weaklings, successess, not failures. Had their reputations better been [sullied?] or their achievements of doubtful character, we of today would not be holding them in blessed memory. They "came clean." Horace, they "came clean."

Why, a few weeks ago, when the Titanic disaster held the entire country horror-stricken and crushed by it terrible death toll, why did a movement spring up from the hearts of thousands to honor the heroic dead with memorial services and monuments of more lasting character? Because, Horace, the men and women over whom the sea closed its icy waters died upholding the sacred principle of heroism. Because they "came clean" in the awful test to which they were subjected. Because they performed a grim task that set the whole world reverently applauding their noble conduct.

Right now—even though no memorial of stone ever be erected to them—they have their memorial in the hearts of the millions who knew their story—and in the hearts of thousands still unborn who, in the future, will read the grim tale and marvel at their heroics.

Today isn't everything in life, Horace. There's a tomorrow, right on this earth, that will last as long as the world does. It isn't true that nothing counts after you're dead. These old fellows of the Grand Army of the Republic still live, don't they? And the Titanic's victims are right this minute an inspiration to many troubled hearts. There are other generations coming after us and they will look back to see what heritage of honor, of heroism, of manhood we

[article continues on column 3, top paragraph]

have handed down to them. The making of our memorial is in our own hands.

Each of us has his part to enact in it too. Our respective children and their children will look to us for

[article continues on column 4, top paragraph]

inspiration. Shall we disappoint them? There are many heroes in the battle of peace of the business world of [illegible]. Twentieth Century life as there were in the days of fire and sword. Are we—we young chaps—proving equal to [illegible] lead—are we "coming clean" in everything we do?

[return to column 1, middle section]

Nobleman An Inventor

COUNT BELA FORGACH, with a summer palace near Vienna, has invented a real "[illegible]" which he says will take the place of the ordinary umbrella and parasol. The nobleman's invention consists of a frame and cover so made that the latter is instantly detachable, while another cover can be put on in a few seconds without any [illegible[

[article continues on column 2, middle section]

ing necessary. It is expected by the inventor that each frame shall have several covers, one black for rain and others white or colored to suit the fancy of [blurry] The Count claims that one of the parasols will be sufficient for a whole summer at the seaside, but as yet not many experiments have been made.

[return to column 1, bottom section]

[advertisement for land for sale by Cleveland & Williams] __________________________________________

For Sale. ----------o---------- In what is rapidly becoming the wholesale district of Greenville, in our judgment, and by far the most public and accessible property to be had for this purpose, we have had placed in our hands, for a limited time, at only $210 per front foot, 85 feet on South Main street, opposite Chicora College. This property will have a railroad track in rear.

See us quick if interested in this.

Cleveland & Williams PHONE 916. __________________________________________ [advertisement for W. A. Wallace Insurance]

Swift punishment often leaps out of the jury-box.

The employer figuring as the defendent in a damage suit [initiated?] by an injured employee must not be surprised to find the sympathy of the jury with the plaintiff.

This is a frequent occurrence; and the employer, in many instances, is called upon in pay heavy damages.

The only effectual means of escaping the burden imposed by an adverse verdict is to secure the protection of an Ocean Employers' Liability Policy. The Corporation then assumes all of the expense and [responsibility?] incident to the defense and settlement of the case.

You can equip yourself with this safeguard at a nominal cost.

An opportunity to call and explain to you this policy will be appreciated.

W. A. WALLACE, ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. Phone 824. Masonic Temple. __________________________________________ [advertisement for William Goldsmith, spans bottom of cols. 1-2]

Wm. GOLDSMITH General Insurance.

[column 2, bottom section]

[advertisement for D. H. Attaway, Architect]

D. H. ATTAWAY, Architect and Builder. Offices: corner Main and Washington So. over Traction Co. Front rooms 2nd floor. Phone 1468. __________________________________________ [advertisement for Traxler Real Estate]

For Sale.

We have a number of mill track farms in from 3 to [10?] acre tracts, ranging in price from $20.00 per acre to $[100.00] per acre. All these are close in. Apply to

[image of rr crossing sign] Traxler Real Estate Co. PHONE 863. __________________________________________ [advertisement for Thackson & Son rental offices]


We have for rent two offices on the Second Floor of Dill Building, 213 West Washington Street

THACKSTON & SON Phone [129?] 211 W. Washington St. __________________________________________ [C. &. W. C. schedule]

C. & W. C. SCHEDULE. ----------o---------- The attention of the public is called to the present through servie of the C. & W. C. [roads?]

