gcls_citycode_1898_ 0080



Status: Page Status Transcribed


SEC. 3. That the said Company or their assigns shall
commence work within sixty days and have in operation
within twelve months from the date the passage of this
Ordinance, unless delay by epidemics, strikes, providen-
tial, or unavoidable causes or a system of water works com-
prising a large storage reservoir constructed for that pur-
pose, connecting with the distributing mains by six miles,
more or less, of supply pipe, laying ten miles of pipes
within the city limits of from 4 to 10 inches in diameter,
making a total of sixteen miles, more or less, in the sys-

SEC. 4. The reservoir will be constructed at Mountain
Creek, at an elevation of about 100 feet above the highest
point in the city, built in a substantial manner and of suff-
icent capacity to hold 25,000,000 gallons of water, with
stone spill-way and gate-house containing all necessary
valves and a screen pot with suitable copper wire screens
in same, All necessary grubbing and clearing will be
done from interior of the reservior.

SEC. 5. There shall be laid within the city limits about
ten miles of distributing mains ranging in size from 4 to
10 inches and diameter, and laid in ditches sufficiently
deep to properly protect them. Fire hydrants shall be
of the Ludlow pattern or other equally well known make,
each provided with 2 1/2 inch nozzles of standard
thread. The pipe system when laid will be controlled
by gates or valves of approved design, and of sufficent
number properly placed to permit, in case of accident,
the water to be cut off of that section without interfering
with the general supply. Upon the completion of the
works there shall be a test, when the Water Company
will throw four streams of water through 200 feet of fire
house and one-inch nozzles fifty feet vertically from the
highest point in the city, this pressure being obtained
from the elevation of the reservoir, thus ensuring a per-
manent supply of water, pressure to be maintained dur-
ing the contract except in case of accident or unavoid-
able causes.

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