32 Ordinances of the City of Greenville.
AN ORDINANCE Concerning Dogs.
SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of
the City of Greenville, in Council assembled, That on
each and every dog kept by any person on his premises
within the corporate limits there shall be paid a tax of
one dollar and twenty-five cents to the City in each and
every year; and any dog, or dogs, kept as aforesaid,
shall be included in the tax return of the owner and
keeper thereof, or the head of the family or keeper of the
house where such dog is kept or harbored; and on payment
of the said tax the owner or keeper of such dog,
or dogs, shall be entitled to receive from the City Treasurer
a license or badge for one year: Provided, A collar
shall be constantly worn by such dog, having the badge
or license attached thereto: And provided, also, That if
at any time it shall be deemed unsafe to permit doys to
go at large, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to issue
proclamation forbidding the same; and any dog found
going at large after such notice, and until such proclamation
is revoked or expires by limitation, may be
killed; and moreover the keeper or owner thereof shall
be liable to a fine of two dollars, and any dog found
going at large, or in any lot, contrary to this Ordinance,
may be killed. Any person keeping a dog, contrary to
this Ordinance, shall be liable to a fine of five dollars for
every such offence; and for failure to make a return
shall have the penalty added as in the case of other City
SEC. 2. And be it further ordained, That the following
oath, in addition to the oaths now prescribed by law,
shall be taken by all persons making a return to taxable
property in the City, viz.: "I, A. B., do further swear
that there is no dog kept by me, or on my premises,"
to which shall be added the following where a dog, or dogs,
may have been returned, "except such as have been duly
returned. So help me God."
SEC. 3. It is further ordained, That any dog brought
into the City shall be immediately reported to the City
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