No. 5t—Leaves Greenville 2 o'clock a. m. Arrives at Columbia 11:15 a.m. Returning: Leaves Columbia at 5:00 o'clock. Reaches Greenville 9:30 p.m.

No. 5s—Leaves Greenville at 12:20 reaching Columbia 4:55 p. m., arrives at Chelston 10:00 p.m. Returning: Leaves Charleston 6:10

[column 3, 2nd article]


[photo of large house, spans cols. 3-5] THIS pretty house is [37?] ft. wide by [21?] ft. deep with a kitchen [blurry] that is 14 ft. deep by 15 ft. one story in height. The rooms are conveniently arranged and of medium size with one central fireplace and [illegible] for heating apparatus. The [residence?] is centrally heated and [blurry] a reception hall with a [blurry] at the right and a [blurry] extended around the same and staircase leading to the second story. At the left a coluned area opening into

[continues on next column]

the living room with dining room and library back, and throws together with wide opening. The first story is finished throughout in oak with oak floors.

The second floor has four good chambers and bath room and is finished in pine and painted birch flooring. A [illegible line] to the [blurry] which has one room furnished. It is estimated that this house can be fuilt completed for $2,000 exclusive of heating and plumbing.

[continues on next column]

It is a thoroughly well built house, with full basement. Outside walls back plastered and everything done to make a warm, comfortable home. The exterior is covered with narrow siding and painted in light [tans?] to [blurry] the taste of the [blurry] and the shingles stained green. The cornice has a wide projection with the rafters showing on the under side. The wide [piazza across the front with balcony above is an important feature in the house.

[floor plan on next column]

[return to columns 3-4, bottom section]


Items for this department may be left at the following places [Harris-?] son—Mfg. Company's office; Monaghan—Y. M. C. A. building. Mills— Mfg. Company's office; [illegible] Mills store; Brandon—Mfg. Company's office; [Westside?]—Mutual [illegible] Co; [illegible line]


COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES SAMPSON SCHOOL THURSDAY ----------o---------- The Exercises will be Held in the Auditorium of the School on Thursday Evening at 8:30 O'Clock —Hon. Jno. M. Daniel will Deliver the Address. ----------o---------- The Sampson mill school will close Thursday. On Thursday evening at 8:30 o'clock the commencement exercises will be held in the school auditorium, to which the public is cordially invited to attend. Hon. Jno. M. Daniel of Greenville has accepted the invitation to deliver the literary address [blotted]. Mr. Daniel is an eloquent [speaker?] and the Sampson mill school is indeed fortunate in securing him to deliver the address on this occasion.

The Sampson mill band has been secured to furnish music during the evening.


Following is the program Music. Prayer Rev. T. E. [Singer?]. Music. Salutory—Subject "Education." [Broadess Seage?] Class History, Al Burdette. Classs Will—Claudia Harris Class Prophecy—Luke Poole. Valedictory—The Beauties of Life. Luella Baff. Music. Address by Hon. J. M. Daniel. Finis. ----------o---------- Successful School Year.

This school is now closing a most successful year's work, the different grades having accomplished good work during the past season. There are seven grades and four teachers. Mrs. George W. [Gridie?], who is principal of the school, is assisted by Misses Sadie [Trodier?], Mary Richardson and Lee [Bargest?]. ----------o---------- MONAGHAN


Much interest is being manifested in the revival meeting that is being conducted in the church at this place by the Rev. B. J. Woodward, pastor of the Baptist church at Greer. The meeting was begun on Sunday and will continue for a week or more. Services are held every night. The public is cordially invited to attend all services.

[article continues on column 4, bottom section]

[advertisement for Hilton's Life]


[column 4, bottom section]


Council of J. O. U. A. M. BE INSTITUTED HERE ----------o---------- Junior Order United American Mechanics will Initiate Council in Mills Mill Saturday Night—State Organizer S. F. Parrott will institute Order. ----------o---------- A council of the Junior Order United American Mechanics will be instituted in this village on Saturday night. The place of the meeting will be announced later, though in all probability it will be held in the hall here.

