Charter and Ordinances of the City of Greenville of Force June 1st, 1898. Together with such Statute Laws as Effect Same.



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[pencil SC Ref 352 C? Greenville]



Clerk and Treasurer — W. B. MCDANIEL. City Sexton — J. W. RISER. City Engineer — A. W. EDENS City Attorney — B. A. MORGAN.

ALDERMEN. 1st Ward — J. F. RICHARDSON, D. H. BULL. 2d Ward — W. E. WRIGHT, W. J. SMITH. 3d Ward — J. A. EASLEY, NOAH KNIGHT. 4th Ward — T. F. HUNT, R. G. MCPHERSON. 5th Ward — A. B. BROWN, J. T. BLASSINGAME. 6th Ward — L. C. RICHEY, B. M. MCGEE.

POLICE. R. H. KENNEDY, CHIEF. Sergeants — J. C. HALL. O. E. GUNNELLS. Station House Keeper s— C. D. RANDOLPH, W. S. AGNEW.

STANDING COMMITTEES. Finance — Richardson Easley, McPherson, Blassingame, Hunt. Streets and Bridges — Hunt, Blassingame, Richardson. Lights — Richey, Easley, Bull. Fire Department — Brown, Wright McGee Hydrants and Water — Brown, Smith, Richey. Sewers and Connections — Bull, Wright, Knight Cemetery and Parks — Smith, Knight Brown. Police — McPherson, McGee, Wright, Easley, Blassingame.

MAYOR`S COURT Meets every morning (Sunday excepted) at 9 o'cock, His Honor Mayor Jas. T. Williams presiding. W. B. McDaniel, Clerk.

WARD DISTRICTS. WARD 1 .— Commencing at the Northwest corner of Main and Washington Streets ; following Washington street Westward to limits. From Main and Washington Streets following Main Northward to City limits. WARD 2. — Commencing at the Northeast corner Main and Washington streets Eastwards to limits. From Main and Washington Northward to City limits. WARD 3. — Commencing Southwest corner Main and Washington streets and following Washington street West to limits, and Main street South to Main street bridge. WARD 4. — Commencing Southeast corner Main and Washington streets, and following Washington street East to City limits and Main street South to Main street bridge. WARD 5. — Commencing at Main street bridge, running Southwest to fork of Augusta and Pendleton streets, thence along Pendleton street to Green Ave; thence along Green Ave. to City limits. Reedy River the Northwest boundary to City limits. WARD 6. — Commencing at Main street bridge, running to fork of Pendleton and Augusta streets thence along Pendleton street to Green Ave. thence along Green Ave. to City limits. Reedy River the Southeast boundary.

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SEC. 1.—Corporation. SEC. 2.—Name and limits. SEC. 3.—Mayor and Aldermen. Time of election. Electors. SEC. 4.—Registration. SEC. 5.—Oath of person registering. SEC. 6.—Regulations affecting the elections. SEC. 7.—Provisions affecting Managers and elections. SEC. 8.—Oath of Mayor and Aldermen. SEC. 9.—Vacancies. SEC. 10.—Penalty for refusal to serve. Exceptions. SEC. 11.—Powers of Trial Justices. SEC. 12.— Council meetings. Municipal powers. SEC. 13.— Fire district. SEC. 14.— Nuisances. Board of Health. Firemasters. Parks and Cemeteries SEC. 15.—Fire department. SEC. 16.—Wards and Aldermen SEC. 17.—Clerk and Treasurer. Police. SEC. 18.—Street duty. SEC. 19.—Licenses and taxes. SEC. 20.—Other licenses. Taxes. SEC. 21.—Auction sales. SEC. 22.—Shows. SEC. 23.—Enforcement of taxes. Lien. SEC. 24.—Tax ordinance. Payment. Defaulters. SEC. 25.—Assessment of Property. SEC. 26.—Guard house. Powder magazines. Forges and foundaries. SEC. 27.—Offenders. Working streets as punishment. SEC. 28.—Summons to persons accused. Witnesses. SEC. 29.—Sidewalks. SEC. 30.—Closing and opening streets. Damages. Appeals. SEC. 31.—Right to borrow money. SEC. 32.—Settlement with successors. SEC. 33.—Misfeasance and non-feasance in office. SEC. 34.—Ordinances validated. SEC. 35.— Repealing clause. Public Act. Duration.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same. That from and after the passage of this Act all citizens of this State, who may have resided twelve Corporation months wthin this State and sixty days within the cor-

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porate [corporate] limits of the City of Greenville, and their successors, are hereby declared to be members of the corporation hereby intended to be created.

[left margin: Name.] SEC. 2. That the said persons and their successors shall, from and after the passage of this Act, become a body politic and corporate, and shall be known and called by the name of the "City of Greenville" and its [left margin: Limits] corporate limits shall extend one and one-fourth miles in every direction from the Court House as a centre.

