gcls_citycode_1898_ 0079




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the Laws of the State of New Jersey, with Office in
Philadelphia, who are to Procure the Organization of
a Water Company, and Enter into a Contract with the
Water Company to Construct a System of Water Works
for the City of Greenville, South Carolina. Subject to
Provision of Ordinance of Council.

Sec. 1. That the city of Greenville do hereby grant to
The American Pipe Manufacturing Company, or their
assigns, who are to procure the organization of a Com-
pany to be styled "The Paris Mountain Water Company
of Greenville," the exclusive right and privilege of con-
structing, maintaining and operating a system of water
works for the purpose of supplying said city and its in-
habitants with water taken from the mountain streams
for protection against fire and for domestic, sanitary and
other useful purposes for twenty-five years from the pas-
sage of this Ordinance. That the Company for the pur-
pose of constructing, maintaining, operating, extending
and repairing said system of water works shall have the
sole and exclusive privilege and full power, right and
authority to lay pipes and mains for water along any or
all streets and avenues of said city as the same are now
open, or may hereafter be extended, or any new streets
which may be opened, said lines to be laid by consulta-
tion with the Chairman of the Street Committee, and to
that end shall have full right to dig ditches or trenches
in the streets of said city to such depth and width as
may be necessary in which to lay the pipes or mains in,
and to use the streets, sidewalks and bridges for like
purpose : Provided, That the city shall not be responsible
for any damage occasioned thereby, and that the streets
shall not be unreasonably obstructed by such work.

SEC. 2. The water supplied by said works shall be
the water taken from the mountain streams and of suffi-
cient quantity and quality for domestic, fire and manu-
facturing purposes, and where the source of supply can-
not be contaminated by the sewerage of said city or from
any other causes.

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