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and the coupons for said interest, when due, to be receivable in payment of all taxes levied by or due to said city: Provided, That said bonds shall not be issued until the question of issuing the same shall have been submitted to a vote of the qualified voters of said city, at an election to be held for that purpose on the last Tuesday in January 1891, and if a majority of the voters shall vote in favor of issuing said bonds, then the City Council of said city shall issue the same as hereinbefore provided; Provided, further, That the said City Council of the City of Greenville shall give ten days public notice of the time and place of said election, appoint the managers, and declare the result of said election.
SEC. 2. That the said City Council shall turn over said bonds when issued to the Board of Trustees of the free public shcools of the school district of the City of Greenville.
SEC. 3. That the said Board of Trustees are authroized and empowered to sell or hypothecate said bonds: Provi ded, That they shall not sell or hypothecare said bonds for less than their par value, and until said bonds are soid or hypothecrated, and if sold or hypothecated, the proceeds thereof shall be deposited in the bank, to be drawn out only upon the order of said Board of Trustees, and countersigned by the Chairman and Treasurer.
SEC. 4. That the money arising from the sale or hypothecatien of said bonds be used exclusively for the purposes set out in Section one of this Act, and to this end shall be expended under the direction and control of said Board of Trustees; and should any of said bonds be not used by said Board of Trustees, the same shall be returned to the said City Council and by it cancelled.
SEC. 5. That the said Board of Trustees and their successors in office, are authorized and empowered to take and hold in trust for said School District all necessary lands and tenements and personal property, whether by purchase, grant, devise, gift or bequest, and use and
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apply the same in the interest of their district and the welfare of their schools.
SEC. 6. That the said City Council shall, semi-annually, at such time as they may fix and determine, pay the interest due on said bonds; and for this purpose the said City Council, in addition to the powers already conferred, shall be authorized and required annually to levy such tax upon the real and personal property assessed for taxation in said city as may be deemed necessary to pay the interest of the said bonds which may become due in each and every year until the whole of said bonds shall be paid.
SEC. 7. That all Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed.
SEC. 8. That this Act shall take effect immediately upon its approval by the Governor.
Approved December 24th, 1890. [Act 1890, page 879]
AN ACT to Authorize and Empower the City Council of the City of Greenville to Issue Bonds for the Purpose of Paying for Erecting and Building an Iron Bridge Across Reedy River within the Corporate Limits of said City, and to Provide for the Interest Accruing Thereon and the Principal.
SEC. 1. That the City Council of the City of Greenville shall have power, and they are hereby authorized and empowered, to issue bonds of said city to the amount of twelve thousand dollars, for the purpose of erecting, building and paying for an iron bridge across Reedy River within the corporate limits of said city; said bonds to be issued in such denomination as said City Council may deem best, and to be payable from five to fifteen years after the date of the issue thereof, at the discretion of said City Council, with interest payable semi-annually at the rate of not exceeding seven per centum per annum, and the coupons for said interest when due to be
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recivable in payment of all taxes levied by or due to said city.
SEC. 2. That the said City Council shall semi-annually, at such times as they may fix and determine, pay the interest due on said bonds; and for this purpose the said City Council, in addition to the powers already conferred, shall be authorized and required annually to levy such tax upon the real and personal property assessed for taxation in said city as may be deemed necessary to pay the interest of the said bonds which may become due in each and every year, and the principal of said bonds when they become due.
SEC. 3. This Act shall take effect immediately after its approval.
Approved December 24th, 1889. (Acts of 1889, page 530.)
AN ACT to authorize the City of Greenville to Issue Coupon Bonds to Fund the Floating Indebtedness of said City.
SEC. 1. That the City of Greenville, through its properly constituted authorities, be, and is hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds or stock of said city to an amount not exceeding ten thousand dollars, to become due and payable twenty-six years from the first day of January, 1886, and to bear interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and in denominations of five hundred dollars, for the purpose of funding the floating indebtedness of said city not outstanding.
[Acts 1885, page 18.]
AN ACT to Authorize and Empower the City Council of the City of Greenville to issue Coupon Bonds for the purpose of Refunding the Indebtedness of said City, Falling due in 1891, upon Bonds Issued in Aid of the Atlanta and Richmond Air Line Railway Company.
SEC. 1. That for the purpose of refunding the indebtedness of the City of Greenville upon bonds issued in aid
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of the Atlanta and Richmond Air Line Railway Company, which bonds fall due in 1891, the said City Council of the City of Greenville be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to issue coupon bonds to an amount not exceeding twelve thousand five hundred dollars, said bonds to bear interest at a rate not exceeding seven per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of January and July of each year, and to be made payable in from five to twenty-five years from the date of the same, at the discretion of the said City Council.
(Act of 1889, page 531.)
AN ACT to authorize the City Council of the City Greenville to Issue Coupon Bonds for the Purpose of Refunding Ten Thousand (10,000) Dollars of the Indebtedness of said city falling due in July 1887, upon bonds issued in aid of the Atlanta and Richmond Air Line Railway Company.
SEC. 1. That for the purpose of refunding the indebtedness of the City of Greenville upon bonds issued in aid of the Atlanta and Richmond Air Line Railway Company, which bonds fall due in July 1887, the City Council of the City of Greenville be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to issue coupon bonds to an amount not exceeding ten thousand dollars; said bonds to bear interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum payable semiannually, on the first day of July and of January of each and every year, and to bear date from the first day of July 1887, and to be made payable twenty-five years from the date of the same. (Acts 1886, page 625.)
AN ACT to empower the municipal authorities of the cities and towns of this State of not less than ten thousand inhabitants to Require the Weighing of all Coal sold within the limits of such cities and towns and to Impose a Charge therefor.
SEC. 1. That the municipal authorities of the cities and
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towns of this State of not less than ten thousand inhabitants be, and they are hereby, empowered to require all dealers of coal to weigh all coal sold within the limits of such cities and towns upon the public scales of such cities and towns and to impose a charge therefore of not more than ten cents for each draft.
SEC. 2. That the said municipal authorities may enforce the provisions of the foregoing section by such fine or imprisonment as may be now or hereafter prescribed by law for the violation of such cities or towns. (Acts 1896, page 92.)
CONVICTS. AN ACT to Authorize and Empower Certain Incorporated Towns to Substitute Hard Labor on their Streets for Fine and Imprisonment, etc.
SEC. 1. That all incorporated towns in the State of South Carolina of three hundred inhabitants or more are hereby authorized and empowered to substitute hard labor on their streets for fine and imprisonment, in cases of misdemeanor which come under their jurisdiction : Provided, That in no case shall such a sentence to hard labor exceed a term of thirty days, unless otherwise provided by law. (Act 1889, page 295.)
Section 626 of 1893, Revised Statues -- (Amended.) From and after the passage of this Act all the Courts of this State, and municipal authorities, which under existing laws have power to sentence convicts to confinement in prison with hard labor, shall sentence all ablebodied male convicts to hard labor upon the public works of the county in which said person shall have been convicted, and in the alternative to imprisonment in the county jail or State penitentiary at hard labor : Provided, That municipal authorities may sentence municipal convicts to work upon the streets and other public works of the municipality in which they have been convicted, and