Charter and Ordinances of the City of Greenville of Force June 1st, 1898. Together with such Statute Laws as Effect Same.



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SEC. 11. The Mayor and Aldermen of said city are Powers of Trial hereby, severally and respectfully, vested with all the Justices. powers of Trial Justices in the State, within the limits of said city, to try and punish all persons charged with the violation of the ordinances of said city.

SEC. 12. That the Mayor of said city shall, as often as Council meetmay be necessary, summon the Aldermen to meet in Coun- ings. cil ; and the Mayor and any eight Aldermen, or any nine Aldermen without the Mayor, shall constitute a quorum to do business. The Mayor and Aldermen of said city shall be known and designated by the name of "The City Council of Greenville," and they and their succes- Powers. sors shall have a common seal, which shall be affixed to all their ordinances ; may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court of this State having jurisdiction ; and may purchase, hold, possess, and enjoy, to them and their successors, in perpetuity or for any term of years, any estate, real, personal or mixed, and sell, alien and convey the same : Provided, That the same shall not at any time exceed the sum of one hundred Property not to thousand dollars. And the said City Council shall have exceed $100,000. full power and authority to make and establish all such rules, by-laws, and ordinances respecting the roads, By-laws and orstreets, market and police department of said city, and dinances. the government thereof, as shall appear to them necessary and requisite for the security, welfare, and convenience of the said city, for preserving health, life and property therein, and securing the peace and good governement of the same, and may fix and impose fines and penalities for the violation thereof : Provided, nevertheless, That all such ordinances, by-laws, rules and regulations so made be duly promulgated, and that no fine Fines and imshall exceed the sum of fifty dollars, or imprisoment prisonment extend for a period longer than thirty days, or either, or both, for the same offense.

SEC. 13. That said City Council shall have full power Fire district to prohibit the erection of any wooden building or buildings, or any wooden roof building or buildings, in any

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portion of said city that they may by ordinance define as the limits of the fire district, and to prescribe of what material buildings or structures within said limits shall be constructed.

Nuisnaces. SEC. 14. That said City Council shall have full power and authority to abate all nuisances within the corporate limits of the said city, and also to appoint a Board Board of Health of Health, and a Board of Fire Masters of said city, and Fire Masters to pass such ordinances in regard thereto as may be Parks and cem- necessary. The parks, cemeteries, and public graveeteries. yards are also placed under the jurisdiction of the City Council. SEC. 15. The said City Council shall have power to Fire depart- organize, equip, and control a fire department for the ment protection of said city in such way as they may deem necessary and expedient. SEC. 16. That the said City Council shall have power Wards. and authority to divide the said city into six or more wards ; if they deem it necessary for the convenience and better government of the same, and in the election of Aldermen. Aldermen for said city, each of the said wards shall be represented by two Aldermen who shall be a resident of said ward. Clerk and Treas- SEC.17. That the said City Council shall have power urer, and Police- to elect and have a Clerk and Treasurer, and to appoint men. a Chief of Police, and such number of policemen as from time to time they may deem necessary for the safety and good order of said city, and to establish the salaries and fees, and to prescribe the duties of said officers, and the said officers shall give bonds with sufficient sureties in such amount as shall be deemed proper for the faithful discharge of their respective offices. The said Policemen shall be sworn in, and take in addition the other Their powers. prescribed by the laws for State Constables, and thereupon be invested with all the powers, and be subject to all the duties and liabilities of State Constables within the corporate limits of said city, in addition to the duties and liabilities specially conferred and imposed upon

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them by the said City Council; and the said policemen, when required by an ordinance of the city, or by the direction of the Mayor or any Alderman of the said city, shall arrest and may hold in custody by imprisonment in the guard house or jail not exceeding forty-eight hours before being brought before the Mayor, or acting Mayor, any person or persons who within the corporate limits of said city shall be guilty of, or shall be engaged in any breach of the peace, riotous or disorderly conduct, open obscenity, public drunkenness, theft, or any other conduct which may be disorderly, or calculated to produce disorder, or indecent, or dangerous to the good order of said city, and they shall have power to call to their assistance the "posse comitatus," if necessary.