[left margin: Mayor and Aldermen.] SEC. 3 The said city shall be governed by a Mayor and two Alderman from each ward, who shall be citizens of the United States, and who shall have resided within this State for one year and within the corporate limits of said city sixty days immediately preceding their election, and the said Mayor and Aldermen shall be elected on the second Tuesday in September, at an election to be [left margin: Day of election] held on the second Tuesday in September, A.D. 1887, and on the second Tuesday in September in each and every second year thereafter, ten days public notice being previously given, and shall continue in office for two years, or until the election and qualification of their successors. All male inhabitants of said city, citizens of this State, who shall have attained the age of twenty-one years, and shall have resided in the said city sixty days immediately preceding said election, and who shall have registered as hereinafter provided, shall be entitled to vote for Mayor and Aldermen, paupers and persons under disability for crime excepted: Provided, That the first [left margin: First election] election under this section of this Act shall be held on the second Tuesday in September, 1887: And provided [left margin: Present Council continued.] further, That the Mayor and Alderman now in office shall continue in office until their successors are duly elected and qualified.

[left margin: Registration] SEC. 4. That the City Clerk shall, sixty days immediately preceding the day of said election, open books for the registration of the names of the qualified voters of said city and their occupations, places of residence, at such place as may be designated by the City Council of said

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city; the said books to be opened for such registration for thrity days (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) at least five hours per day; and at the close of such registration the said books to remain in the custody of the Clerk, [in margins] Books. and shall be subject to public inspection under such reasonable rules as the said City Concil may prescribe.

SEC. 5. The Clerk shall administer to every person [in margins] Oath of person [in margins] registering. offering to register an oath that he is duly qualified to vote at the election to be held, and that he does truly state his name and occupation and place and residence.

SEC. 6. That the said election shall be held at some [in margins] Conduct of election [in margins] and declaration [in margins] of result. one or more convenient public places ir. said city, designated by the City Council, from six o'clock in the morning until six o'clock in the afternoon of same day; and upon closing the polls the Managers of said election shall forthwith proceed to count the votes and declare the result of the election, giving notice in writing to the persons elected. The Mayor and Aldermen for the time being shall give ten days' public notice of the time and place or places of holding such elections, and shall appoint three members of the said corporation as managers of said election at each of the places where it may be [in margins] Managers. held; and the said Managers before they open the polls shall take an oath fairly and impartially to conduct the said election; and said Managers, or one of them, shall administer to every person offering to vote at the election an oath that he is duly qualified to vote at such [in margins] Oath of elector. election according to the Constitution and laws of this State and has not voted at such election.

SEC. 7. The Mayor and Aldermen are empowered to fine any person so appointed as Manager, who refuses to [in margins] Provisions affecting [in margins] Managers [in margins] and the election. serve. in a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars, and said Mayor and Aldermen shall have authority to make all necessary ordinances, rules and regulations for the proper, fair and just management and control of said elections.

SEC. 8. That the Mayor and Aldermen, to be elected

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Oath of Mayor and Aldermen. as above directed, before entering upon the duties of their office, shall respectively, in addition to the oath prescribed in Section 30 of Article II of the Constitution, take the following oath, to wit : "As Mayor (or Alderman) of the City of Greenville. I will faithfully and impartially, to the best of my ability, exercise and discharge the trust reposed in me, and will use my best endeavors to preserve the peace, and to carry into effect according to law the purposes for which I have been elected. So help me God."

Vacancies. SEC. 9. That in case a vacancy should occur in the office of Mayor, or any Alderman, by death, resignation, or otherwise, an election to fill such vacancy shall be held by direction of the City Council of said city, such election to be conducted in the same manner as hereinbefore provided, save that it shall not be necessary to register anew the voters of the city, but every person shall be entitled to vote at any such last mentioned election who is legally qualified and had registered at last preceding election for Mayor and Aldermen ; and in case of a vacancy in the office of Mayor, until an election can be held, the Aldermen of said City Council are hereby empowered to elect one of their number to act as Mayor for the time being, and in case of the sickness or temporary absence of the Mayor he is authorized to appoint some one of the Aldermen to act as Mayor for the time being ; but if the Mayor fails or neglects to appoint some one of the Aldermen to act as Mayor for the time being; but if the Mayor fails or neglects to appoint some member of the City Council to act as Mayor during his sickness or tempory absence, the City Council shall be empowered to elect one of their number to act as Mayor during the sickness or temporary absence of the Mayor.

Refusal to serve. SEC. 10 That if any person who has been legally elected Mayor or Alderman shall refuse to act, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty-five dollars for the use of the said city, unless the said person shall have attained the age of sixty years, or shall have served a term in either of said offices within three years next preceding such election.

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