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SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of the Board of Health as a body, or by commitee, with the Health Officer, to make quarterly visits and inspections of all schools, seminaries or colleges (while in session) which are supported in part or entirely by public taxation, and examine and report on the sanitary condition of the same, the abatement and removal of garbage, refuse matter and nuisances which may prove prejudicial to the health of the pupils. They shall inquire into the purity of the water supply, the condition and efficient work of the drains, waste pipes, soil pipes, and cess-pools, the ventilation, lighting of the dormotories, lecture and study rooms of the buildings and the appliances in use for fire escapes. In case of the epidemic prevalence of contagious or infections, and in order to prevent the spread of the same, the Board of Health by and with the consent of the City or Town Council, may order the schools, etc., closed until such time as they may deem it safe to reopen them. Whatever sanitary conditions or evils shall be found by the Board of Health to exist in or around the public colleges, schools, etc., shall be reported by the Secretary of the Board of Health to the Trustees of the same, who shall take immediate steps to remedy the sanitary defects according to the rules and regulations prescribed by the Board of Health.
SEC. 8. The Board shall meet at least once a month for the transaction of business, and shall make and cause to be published all the necessary rules and regulations for carrying into effect the powers and functions with which they are hereby invested, which rules and regulations, when approved by the Town or City Council, and when advertised in the same manner as other ordinances, shall have the force of ordinances of the town or city; and all penalties for the violation thereof, as well as expenses necessarily incurred in carrying into effect the same, shall be recoverable for the use of the town or city in the same manner as penalties for the violation of the town or city ordinances, subject to the like limitation as to the amount thereof.
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SEC. 9. It shall be the duty of the Board of Health to submit annually to the Council, before the commencement of the fiscal year, the estimate of the probable receipts and expenditures of the Board during the ensuing year, and the Council shall then proceed to make such appropriation thereto as they shall deem necessary; and the said Board shall, in the month of October of each year, submit a report in writing to the Council of its operations for the preceding year, with the necessary statistics thereof, together with such information and suggestions relative to the sanitary condition and requirements of the town or city as it may deem proper, and the Council shall publish the same in its official journal. It shall be the duty of the Board to communicate to the State Board of Health at least annually in the month of October, notice of its organization and membership, and copies of all its reports and publications, together with such sanitary information as may from time to time be required by said State Board.
SEC. 10. That any individual of individuals mentioned in this Act who shall wilfully neglect or refuse to comply with either of the above provisions shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be fine not less than one dollar, nor more than fifty dollars. (Act of 1894, page 816.)
AN ACT to authorize cities, etc. to issue negotiable coupon bonds for payment of past indebtedness, etc.
SEC. 1. That any city, town, township or other municipal corporation, for the purpose of refunding or paying the whole or any part of its bonded indebtedness existing at the time of the adoption of the present constitution, and any unpaid passed interest thereon, shall be, and is hereby, authorized and empowered to issue its negotiable coupon bonds from time to time, and in such amounts as shall be proper and to use and dispose of the same,
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either by sale or exchange, for the purposes aforesaid. That said bonds issued under the provisions of this act shall be payable in not more than fifty years from their date, and shall be in sums of one hundred dollars, five hundred dollars or one thousand dollars, each, bearing interest at such rate as shall be directed by the City Council, or Town Council, or the Corporate Authorities of said city, town, township or other municipal corporation respectively. Said interest to be payable semi-annually: Provided, Said rate of interet shall not exceed the rate of interest borne by the previous issue of bonds: and Provided further, That the aggregate amount of the principal of the bonds at any time issued under this Act by any city, town, township or other municipal corporations shall not exceed the aggregate amount of said bonded indebtedness and past due interest thereon to refund or pay which said bonds shall be issued under this act: and Provided, further, That the principal and interest shall be paid in any legal tender monery of the United States.
(Amendment of 1897.)
SEC.2. That said bonds authorized to be issued under this Act mayy be issued without submitting the question as to the creation of such bonded indebtedness to the qualified electors of said city or other municipal corporation issuing such bonds under this Act, and all provisions in any Charter of any city, town, or other municipal corporation requiring such submission to the qualfied voters thereof be, and the same are hereby, repealed.
SEC. 3. That the City Council, or Town Council or other Corporate Authorities of said cities, towns, townships or other municipal corporations, respectively, be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to levy an annual tax on all taxable property of said cities, towns, or other municipal corporation, respectively, to provide for the payment of the prinicipal and interest of the said bonds as the same shall become due.
SEC. 4. That the City Council, or Town Council or
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other Corporate Authorities of such city or town, township or other municipal corporation, respectively, who may issue bonds under the terms of this Act shall have authority to provide in any ordinance adopted, requiring or permitting the issue of said bonds that the coupons and prinicpal on said bonds, or either, shall be receivable for taxes due to the city, town, township or other municipal corporation, respectively, issuing the said bonds during the year in which they mature, and shall further have authority to declare by such ordinance that in case of the neglect or failure of the City Council, or Town Council, or other municipal authority, respectively, to levy taxes required by this Act to be levied to provide for the payment and interest of said bond, then the holder or holders of any of the said bonds or coupons may enforce the same by mandamus in any of the courts of this State.
SEC. 5. That for the purposes of issuing the bonds provided for in this Act of Township Commissioners shall be, and are hereby declared to be, the proper corporate authorities of the townships to issue such bonds, except that in cases where an incorporated city or town is within a township, the Township Commissioners and City Council or Town Council (as the case may be) shall be, and are hereby declared to be, the proper coporate authorities of the township to issue such bonds.
SEC. 6. That all Acts or parts of Acts heretofore enacted authorizing and empowering any city, town or other municipal corporation to issue bonds, in whole or in part, to take up or refund any bonded indebtedness, under which Act the bonds provided thereby to be issued have not been actually issued and disposed before the approval of this Act be, and the same are hereby repealed.
(Act of 1896, page 88.)
AN ACT to authorize and empower the City Council of the City of Greenville to issue coupon bonds for the purpose of refunding the indebtedness of said city,
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falling due in 1895, upon bonds issued in aid of the Atlanta and Richmond Air Line Railway Company.
SEC. 1. That for the purpose of refunding the indebtedness of the City of Greenville upon the bonds issued in aid of the Atlanta and Richmond Air Line Railway Company, which bonds fall due in 1895, the said City Council of the City of Greenville be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to issue coupon bonds to the amount not exceeding eight thousand five hundred dollars, said bonds to bear interest at rate not exceeding six per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, on the first days of January and July of each year, and to be made payable in twenty years from July 1st, 1895.
(Act of 1894, page 1125.)
SEC. 2. That in order to pay the prinicpal and interest on said bonds when they mature, the City Council of Greenville authorized and required to levy and collect taxes to pay same, said taxes to be levied and collected as other taxes are levied and collected.
(Amendment of Act 1896.)
AN ACT to authorize the City Council of Greenville to issue bonds for the purpose of purchasing, erecting, improving, repairing and furnishing school buildings for the free public schools of the City of Greenville, and to provide for the interest accruing thereon.
SEC. 1. That the City Council of the City of Greenville shall have power, and are hereby authorized and required, to issue bonds of said city on or before the first day of February 1891, to the amount of seven thousand dollars, for the purpose of purchasing one school house site, with or without buildings, erecting new ones, furnishing same and improving school house grounds for the free public schools of the City of Greenville; said bonds to be issued in such denomination as said City Council may deem best, and to be payable twenty years from the date of said bonds, with interest, payable semi-annually, at the rate of not more than six per cent, per annum,