gcls_citycode_1898_ 0060
also to raise the sum of at least one-fortieth part of the
entire bonded debt as a sinking fund in aid of the retirement
and payment of said bonds. Said sinking fund
shall be under the control and management of the
Board of Commissioners of Public Works, and shall be
applied to the said bonds, or invested to meet the payment
of same when due.
SEC. 5. That the said cities and towns shall have the
power and authority to purchase and hold suitable lands
and water within the limits of the county, and to erect
such acqueducts, dams, canals, buildings, machine shops
and other works and to lay and construct such conduits,
mains and pipes as may be necessary to obtain and secure
a supply of water and power for operating said water
works and electric light works. And said cities and
towns shall have power to erect poles and wires along
any of the adjacent highways and in said cities and
towns, and shall have the right to condemn any property
or rights of way to enable it to lay mains and pipes and
erect and operate said acquducts, dams, canals and water
and electrical works, and electrical lines on payment to
the owner or owners thereof just compensation for such
property or rights of way to be condemned, such com-
pensation to be determined in the manner now provided
by law for the condemnation of lands and rights of way
by railroad corporations.
SEC. 5.(a) That the powers herein conferred upon the
cities and towns of the State are, and shall be taken,
deemed and construed to be, in addition to the powers
now enjoyed by said cities and towns.
(Amendment 1887.)
SEC. 6. That this Act shall take effect at and from the
date of its approvial.
Approved 2nd day of March, A. D. 1896.
(Act 1896, page 83.)
SEC. 6.(a) Known as Section 4 in Act 1897 at page 507,
that any and all notices of elections, elections and pro-
ceedings heretofore had for the issue of any bonds and
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