gcls_citycode_1898_ 0156
Districts of board health. - - - 105 Drunkenness of officers and enmployees. - 148 E - Electric wires, poles, &c. - Interfering with or damaging. - 88 " lights, - - - - - 84 Employees, drunkenness prohibited, - 144 Engineer (city), - - - - - 88 F - Factories - Resolutions - - - - 151 Faro banks prohibited, - 144 Fire department - Board fire masters, - 91 Interfering, abstructing, &c., 92 Limits for certain buildings, 69 Resolutions, - - 151 G - Gaiming tables prohibited, - - - - 144 Gates, - - - - - - - 93 H - Hacks - Use of streets, - - - - 93 Health - Board of, - - - - - 94 Births, burials, etc., - - - 94 Removal of rubbish, etc., - - 97 Privies, vaults, etc., - - - 97 Limits of privies, etc., - - - 98 Rules, - - - - - 98 Districts, - - - - - 105 Horses, mules, etc in streets - - - 135 Houses of ill fame, etc., - - - - 139 I - Injury to park, - - - - - 110 private property, - - - - 143 public " - - - - 144 Interfering fire department, - - - 92 with police, - - - - 145 L - Lamp, bicyles - - - - - - 68 Licence tax, - - - - - - 106 M - Mayor's salary, - - - - - 109 Court, - - - - - 109
gcls_citycode_1898_ 0157
N - Noisily declaiming on streets, - - - 137 Nuisances, - - - - - - - 109 Dead animals, - - 109 Removal of - - 110 O - Observances of Sabbath, - - - - 116 Officers and emplyees, drunkeness prohibited. 148 Oils -- illuminating, - - - - - 110 Obstructing fire department, - - - 92 P - Paris Mountain Water Company. - - - 83 Park - injury to, - - - - - 110 spring and branches - - - 111 disorderly conduct in, - - - 111 rules, loose characters, etc., in, - 111 Police, interference with prohibited, - 145 their duties, - - - - - 146 rules and regulations concerning, - 146 Plumbers, - - - - - - - 119 Poles, etc., - - - - - - 134 Private property, injury to prohibited. - 143 Prisoners, work on street, - - - 111 sentence of, - - - - 112 Public property - injury to prohibited, - 144 R - Railroads - Air Line, - - - - 111-112 bonds, - - - 113 location as to corporate limits, - 113 crossings streets, - - - 115 crossings, - - - - - 116 Real estate owners, - - - - 129 Resolutions - Sale of cemetery lots, - 149 Fire department, - - - - - 151 Factories, - - - - - - - 151 Riotious and disorderly conduct, - - 141 Rules- Board of Health, - - - - 98
gcls_citycode_1898_ 0158
S - Sabbath- Observance of, - - - 116 Open business on, - - - 117 Salary of Mayor, - - - 109 Scandously declaiming on streets, - - - 137 Selling, Swapping Horses, etc., - - - 135 Sewerage, - - - 117 regulating use of, - - - 119 plumbers, 119 real estate owners to connect, - - - 129 bonds, - - - 65 Sidewalks - Bicycles on. - - - 67 Buildings, etc., projecting over, - - - 68 Stealing, - - - 139 Streets - use of, - - - 131 driving and walking on, - - - 131 " in disorderly manner, - - - 131 obstructing, - - - 131 slops, waste, etc., prohibited in - - - 132 trenches in, - - - 132 laying pipes in, - - - 132 walking, riding and driving on, - - - 133 pipes. poles, etc., to be removed, etc,. - - - 134 selling, swapping horses in, - - - 135 time to drive horses. mules, etc., through. - - - 135 declaiming in, - - - 137 improvements - - - 63 paving, - - - 66 hacks in, - - - 93
T - Taxes, - - - 106 Theft prohibited, - - - 139 Telephone, - - - 136
V - Vacination, - - - 136 Vagrants, - - - 140
gcls_citycode_1898_ 0159
Vehicles crossing bridges, . . . 68 W - Water pipes, etc., . . . 134 fountains, protection of, . . . 142 Weights and measurer, . . . 137 Whiskey - prohibiting sale of, . . . 142