gcls_citycode_1898_ 0058
cities and towns and to supply the citizens thereof; and to
meet the costs of same the said cities and towns shall issue
coupon bonds bearing interest at a rate not to exceed six
per centum per annum, payable in any legal tender money
of the United States forty years after date, with the
privilege of redemption after twenty years from date :
Provided, That before any bonds shall be issued under the
provisions of this Act the City or Town Council of the
said municipality shall submit the question of the issue
to the qualified registered electors of such cities and
towns at an election to be held by said City or Town
Council appointed and conducted, in accordance with the
laws of force governing municipal elections : And pro-
vided, That before any election shall be held under the
provisions of this Act a majority of the freeholders of
said city or town, as shown by the tax books of said city
or town, shall petition said City or Town Council that
the said election be ordered ; and if a majority of elec-
tors voting at said Council shall so declare by ordinance,
and shall issue said bonds and turn them over to the
Board of Commissioners of Public Works of said city or
town hereinafter established.
(Amendment 1887.)
SEC. 1. That all elections held under this Act the polls
shall be opened at 8 o'clock in the forenoon and closed at
4 o'clock in the afternoon.
( Amendment 1887 )
SEC. 2. At such election for bonds the elector shall
vote for three citizens of such town or city, whose term
of office shall be respectively two, four and six years,
and until the general election for municipal officers next
following the expiration of the short term, and until their
successors are elected and qualified. The classification
above designated as to the terms shall be ascertained by
the Commissioners after election by lot. At each gene-
ral election for municipal officers following the expira-
tion of the term of the Commissioner holding the short
term, and at every such election every two years there-
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