Deputy State Organizer S. Frank Parrott, of Gaffney, will institute the order. State Councillor T. B. Eutler, of Gaffney, will likely be here for the installation of the council. ----------o---------- MILLS MILL CLASS WILL GIVE RECITAL ----------o---------- The interest is increasing in the singing school, that is being conducted here for Mr. Snow, who resides at Cherokee Park. Mr. Snow is a skilled musician as well as a singer of merit and under his instruction the vocal class is making great headway. The members of the class are [illegible] practicing for the musical entertainment to be given at the Mills mill church on Thrusday night, May 30.

The program for the entertainment have already been issued.

The Mills mill vocal class will be assisted by the Simpsonville [Mak?] Quartet, consisting of First Tenor, S. M. Snow; second tenor, J. G. Hoft; first bass, W. G. Stewart and second bass, A. B. Gilgore. Mr. [Mel?] Wraims will be the soloist.

The doors will open at 7:00 o'clock and the entertainment will begin promptly at 8 o'clock. ----------o---------- PREACHED TO RED MEN.

Rev. C. King [illegible] to the Red Men of Mills mill at the mill church on Sunday afternoon. The members of the Pocahontas lodge were invited to hear Mr. King and a goodly number of the members of this lodge were present. The sermon was a powerful lone and was enjoyed by the large congregation. ----------o---------- BAPTIST REVIVAL NEXT WEEK

On next Monday night at the Mills mill church the Baptists of the place will begin a revival. Rev. J. E. Brock, pastor of the church will conduct the services. Mr. Brock has not announced who will assist him in conducting the service. --------------------o-------------------- [advertisement for Greenville Grocery]

We can save you money on fruit jars, wholesale or retail. Greenville Grocery Co.

[column 5, bottom section]


[photo of Oswald Kirkby] OSWALD KIRKBY

Oswald Kirkby is one of the best [illegible] popular golfers in the United States and he's featured in several special [illegible] --------------------o-------------------- Waterloo Bay. __________________________________________ [advertisement for Allen & Cruikshank]

For Sale ----------o---------- Lot on East North street, facing William street, 76 x 250. This lot is well located and our price is right. ----------o---------- Lot on East North street next to residence of Mrs. Arthur Woodside. This lot is 60 x [180?] and lies well. If you want to buy in a locality where values are increasing rapidly. This is your opportunity. ----------o---------- ALLEN & CRUIKSHANK, Telephone 1966 Palmetto Bldg. __________________________________________ [advertisement for William & Lebby]

For Rent.

Elegant nine-room house with al modern conveniences on W. Washington Street. $40 per month.

Six-room house on Westfield Street, conveniently arranged and located.

WILLIAM & LEBBY Mills Building. Phone 1986.

[columns 6 & 7]


IN various countries there have occurred from time to time all sorts of "corners" to in [illegible] [illegible] to all manner of good origins. Superstition has frequently been the [basis?] of a corner in coins of a particular denomination. A remarkable case of this kind occurred to South [Nambia?] in [illegible]. There oppeared at [blurry] on the Sea of [Apev?], a person proclaiming himself a prophet, and as such he announced his intention of redeeming the world.

Among the [illegible] doctrine advanced by this individual was included the decree that all of his followers must retain all five-kopek pieces issued in the 1861, the year of the emancipation of the serfs. They were by reason of that [illegible] held to be holy. It was not long before the ignorant peasants of the community preserved the coins.

For an area of three hundred miles the peasants collected the "holy"

[article continued on column 7]

coins and turned them over to the prophet. When he gathered a goodly number of the coins he decamped. In a way the Russion government may be [made?] to save a number of its own coins in a certain combination. Each year it mints a [illegible] tied number of bronze coins of the [nominal?] value of one-fourth of a kopek, about one-eighth of a cent.

As these coins are practically not in circulation, only a few are issued. The remainder are sold by the [illegible] authorities at almost double their value for the one of [illegible]. At one time there was an [illegible] attempt made to corner Maria Theresa dollars used in all parts of Northern Africa. --------------------o-------------------- That [illegible number] soap bubbles can be produced from a pound of soap has been figured out by a mathematical genius.

