gcls_citycode_1898pasted_ 0110
1. Full name of deceased. (If an infant not named, give parents'
2. Age years, months, days. Color.
3. Single, married, widow or widower.
4. Occupation.
5. Birthplace. (Country.)
6. How long resident i the City,
7. Place of death Ward and Street,
8. I do hereby certify that I attended deceased from....day of
to......day of.... ..18..; that I last saw......... .alive
the....day of....18.., about....o'clock; and that the cause
of death was......
............M. D.
SEC. 7. When any person shall die in the city, the physician
who shall have attended such person as physician
or surgeon shall fill up the blanks in the foregoing Section
to the best of his knowledge, and sign the same and
deliver it to the Chairman of the Board of Health; and
in case any person shall die in the city unattended by
any physician or surgeon, it shall be the duty of the Coroner
to furnish such certificate; and for each and every
neglect of the duty herein required, each and every person
offending shall forfeit and pay for the use of the city
the sum of twenty-five dollars.
SEC. 8. No hearse-keeper or other person shall receive
or carry any corpse or dead body until he shall have first
been supplied with certificate of the kind required to be
furnished by the attending physician or Coroner in the
preceding Section, and further obtain from the Chairman
of the Board of Health or from the City Clerk a burial
permit in the following form
GREENVILLE, S. C.... . . . . . 18,,
Permission is hereby given to remove the remains of.. ..Age
.....; occupation....; place of birth....; place of death....; date
of death....; to ........; for interment.
....Ch. Board Health.
And it shall be his or their duty to deliver the said certificate
and burial permit, with the dead body, to the sex.
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