gcls_citycode_1898_ 0062
ings or other property, or portions thereof, not having
been used "exclusively for public purposes and not for
revenue," and hereafter may become past due and un-
paid; and it becomes necessary to collect the same by
distress, then the sheriff, whether acting under an execu-
tion from the County Treasurer or from the Secretary of
State as agent of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund,
shall at public sale sell not the "fee" as in other cases,
but only the "use" and "occupancy" of such portions of
said land, building or property of such municipal corpo-
ration as the same accrued upon, to that bidder who will
for the shortest term pay the taxes, penalties, costs and
charges accrued thereon; and at such sale to protect the
interest of the State, if there be no cash bid equal to
the taxes, penalties, costs and charges accrued thereon,
then the said property, or portion thereof, offered for
sale, shall be knocked down to the Sinking Fund Com-
mission for a term not exceeding ninety-nine years; and
it shall be the duty of the sheriff to make titles for the
term of years required by the bid to the purchaser and
put said purchaser (whether the Sinking Fund Commis-
sion or any other person) into possession in like manner
as when the fee is by him sold for taxes.
SEC. 2. That the use and occupancy for building purposes
at the time of levy or sale of any portion of property
levied upon or sold for taxes accrued by reason of same,
not having been formerly used, "exclusively for public
purposes and not for revenue," shall not defeat the
remedy for collecting provided in this Act.
SEC. 3. That all Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent
with the provisions of this Act be, and the same are
hereby repealed.
(Act 1896, page 65.)
AN ACT to Encourage Manufacturers in the City of
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-
tives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting
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