[skip to columns 6-7, bottom section]

[advertisement for Gilfillin & Houston real estate]

. . . . WE OFFER A LOT . . . . 60 x 175, corner Stone Avenue and Bennett Street for $1,000.00 This will prove a good investment or make you a nice home.

Gilfillin & Houston. Real Estate and Insurance. Phone 562. Davenport Bldg. __________________________________________ [advertisement for Alester Furman real estate]

A lot on West Earle street is a bargain at the price

65 ft. x 200 ft. $1199.00 Cash. The active demand for property on Earle street is resulting in purchasers making good [prods.?] at this time.

See what other lots immediately adjoining have recently sold for.

The reason—my client needs the real money right now. Telephone No. 593.

Alester G. Furman __________________________________________ [advertisement for Dave Burns Roofing]

DAV BURNS, ROOFING AND HOT AIR FURNACES, 219 Pendleton Street. Phone 301 __________________________________________ [advertisement for Parrish & Gower real estate]


If it's a nice house you are looking for, see us, we have several listed at a bargain.

We also have some bargains in vacant lots.

PARRISH & GOWER. __________________________________________ [advertisement for Hoke-Hill real estate]

We Have a Nice Block ----------o---------- Of Six Negro Houses now paying 10 per cent, on the investment. Two more houses can be built on the property, same can bought at a bargain. ----------o---------- Hoke-Hill Real Estate & Investment Co. J. W. MASTERS, Manager

Last edit 10 months ago by Harpwench
05281912 5
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[column 1]


Billy Laval's down-trodden Spartans were perfectly helpless out at League Park yesterday afternoon before the masterly pitching of one Gilroy. At no time did they have any more chances of winning than a onelegged man running on banana peelings would have of distancing Lonnie Noojan in a sight race. Mr. Gilry was three-fourths of the afternoon's attention and the remaining Spinners were the other fourth.

Laval sent in Pitcher Hogue, who wound up like an eight-day clock before delivering a ball. He was rapped pretty soundly, fast work on the part of the Spartans preventing a much larger score. Eddie Doak in left field shut off one or two very dangerous looking drives while Kelly grabbed a hard one or two. Joe Kipp at second saved several hits. The men of Stouch had on their swatting clothes.

Brighter than a diamond shone Ellis Blackstone in the left garden. Foul drives that other outfielders look at and wait for spectators to throw in were nabbed by him on three different occasions. Before the handsome house which used to ornament left field was moved Black could not have gotten these balls. Which shows Tommie's wisdom in having the house moved. It didn't bother the other left fielders of the league because they don't go after balls that far from the field but it did bother Ellis Blackstone who goes after everything that he can see coming down towards that part of the ball ground.

The Spinners counted first in the second inning when Goodman shot the sphere over the left field fences, amid much handclapping and shouts of joy. Two more crossed in the fourth when Lon Moojin, first up, singled, and Blackstone doubled. Goodman singled, scoring Blackstone Brown's triple in the fifth scored Gilroy with the last run.

It came very near being a gooseegg affair for the visitors. With one out in the ninth, Harbinson, ex-Columbia player, sent the ball over the fence, scoring the only run for Laval's gang The fans beat it for home in a good humor.

The pitching of Gilroy, the fielding of Blackstone Doak, Kipp and Barbare and Tommie Stouch's single were the features of the evening.

Following is the box score:

Laval, 1b 3 0 0 3 0 0
Kipp, 2b 2 0 0 1 5 0
[box score and article continues on column 2, top section]

[cartoon of pitcher's wind-up] Pitcher Hogue Wound up like an eight-day clock.

Harbison, 3b 4 1 1 0 2 0
Kelly, ref 4 0 1 3 2 0
Doak, cf 1 0 1 1 0 0
Wagnon, lf 3 0 0 2 0 0
Martin, ss 3 0 0 3 2 0
Coveney, c 3 0 0 5 2 0
Hogue, p 3 0 0 0 1 1
* Hall 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 27 1 3 27 14 1
* Batted for Kipp in 9th. ----------o----------
Brown, ss 4 0 1 3 0 0
Noojin, cf 3 1 1 1 0 0
Blackstone, lf 3 1 1 4 0 0
Powell, c 2 0 0 [6?] 1 0
Goodman, 1b 3 1 6 [6?] 0 0
Piez, rf 2 0 0 3 0 0
Barbare, 3b 3 0 0 3 3 0
Stouch, 2b 3 0 1 0 2 1
Gilroy 3 1 0 2 2 0
Totals 26 4 7 27 9 1
Score by innings: R
Spartanburg 000 000 000 —1
Greenville 010 210 000 —4
Summary: Two base hits, Blackstone; three base hits, Brown; home runs, Goodman, Harbinson; sacrifice hits, Piez, Kipp, Wgnon; base on balls, off Gilroy 2, off Hogue 2; struck out by Gilroy 4, by Hogue 4; wild pitches, Hogue; left on bases, Spartanburg 4, Greenville 1; first base on errors, Spartanburg 1; time 1:22, umpire, Mr. Gallager, attendance 600.

