Ordinances of the City of Greenville. 25
within six hours after its death, shall be subject to a
penalty of three dollars for each and every offence.
Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That if any person
shall permit any such dead animal to remain unburied
or unremoved from the limits of the City longer than
six hours, the Chief of Police, or any one of his assistants,
shall cause the same to be removed or buried at
the expense of such person.
Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That it shall not be
lawful for any person, or persons, to throw or put into
the Reedy River, streams or ponds within the City
limits, any filth, trash, or dead animal, under a
penalty of ten dollars for each and every offence.
Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That this Ordinance
shall take effect from and after the ratification thereof.
Done and ratified under the Corporate Seal of the said
City of Greenville, on the twenty-second day of
[in margin] (L.S.) November, in the year of our Lord one thousand,
eight hundred and seventy-five.
Augustine Bacon, Clerk of Council.
AN ORDINANCE Relating to the Board of Health,
Birth, Burials, Etc.
Section 3. Be it ordained, That every physician or
midwife, or other person, who may professionally assist
or advise at any birth within the corporate limits of
the City of Greenville, shall make and keep a registry of
such birth, and therein enter the time and place of such
birth, and the color and sex of every child born, and
the names, color, occupation and residence of each of
the parents, so far as such facts can be ascertained;
and every clergyman, trial justice, or other person, who
may perform the marriage ceremony within the said
corporate limits shall make and keep a registry of the
marriage celebrated, and therein enter the full names of
the parties married, the time and place of such mar- [marriage]
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