gcls_citycode_1898_ 0059
after, one such Commissioner shall be elected for a term
of six years and until his successor is elected and quali-
fied. The officers so elected, and their successors in
office, shall be known as the Commissioners of Public
Works of such municipality, and by that name shall sue
and be sued in any of the courts of this State. At the
first meeting of the Commissioners after the election, and
after any election for a full term, they shall organize by
the election of one of their number as Chairman. The
Clerk or Recorder of the municipality shall act as Secre-
tary of the Commissioners. The Mayor and Aldermen of
the city, or the Intendent and Wardens of a town, shall
fill any vacancy occurring in said Commissioners by
death, resignation or otherwise, by appointment for the
unexpired term. The persons elected or appointed to
such office shall qualify by taking the same oath as the
election officers of the municipality take. The Mayor of
a city or the Intendent of the town shall notify the
persons so elected as members of Commissioners of Public
Works of their election within ten days after the result
of such election is declared.
SEC. 3. That said Board of Commissioners of Public
Works shall be vested with authority to build or contract
for building said water works and said electric light plant
and to operate the same, and shall have full control and
management of same. They may supply and furnish
water to the citizens of said cities and towns, and also
electric, gas and other lights, and may require and exact
payments of such rates, tolls and charges as they may
establish for the use of water and lights. They may sell
and dispose of said bonds and apply the proceeds, or so
much thereof as may be necessary towards the purchase
of, or payment for said plants.
SEC. 4. That the said City or Town Council are hereby
authorized to assess, levy and collect, in addition to the
annual tax levies for other purposes, a sufficient annual
tax from the taxable property of said cities or towns to
meet the interest to become due upon said bonds, and
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