[return to column 1, middle section]

SHARPE MADE HIT COLUMBIA ----------o---------- Jimmie Sharpe, the local second baseman last season who reported to the Columbia club of the South Atlantic league last Saturday after he had been released by Savannah, made a hit with the Columbia people in his first game. Of him, The Columbia Records says:

Manager McGrew injected still another new face into his lineup by playing Jimmy Sharpe, formerly with Savannah at third base. While a member of the Indians [Sharple] had been covering the territory adjacent to the Keystone cushion, but his work at third in Saturday's game made it appear that he had been used to the position all along. Jimmy's debut was decidedly suspicions of that there is no room for doubt. His first trip to the plate was in the second inning when he poled a twobase knock down the right field line. On his next appearance he drew a pass, went but to Fox the third time up and concluded his day's work with the willow by heating out an infield hit. It is understood that McGrew intends to keep Sharpe in the lineup regurlarly just as long as he continues to deliver the goods. That should be for the balance of the season, for Jimmy's past record in the Carolina association indicates that he can swat the pill safely often.

[column 2, middle section]

BASEBALL YESTERDAY ----------o---------- CAROLINA LEAGUE Greenville 4; Spartanburg 1. Winston 4; Greensboro 6. Charlotte 4; Anderson 4, 2 innings. ----------o---------- American. Cleveland-St. Louis rain. Boston 6; Philadelphia 12. New York 10; Washington 5. ----------o---------- National. Brooklyn 2; New York 6. Chicago 4; Cincinnati 1. Philadelphia 5; Boston 4. Philadelphia 0; Boston 3. Pittsburg 3; St. Louis 6.

Southern. Chattanooga-Mobile, rain. Atlanta-Birmingham, rain. Memphis 3; Montgomery 9. Nashville-New Orleans. No game account change in ownership.

South Atlantic League. Albany 8; Jacksonville 7. Savannah-Columbus, rain. Columbia 6; Macon 5.

Virginia League Lynchburg 3; Roanoke 9. Petersburg 2; Norfolk 5. Newport News 10; Richmond 5. Portsmouth 4; Danville 1.

United States Reading 4; Pittsburg 6. Richmond 7; Cincinnati 3. --------------------o-------------------- Anderson Twirler. Anderson Mail. That kid Covar will bear watching. He is showing all kinds of class these days and is due to make a good twirler for the bunch. --------------------o-------------------- Waterloo Boy.

[column 3]

GREAT AFFRAY AT CHARLOTTE ----------o---------- League Leaders Battled for Twelve Innings to no Avail—Contest Was a Beautiful One and Excitement Was Great. ----------o---------- Anderson and Charlotte—battling desperately for the league leadership, went twelve innings yesterday afternoon to a tie. The Observer this morning says of the game:

"Both the Hornets and the Electricians seemed to have such a disposition to tie up the score in yesterday afternoon's engagement that darkness found the two battling clubs with four runs apiece and Umpire Hickeyaid it was dark enough to quit, which it was. The event unraveled a grand specimanof pitching on the part of both Sheesley and Wolfe, the former having the shade on his opponent. Sheesley was especially effective in the fastnesses, one time retiring the side after the first two men up had reached second and third. Wolfe, however, is not to be discredited, the sample of slabbing he was offering being mighty hard to overcome.

The insects should have won. While they had to fight manfully to wrest their ancient hoodoo to the tall and unsawed, they worked like tigers for the big end of the bout. In the first inning they should have scored when Agnew beat an infield hit to the bag and Biting errored Bentley's sacrifice. These persons were moved up by Osteen's sacrifice, but neither of the mighty men of valor, Wofford or Weiser could deliver.

