gcls_citycode_1898_ 0061




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all bonds issued under the authority of the Act herein
amended, be, and the same are hereby declared good and
valid in all cases where the conditions prescribed in said
Act as amended by this Act were complied with in the
issue of said bonds.


AN ACT to Render Uniform the Mode of Taxation in
Towns and Cities in accordance with Sec. 6, Art. VIII
of the Constitution of 1895.

SEC. 1. That from and after the passage of this Act
all municipal taxes levied by cities and towns in this
State shall be levied on all property, real and personal,
not exempt by law from taxation, situate within the
limits of said cities and towns, and in accordance with
Sec. 6, Art. VIII of the Constitution of 1895.

SEC. 2. That the clauses of the charters of any towns
or cities restricting taxation in said towns to real estate
only, are hereby repealed.
(Act 1897, page 409.)


AN ACT Relating to the Collection of Taxes in Towns
and Cities.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the
State of South Carolina, that from and after the ap-
proval of this Act, the towns and cities of this State are
hereby authorized and empowered to collect the taxes of
such towns or cities in such installments as the munici-
pal authorities hereof may by ordinance prescribe.
(Act 1898, page 725.)
AN ACT in Relation to the Enforcement of the Collection
of Taxes Unpaid upon Municipal Property.

SEC. 1. Whenever any taxes, State, county, school or
township, hereafter may accrue upon any land or build-
ings, or portions thereof, or upon any other property of
any municipal corporation by reason of said land, build-

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