Ordinances of the City of Greenville. 29
AN ORDINANCE in Reference to Mayor's Court
and Salary of Mayor.
Whereas, The recent Amendment to the Charter of the
City of Greenville provides that the Mayor of said
City may hold a Court for the trial of offenders against
the City Ordinances.
Section 1. Therefore be in enacted by the Mayor and
Aldermen of the City of Greenville, That from and after
this date, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to hold a
Mayor's Court as often as may be necessary for the
trial of all offenders.
Sec. 2. That hereafter the Mayor of the City of Greenville
shall receive for his annual salary the sum of nine
hundred dollars, the same to be paid monthly by the City
Done in Council and ratified this sixteenth day of
August, in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight
[in margin] (L.S.) hundred and seventy-five, and in the one
hundredth year of the independence of the United States
of America.
W. L. MAULDIN, Mayor, pro tem.
Augustine Bacon, Clerk of Council.
AN ORDINANCE Concerning Cows, Goats and Swine.
Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen o
f the City of Greenville, in Council assembled, That
hereafter it shall not be lawful for cows, goats or swine
to run at large within the corporate limits of the City
of Greenville, and it shall be the duty of the Chief of
Police and Assistant Policemen, and they are hereby
authorized and required, to seize and secure cows, goats or
swine that may be so found running at large, and to
impound the same in an inclosure to be provided; and
it shall be lawful for any person or persons residing in
the City to seize any cows, goats or swine coming upon
their premises, and deliver the same to a Policeman,
to be impounded as provided for in this section.
*This Section was passed Sept 17, 1889.
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