SEC. 18. The said City Council are hereby authorized and empowered to require all male inhabitants of said city between the age of eighteen and fifty years, (the Mayor or Aldermen, active firemen, and persons exempt by law from road duty excepted,) to work upon the roads, streets or ways of said city, not exceeding four days in each and every year, or in lieu of such work the City Council may compund with the persons so liable to work in any amount not exceeding two dollars per annum, to be applied to the use of said city; and any person failing or refusing to perform such work, or to compound as above provided, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor (who may bring any such person before him by warrant) be fined not exceeding ten dollars, or be imprisoned in the jail or guard house for a period not exceeding thirty days.

SEC. 19. The said City Council, in addition to all such fines and penalties as may be procured and recovered, and all licenses for sale at auction, public shows, and for wholesale and retail dealers in liquors in said city, all of which the said City Council, or a majority of them, shall have the right to grant in their discretion, shall annually levy on the assessed property of the city (except such property as may be exempt from taxation by

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the Constitution and laws of this State) a tax sufficient to discharge and defray all expenses of carrying into effect the ordinances, rules, regualtions and laws made and established as above provided; Provided, said tax does not exceed seventy-five cents upon every one hundred dollars of real and personal property as assessed and equalized.

SEC. 20. That the said City Council shall have power to impose a tax upon the keepers of billiard tables, bowing alleys, or other places of amusement kept for profit within the city, and upon all itinerant auctioneers, traders and peddlers within said city, and to grant or refuse licenses for the same upon such terms and conditions, and subject to such regulations as Council may by ordinance establish; and the City Council shall also have power to impose a tax upon all drays, wagons, carriages, omnibuses and other vehicles kept for hire, and upon the owners or proprietors of all dogs permitted to go at large within the limits of said city.

SEC. 21. That the said City Council shall be, and are hereby, authorized to regulate the sales at auctioon within the limits of said city: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall extend to sales by sheriffs, executors or administrators, or by any other person under the order of any court.

SEC. 22. That the said City Council shall have the power to regulate and fix the prices of licenses upon all shows and public exhibitions for gain in said city, and to apply the same to the public uses of the said city.

SEC. 23. The said City Council shall have power to enforce the payment of all taxes levied under the authority of this Act against the property of defaulters to the same extend and in the same manner as is now or may hereafter be provided by law for the collection of State and County taxes, except that executions to enforce the payment of the taxes due the said city shall be issued under the seal of the corporation by the Clerk thereof,

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and directed to the Chief of Police or any other officer designated by them for that purpose; and all property upon which a tax shall be levied is hereby declared and made liable for the payment thereof in perference to all other debts against the said property, except debts due to the State, which shall first be paid.

SEC. 24 That an ordinance declaring the rate od annual taxation upon the property and other subjects of annual taxation for the year shall be published at least three weeks during the month of December in each year, and that all persons liable to taxation under the same shall make payment of their taxes to the Clerk and Treasurer of the said corporation during the succeeding month of January, and that upon failure to make such payment the parties so in default shall be subject to the penalties now provided by law for failure to pay the general State tax, the said penalty to be enforced by the said City Council for the use of the said city; and that all other taxes imposed by the City Council shall be payable in advance by the parties liable therefor, and that for the non-payment of the same the party in default shall be subject to the same penalty as that hereinbefore set forth.

SEC. 25. That the said City Council shall, within one month after entering upon the duties of their office, appoint five freeholders of said city to serve for two years, whose duty it shall be to assess the value of the real estate and personal property therein for taxation: and for such assessment the said assessors shall, as the basis of the true valuation of such real estes and personal property, accept the returns made to the County Auditors for State and County purposes: Provided, That the said assessors shall be authorized to make additional assessments for such investments as may have been made in real estate and personal property subsequently to the return to the County Auditor: Provided, further, That said assessors shall take an oath to fully and impartially perform their duties. The said assessors shall be com-

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