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are more than one polling precinct, every elector shall vote at the polling precinct in which his registration certificate entitled him to vote.
SEC. 28. Each elector registered by the municipal Supervisor or Supervisors of Registration, as the case may by, shall be furnished by such supervisor or supervisors, as the case may be, with a certificate, which shall be of the following form :
STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. { City or Town of...................{ Registration Certificate for Municipal Election, Number....... Ward...... This is to certify a qualified elector of the city or town of....................resides in Ward........, is........ years of age, and is entitled to vote in the municipal election on of..........18....... Registered on the of........18.. ................................................. Supervisor of Registration .......................... ................................. or ........ .......................... ............. ................................................................ Supervisors of Registration.
SEC.29 Before any municipal election to be held in any incorporated city or town in this State after the general election of 1896, the municipal Supervisor or Supervisors of Registration, as the case may be, shall furnish the managers of elections with the book or books of registration for the city or town or precinct thereof, prepared by him or them for the use of the managers of election as prescribed in the preceding 24th Section of this Act, which they shall return to the Supervisor or Supervisors, as the case may be, within three days after the election ; and no elector shall be allowed to vote in any municipal election whose name is not registered as herein provided, or who does not produce a registration certificate at the polls: Provided, That in case the name of any registered elector does not appear, or incorrectly appears, on the registration books of his polling precinct, he shall nevertheless be entitled to vote, upon the pro-
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duction and presentation to the managers of election of such precinct (in additional to his municipal registration certificate) a certificate of the Clerk or Recorder of such city or town that his name is enrolled in the registration books of his city or town, on file in the office of said Clerk or Recorder, and it shall be the duty of said Clerk or Recorder to furnish such certificate without cost or charge upon demand of any such elector whose name ap pears on the registration book of his city or town on file in the office of said Clerk or Recorder. SEC. 30. Every applicant for registration including municipal registration shall first take the following oath to be administered to him by the Board or the Supervisor or Supervisors of Registration, as the case may be : " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am a male citizen of this State and of the United States ; that I have resided in this State for two years, and in this County for one year, and in the polling precinct in which I apply to be registered and in which I will offer to vote if registered for four months; and that I have not been convicted of burglary, arson, obtaining goods or money under false pretences, perjury, forgery, robbery, bribery, adultry, bigamy, wife beating, housebreaking, receiving stolen goods, breach of trust with fraudulent intent, fornication, sodomy, incest, assault with intent to ravish, miscegenation, larceny or crimes against the election laws. " (Acts 1896, page 45-48.)
----------------------------------- MEATS. AN ACT to amend the Charters of Cities and Towns in regard to the sale of meats. SEC. 1. That from and after the approval of this Act no City or Town Council shall charge any citizen or citizens of this State fees for the right to sell or offer for sale fresh beef, pork, mutton, fish, poultry or veal, produced or grown by the vender, excepting butchers, who shall
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keep a regular butcher's stall or market house, inside the incorporate limits of any city or town in which license may be required.
SEC. 2. Such license shall not give the holder thereof a monopoly of the sale of the articles enumerated above, but any farmer or stock raiser may sell or offer for sale, at any time, beef, mutton, pork or veal, in cities or towns granting such license without being required to pay any fee for the right so to do.
(Acts 1896, page 91.
-------------------------------- POLICE REGULATIONS-- METROPOLITAN POLICE ACT. SEC. 1. That on and after the passage of this Act, whenever a Board composed of the Governor, the Secretary of State and the Comptroller General shall deem it advisable or necessary for the better and more perfect enforcement of the laws of this State in any city or incorporated town under police regulations in the State, the said State shall appoint a Board of Police Commissioners, to consist of three memebers, for such city. Such Commissioners shall have been qualified electors and freeholders of such city at least one year next prior to the appointment. The official term of such Commisoners shall be co-terminal with that of the State Board appointing them, and until their successors be appointed and qualified, but such Commisioners, or any of them, may be removed and the vacancy or vacancies filled by the said State Board at any time that they may deem such removal necessary or expedient to promots the object of the original appointment, and so long as it may be deemed necessary or expedient by the said State Board or their successors to continue such police government in such city; each incoming State Board shall make a new appointment of the same or other Commissioners for the succeeding term, to wit : co-terminal with the term of such State Board, and until their successors be appointed and qualified, if such government be continued under this Act Before entereing upon their duties, such
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Commisioners shall each take and subscribe and cause to be filed in the office of the Secretary of State an oath of office for the faithful discharge of their duties and the usual constitutional oaths required of public officers; and if the appointee shall for ten days after notification of appointment fail to cause such oaths to be filed as aforesaid, his appointment shall be revoked and a new appointment shall be made by the said State Board ; and the said State Board shall have power to fill any vacancy in said Board at any time, whether caused by death, removal, resignation, or any other cause, or may, in their discretion, remove any member or members of said Board, if in their opinion he or they fail to perform any duty according to the intent of this Act. One of said Board shall be designated by the State Board to be President and another as Secretary of said Board. The annual salary of said Commissioners shall not be less than fifty dollars nor more than three hundred dollars, to be fixed by the said State Board within these limits in proportion to the population of the particular city in question. But the Secretary may be allowed a sum not exceeding fifty dollars in addition to his salary as a Commissioner. Said salaries shall be paid out of the town or city treasury in like manner as the salaries of town or city officers.
SEC. 2. Such Board of Police Commissioners shall also immediately appoint a Marshal, who shall be Chief of Police and the necessary commissioned officers, who shall give bond in an amount equal to that required on the 18th day of December, 1894, of similar officers under the ordinances of such cities and towns, subject to the orders of the Board, and as many policemen as may be deemed necessary by the Board, not exceeding one for every thousand inhabitants, and who shall have been residents of such city or town at least six months prior to their appointment. The Marshal and the Police shall hold their respective offices co-terminally with the Board appointing them, subject, however to removal at any time by a majority vote of the Board of Police Commis-
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sioners. The marshal and policemen so appointed shall have exclusive power, and it shall be their duty to serve all process issued by the Mayor, Intendent or City Recorder, and all notices and papers issued by the Board of Police Commissioners. They, the said Marshal and Policemen, shall have and exercise all the common law and statutory power of Constables within such city, except for the service of civil process, and they shall also have all the powers now had and exercised by policemen under the laws of the State and the ordiances of such city ; Provided, That no city or town shall be liable in damages for any of the acts of any of the marshals or policemen or officials appointed under the provisions of this Act.
(Amendment of 1896.)
SEC. 3. The Board of Police Commissioners shall keep and maintain an office at the Council chamber, police court room, or some station house or other convenient place, and shall meet in regular session every month, and in special session at any other time upon written request of any member to each other member who is in the city. Any regular session may be adjourned for a period not exceeding four days. Two members shall constitute a qourum at any regular or adjourned session, or at any special session properly called and notified. The concurrence of two members shall be sufficient to decided any question properly coming before the Board. It shall be the duty of the Board of Police Commissioners to fill all vacancies in the offices of Marshal and policemen. The Board of Police Commissioners shall have entire control of the police force of such city, its organization, government and discipline and entire control of all station houses, city prisons, patrol wagons, books, records, equipments and all other property belonging to the police department, and shall audit all claims against said department and certify the same to the Mayor and Council for payment when collected ; and it shall be the duty of said Mayor and Council to pay all such claims when so audited, certified, and presented. And it shall be the