"Sheesley pitched one of his best games and if anybody deserved the title, it belonged to him. Wolfe was hit more freely and was in far more frequent trouble than the Charlotte moundman. It was no disgrace, however, for either club to come away as they did, the honors being about as nearly even as it is possible in baseball.

"The umpiring of Hickey was pleasing and the enthusiasm of the stands, themselves filled with ardent and devoted followers of the insects was notably continuous." --------------------o-------------------- STANDING OF CLUBS ----------o---------- CAROLINA LEAGUE.

Clubs W. L. P.G.
Charlotte 18 8 .692
Anderson 18 8 .680
Spartanburg 14 14 .500
Greensboro 12 15 .444
Greenville 11 15 .423
Winston-S. 8 20 .286
Clubs W. L. P.G.
Chicago 26 9 .743
Boston 26 13 .618
Philadelphia 15 15 .500
Washington 15 18 .471
Detroit 15 17 .469
Cleveland 14 17 .553
New York 13 19 .406
St. Louis 12 21 .364
National League.
Clubs W. L. P.G.
New York 24 6 800
Cincinnati 28 13 .683
Pittsburg 16 15 .516
Chicago 17 16 .515
Philadelphia 13 17 .433
St. Louis 16 21 .482
Boston 13 22 .371
Brooklyn 9 21 .300
Southern League
Clubs W. L. P.G.
Birmingham 24 16 .600
Chattanooga 20 16 .556
Atlanta 20 18 .526
Montgomery 21 20 .512
Memphis 19 19 .500
Mobile 21 21 .500
Nashville 15 21 .417
New Orleans 14 22 .389
South Atlantic League.
Clubs W. L. P.G.
Jacksonville 21 10 .677
Albany 13 15 .594
Savannah 17 14 .548
Macon 17 18 .486
Columbus 13 18 .419
Columbia 11 21 .344
In Fine Shape. Anderson Mail.

All the Ramsay clan are in fine shape and, barring the accidents which sometimes come, there will be a hard fight in every game before the hopefuls from the Electric City are defeated. --------------------o-------------------- Waterloo Boy.

[column 4]


Peters is the young spitball pitcher who is now being tried out by "Jimmie" Callahan, manager of the Chicago White Sox. The youngster appears to have everything that goes to make a successful twirler, with a good change of pace and mingled with the deceptive spitter he bids fair to land a regular berth on the Sox pitching staff. Peters stands more than six feet in height and is one of the giants of the diamond. _______________________________________ DOYLE TRIES TO STRENGTHEN ----------o---------- Manager Frank Doyle of the Greensboro club is trying to strengthen the weak spots in his aggregation. Yesterday's WinstonSalem Sentinel said:

Manager Doyle brought two new players with him. They are Mullaney, an outfielder, and Davis, a short stop. The former will be in right garden this p. m., and Davis may be given a showing at short, in which event Lorran and Titlow will adorn the bench. Mullaney is an experienced man and has played in the Virginia and Cotton State leagues. He is touted as a great [clon-?] ter and is speedy on the paths. Davis played with "Tiney" Stuart on the Atlantic Christian college team. "Tiney" thinks he has the making of a Charley Carroll.

For the game today Doyle has revised his lineup, the batting order being as follows: Richard, cf; Doyle, 2b; Clapp, 1b; Doak, 3b; Mullaney, rf; Slater,lf; Stuart, c; Davis or Titlow, ss; Eldridge or McKitheat, pitcher. --------------------o-------------------- PIEDMONT LEAGUE

Following is the box score of Saturday's game at Piedmont between Piedmont and Easley in the Piedmont League: ----------o----------

