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such convicts when so sentenced shall work under the exclusive direction and control of the municipal authority imposing sentence : Provided, That no convict whose sentence shall be for a period longer than three years, shall be so sentenced. [Act 1897, page 491.] AN ACT to Authorize Town Authorities to Exchange Labor of Town Convicts with County Authorities. SEC. 1. That from and after the passage of this Act, whenever any town or municipal authority in this State have not a sufficient number of convicts sentenced to work on the public works of the town to warrant the expense of maintaining a town chain-gang, the town authorities of said town shall be authorized to place said convicts on the county chain-gang for the time so sentenced, and the county authorities of the county in which said town is situated shall be authorized and empowered to exchange labor with said town authorities and place county convicts on the public works of the town for the same number of days that town convicts work on the public works of the county. [Act 1898, page 822.] COURT-TRIAL BY MUNICIPALITIES. AN ACT to define the Jurisdiction of and to Settle the the Porcedure in Municipal Courts of the Cities and Towns of this State. SEC. 1. That the Intendants or Mayors of the cities and towns of this State that have been heretofore chartered, or that may be hereafter chartered by special Act of the General Assembly or under general laws, shall have all the powers and authority of Magistrates in criminal cases within the corporate limits and police jurisdiction of their respective cities and towns, and shall especially have the power and authority to speedily try all offenders against the ordinances of said town in a summary manner and without a jury unless demanded by
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the accused; and the Mayor pro tempore shall have the same powers. When the accused shall demand a jury, the same shall be drawn in the same manner as provided for in the Courts of Magistrates. The Chief of Police or Marshal of the town, or such officer as the Mayor, Intendent or Mayor pro tempore may appoint, shall act as Constable to prepare the jury list; and the complainant, or some officer to be designated by the Mayor, Intendant or Mayor pro tempore, is authorized to make the challenges allowed on the part of the prosecution.
SEC. 2. Whenever said Mayor, Intendant or Mayor pro tempore shall find the party tried before him guilty of violating an ordinance of said town, he shall have power to impose, in his discretion, a fine or imprisonment in the alternative, not to exceed the limits prescribed for such violation by the ordinances of said city or town, and such imprisonment may be accompanied with the additional requirement of hard labor on the streets of said city or town, under such regulation as by ordinances may be established.
From all decisions of such Mayor, Intendant or Mayor pro tempore any defendant feeling himself or herself aggrieved shall have the right to appeal to the City or Town Council, provided he give notice of such appeal within twenty-four hours after sentence has been passed, and to enter into bond to appear and defend before said Council at a time to be specified in such undertaking. At the trial of such appeal the Mayor, Intendant or Mayor pro tempore shall preside, and the Aldermen shall sit as a jury to try the facts. They may reverse, modify or confirm any or all rulings or conclusions of the Mayor, Intendant or Mayor pro tempore made or reached in the first trial of the case.
SEC. 3. From all decisions of said Mayor, Intendant or Mayor pro tempore, or City or Town Council, any part in interest feeling himself or herself aggrieved, shall have the right of appeal to the Court of General Sessions for the county in which the trial is had : Provided,
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however, That he must give notice of such appeal in writting within twenty-four hours after the sentence has been passed and enter into bond to appear and defend before said Court at its next ensuing session thereafter. Said appeal in said Court of General Sessions shall be heard upon the report of the presiding officer or the trial below and upon the testimony reported by him. ----------------------- ELECTIONS.
AN ACT to Authorize Special Election in any Corporate City or Town in the State for the Purpose of Issuing Bonds for Corporate Purposes.
SEC. 1. That it shall be the duty of the municipal authorities of any incorporated city or town of this State, upon a petition of a majority of the freeholders of said city or town, as shown by its tax books to order a special election in any such city or town for the purpose of issuing bonds for purchasing, repairing or improving of a city or town hall, or park or grounds therefor, markets and guard house, enlarging, extending or establishing the electric light plant, or waterworks, sewerage, improvement of streets and sidewalks or any corporate purpose set forth in said petition : Provided, That the aggregate bonded indebtedness of any city or town shall never exceed eight per centum of the assessed value of the taxable property therein. And any bonds heretofore voted upon and issued by any incorporated city or town of the State since the adoption of the Constitution of the year 1895, under the provisions of the Act herein recited, (Act 1895, page 88,) are hereby validated and made legal for any of the purposes hereinabove set forth.
( Act 1897, page 453.)
SEC. 2. After the general election of the year 1896 such persons shall be entitled to vote at any such special election are qualified under Section 13, Art. II, of the Constitution of 1895 of this State; and should a majority of those voting in said election vote in favor of said bond issue, then the municipal authorities of said city or town
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shall be authorized to issue said bonds which shall be of such denomination and run for such length of time and bear such rate of interest, not exceeding seven per centum per annum, as the said municipal authorities shall prescribe. (Act 1896, page 88.)
AN ACT to Provide for the Registration of all Electors in this State Qualified to Vote in State, County, Municipal, etc.
SEC. 23. Every male citizen of this State and of the United States of the age of twenty-one years and upwards having all the qualifications mentioned in the first Section of this Act, and who has resided within the corporate limits of any incorporated city or town in this State of four months previous to any municipal election, and has paid all taxes due and collectible for the preceding fiscal year, and who has been registered as hereinafter required, shall be entitled to vote at all municipal elections of his city or town after the general election in the year 1896.
SEC. 24. Ninety days before the holding of a regular election in any incorporated city or town in this State after the general election of 1896 the Mayor or Intendant thereof shall appoint one discreet individual who is a qualified elector of such municipality as Supervisor of Registration for such city or town, whose duty it shall be to register all qualified electors within the limits of the incorporated city or town. The names of all qualified electors of such municipality shall be entered in a book of registration, which at least one week before the election and immediately after the holding of the election shall be filed in the office of the Clerk or Recorder of such city or town, and shall be a public record open to the inspection of any citizen at all times. Such registration shall be used for all special elections in the
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municipality until ninety days preceding the next regular election : Provided, That in cities over fifty thousand inhabitants there shall be appointed three Supervisors, who shall represent different political parties or factions of parties. Immediately preceding any municipal election to be held in any incorporated city or town in this State, the Supervisor or Supervisors of Registration, as the case may be, shall prepare for the use of the managers of election of each polling precinct in such city or town a registration book or books for each polling precinct in such city or town containing the names of all electors entitled to vote in such polling precinct at said election.
SEC. 25. It shall be the duty of the Mayor or Intendant of incorporated cities or towns to cause to be prepared and furnished suitable books of registration and all stationery and blanks necessary for the registration of electors.
SEC. 26. The Supervisor or Supervisors of Registratition, as the case may be, shall judge of the qualifications of all applicants for registration. The production of a certificate of registration of the county entitling the applicant to vote in a polling precinct within the incorporated city or town in which the applicant desires to vote shall be a conditioned prerequisite to the applicant's obtaining a certificate of registration for municipal elections ; and the production of such certificate and proof of his residence within the limits of the municipality for four months preceding such election and the payment of all taxes assessed against him due and collectible for the previous fiscal year shall entitle the applicant to registration. From the decision of the municipal Supervisor, any applicant may appeal to the Court of Common Pleas, or any judge thereof, and from thence to the Supreme Court, and the mode of appeal shall be the same as provided in Section 8 of this Act.
SEC. 27. In incorporated cities or towns in which there