gcls_citycode_1898_ 0066



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SEC. 5. That it shall be unlawful for any person or
persons to release or take away without proper authority
any such animal as is named or covered by this ordi-

SEC. 6. That any person or persons violating any pro-
vision of this ordinance, or any one of them, shall upon
conviction be fined not more than $10 or imprisoned not
more than 20 days, or either or both, at the discretion of
the Mayor or acting Mayor.
Done and ratified in Council assembled this 7th day of
June, 1898.

BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the
City of Greenville in Council assembled and by the
authority of the same :

SEC. 1. That it shall be unlawful for any dog owned
by a citizen of this city or kept by any person residing
in said city to run at large in the streets of said city un-
less such dog shall constantly wear a collar with a badge
or license attached thereto, which said badge or license
may be obtained from the City Clerk and Treasurer upon
payment to him of one dollar and twenty-five cents, and
said license or badge shall remain the property of the
city and be good for one year : Provided, That at any
time it shall be deemed by the Mayor unsafe to permit
dogs to go at large, he shall issue a proclamation for-
bidding the same, and any dog found going at large after
such notice, and until such proclamation is revoked, or
expires by limitation, may be killed.

SEC. 2. That any dog found running at large without
such collar with badge or license thereto attached, shall
be impounded three days, and unless the owner shall
claim said dog and pay into the city treasury of the city
a fine of one dollar on the same, it shall be the duty of
the police to destroy said dog.

SEC. 3. That nothing in this ordinance contained shall

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