Long, 3b 5 3 2 3 1 0
Poole, 1b 5 1 2 1 0 0
Ballard, cf 4 1 1 0 0 0
Murman, ss 5 1 2 2 1 2
Boyce, 2b 5 2 3 2 1 1
Fisher, c 5 1 3 0 0 7
Ellison, rf 5 0 0 0 1 0
Castleberry, lf 4 1 1 0 1 3
Jameson, p 4 1 0 1 0 0
Totals 49 14 14 10 1 27
Dunn, rf 5 0 1 0 3 1
Melton, c 5 0 1 0 9 0
Harris, 1b 5 0 2 2 [6?] 0
Bishop, cf 4 1 1 1 [0?] 1
Nabors, 2b 4 0 1 2 0 0
Garrell, rf [?] 0 1 0 [0?] 0
Vannell, ss 4 0 0 1 2 1
Kinkaid, 3b 5 0 0 0 0 0
McCoy, p [?] 0 0 0 1 0
Dunn, p [?] 0 0 1 [5?] 0
Totals [?] 1 8 7 [?] 3
2 base hits, Long, 2; Poole 1; Bellard 1; Harris 1, Boyce 1; Bishop 3; hit by pitched ball, Ballard. Attendance 300. Umpire Donnald. Struck out by Jameson 7; by Dunn 6; by McCoy 2.

[column 5]

PENNANT TO BE RAISED TODAY ----------o---------- Winston-Salem Unfurl to the [Breezes?] Banner Won by Good Work Last Year—Program of the Exercises for the Evening. ----------o---------- The Pennant for 1911, which was won by the Winston-Salem club, will be formally hoisted this afternoon. Concerning the exercises of the afternoon, The Twin City Sentinal yesterday said:

"The 1911 Carolina League pennant which was won by the Winston-Salem Twins, will be formally hoisted in the corner of the centerfield fence at Prince Albert park on Tuesday afternoon, with appropriate exercises which will begin at four o'clock.

"The owners of the local team are counting on a record-breaking attendance on the occasion. The crowd should easily number not less than 2,500. It is an event that has never been witnessed in this city before.

"The exercises will open with an address in front of the grandstand by one of Winston-Salem's loyal and most ardent fans. At the close of the speechmaking the Twins and Patriots, the latter finishing second in the race last year, will line up and march to centerfield, headed by a cornet band. Manager Clancy and the members of last year's team will be given the honor of hoisting the pennant on an iron pole, 25 feet in height, and placed in the corner of centerfield fence. The flag is a beauty and the officers of the association had a pole made large and strong enough to hold the 1912 pennant which is scheduled to be won by the Twins for the second time.

"On the flag appears these words:

'Champions, Carolina Association 1911.'

"President [Wearn?] of the Carolina Association and President Brandt of the Greensboro club, will be here and witness the exercises as the guests of President Apple of the local association.

"Manager Clancy's aggregation proposes to battle hard and they will be disappointed if they do not find a winning streak that will last for several weeks. They realize that the Greensboro team is here for honors too and the series should be worth witnessing.

"The management and owners of the local team appreciate the splendid patronage extended during the bad slump and they have reason to hope for larger crowds with the team going good as it is expected to be in future.

"The Invincible Peter Boyle will likely appear on the hurling line. He will be opposed by either Kidridge or McKeithan.

"The reputation of the Twins is at stake and Manager Clancy is out to sustain the good record made by his lineup last year." --------------------o-------------------- [advertisementment for Greenville Grocery]

Fruit jars, rubbers, caps and jelly glasses. Lowest cash prices. Greenville Grocery Co. --------------------o-------------------- [cartoon] [image of doctor talking to patient] Sign: DR. KNEWITT OFFICE THE LONG-GREEN WORM.

"It is claimed that the vermiform appendix is a worthless organ."

"Oh, I don't know. It's worth about two million a year to the medical profession."

[column 6]

[headline, spans cols. 6-7] SPRING FOOD

Good business. ----------o---------- Gilroy is as steady as a seven-day clock. ----------o---------- Greensboro has a new shortstop. Davis is his name. ----------o---------- The Spinners played like champions yesterday. ----------o---------- The attendance was not quite as good as it ought to have been. ----------o---------- It did old Bull Powell good to win over some of his former team-mates. ----------o---------- Wouldn't care if all three of those Anderson-Charlotte games resulted in ties. ----------o---------- A man who doesn't enjoy a game like the one yesterday ought to see a doctor immediately. ----------o---------- The umps had a hard day of it. He gave one close decision to Greenville and four to Spartanburg. ----------o---------- Harbison got only one hit but it was over the fence and saved the visitors a shut-out. ----------o---------- Kipp played a good game at second for the Spartans. He is little but he is fast. ----------o---------- Dear old [Magvarland] is going to do the hurling today. He will probably get away with a victory too. ----------o---------- There is no truth in the report that Johnny Clancy is to join the Winston-Salem team. The Twins made New Orleans an offer for him but it was rejected. ----------o---------- Curley Brown got a pretty threebagger, scoring one. He was caught

