gcls_citycode_1898_ 0082
Each additional hand . . . 1.00
Eating and ice cream saloon . . . $8.00 to 30.00
Fountains flowing not exceeding six hours daily
for the season, six months orifice of 1/8 inch . . . 8.00
Oriffice to 3-16 inch . . . 16.00
Oriffice to 1/4 inch . . . 40.00
Oriffice to 5-16 inch . . . 60.00
Filling private cisters, furnishing water only for
100 bbs, or under, each time . . . 1.00
Hotels, per room . . . $5.00 to 10.00
Halls and Theatres . . . $5.00 to 25.00
Laundries . . . $15.00 to 40.00
Livery stables, including washing carriages, each
horse . . . 1.50
Office with wash basin . . . $3.00 to 10.00
Printing office, not including steam engine . . . $6.00 to 10.00
Private stable, including washing carriage, one
horse . . . 3.00
Two horses . . . 5.00
Each additional horse . . . 1.00
Each cow . . . 1.50
Potograph galleries . . . $10.00 to 15.00
Restaurants . . . $8.00 to 30.00
Residence, occupied by one family, five rooms . . . 5.00
Each additional room . . . 75
Steam engines, assessed per nominal horse power,
ten hours run, per horse power . . . 2.50
Street sprinkling, per wagon each team employed
per day . . . 50
Stores, one tap 25 feet front or less, with one faucet
and one wash basin . . . 7.00
Sprinkling lawns with 1/8 inch nozzle, four hours per
day and 50 feet front or less . . . 5.00
Each additional front foot . . . 10
Streets in addition to lawn sprinkling per front foot . . . 05
Steam boilers for house warming each square foot
of surface . . . 30
Shops, special rates . . .
Tobacco manufacturers, per hand . . . 1.00
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