[article continues on column 7]

trying to convert it into a [four] sacker. ----------o---------- Clancy can testify to the [adage] that it is mighty hard to [get out] of a rut after you have gotten good. ----------o---------- Tommie Stouch turkey along the coaching lines for niser got a single in the exc of the afternoon. ----------o---------- Ellis Blackstone wants a t the big show and he is going [to get] one if he keeps up his grea[t work] in left field. ----------o---------- Bull Powell ought to calm [down in] this hot weather. The big doesn't like to see things go the home team. ----------o---------- There was not as much yesterday as usual. We don't [know] why either because some [good] opportunities presented them[selves]. ----------o---------- Hall who will pitch for S[partan-] burg today, was sent to the recently by Manager Buck of the Roanoke club of the V[irginia] league. He hasn't been much as yet. ----------o---------- Barbare put up a great g third yesterday. He has won already and promises to even more as the season ad[vances.] There are many who predict he will go up. ----------o---------- The team which the S[partans] went up against yesterday was a different team from the [one] faced on the opening day. a majority of the players w[ere the] same but played different _______________________________________ [return to column 6, middle section]

Around the Circuit

Billy`s New Pitchers. Spartanburg Herald.

With the addition of Taylor and Llewellyn to the pitching staff, the Spartans will stand an excellent chance of climbing from third to first place. ----------o---------- New Song Hit. Spartanburg Herald.

Some of the fans around the circuit are singing "I wonder if the Red Sox are ever going to win a game." ----------o---------- Walker Goes Home. Winston-Salem Sentinal.

Dixie Walker, who came here a week ago Saturday to join the pitching staff of the locals, left yesterday for home. In Friday's game he injured his arm in throwing a ball to first base. Feeling that he could not get in shape for some time, he decided to return home and take a years' rest. ----------o---------- The Patriots. Greensboro News.

That the Greensboro baseball club is the best proportioned among the six clubs now contesting for the Carolina league honors is the opinion of a well known traveling man who makes Greensboro his headquarters and who has seen every team of the circuit in action. This gentleman, who was speaking to and who gained the hearty endorsement of Charles H. McKnight, says that he knows a ball player when he sees one, and that he sees no reason why the local

[article continues on column 7, middle section]

team should not take the He admits that in some positi[ons they] may be a trifle weak, but av these spots in mind declared [that] Greensboro has the best all [around] team of the circuit. Another [reason he] says he likes is the personnel [of the] local club, a team which he de[scribes] as being made up of clean cut, all clever gentlemen. He says th just as gentlemanly on foreign as on the home lot.


[image of 2 men talking] WRONG DIAGNOSIS.

"My dear friend, can you lend [me] a hundred dollars? I have just rec[overed] from an operation for appendicit[is."]

"Appendicitis! Your doctor [doesn't] know his business. He should be [blurry] for gall stones."

[return to column 1, bottom section]

[6 panel cartoon, spans bottom section of all columns] SCOOP THE CUB REPORTER Lesson No. 2 The City Editor Explaines How The Pitcher Works by "Hop[?]

[panel 1] [image of older man giving scoop explanation of pitcher duties] HAVING EXPLAINED THE DUTIES OFTHE BACKSTOPWE'LL NOW TAKE UP THE POSITION OF TWIRLER-THE BIG NOISE IN BASEBALL-

[panel 2] [image of man sending scoop to his position] -YOU GO BACK TO YOUR BOX AND PUT THREE OF 'EM IN A [blotted] RIGHT ACROSS THE PANACCORDING TO HOW I SIGNAL - I'LL CALL FOR A HIGH ONE FIRST-

[panel 3] [image of man in catcher's position demonstrating signal] NOW WHEN THE CATCHER SIGNALS FOR A HIGH ONE - THE PITCHER WINGS THE PILL ACCORDINGLY

[panel 4] [image of man looking up over his head] ? THE HIGH ONE

[panel 5] [image of man being surprised] !

[panel 6] [image of scoop behing hit in face by home plate] CALL A TAXI AND CHASE THAT BALL —

Last edit 10 months ago by Harpwench
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 6 in total