gcls_citycode_1898_ 0008
porate [corporate] limits of the City of Greenville, and their successors,
are hereby declared to be members of the corporation
hereby intended to be created.
[left margin: Name.] SEC. 2. That the said persons and their successors
shall, from and after the passage of this Act, become a
body politic and corporate, and shall be known and
called by the name of the "City of Greenville" and its
[left margin: Limits] corporate limits shall extend one and one-fourth miles
in every direction from the Court House as a centre.
[left margin: Mayor and Aldermen.] SEC. 3 The said city shall be governed by a Mayor
and two Alderman from each ward, who shall be citizens
of the United States, and who shall have resided within
this State for one year and within the corporate limits
of said city sixty days immediately preceding their election,
and the said Mayor and Aldermen shall be elected
on the second Tuesday in September, at an election to be
[left margin: Day of election] held on the second Tuesday in September, A.D. 1887,
and on the second Tuesday in September in each and
every second year thereafter, ten days public notice
being previously given, and shall continue in office for
two years, or until the election and qualification of their
successors. All male inhabitants of said city, citizens of
this State, who shall have attained the age of twenty-one
years, and shall have resided in the said city sixty days
immediately preceding said election, and who shall have
registered as hereinafter provided, shall be entitled to
vote for Mayor and Aldermen, paupers and persons under
disability for crime excepted: Provided, That the first
[left margin: First election] election under this section of this Act shall be held on
the second Tuesday in September, 1887: And provided
[left margin: Present Council continued.] further, That the Mayor and Alderman now in office shall
continue in office until their successors are duly elected
and qualified.
[left margin: Registration] SEC. 4. That the City Clerk shall, sixty days immediately
preceding the day of said election, open books for the
registration of the names of the qualified voters of said
city and their occupations, places of residence, at such
place as may be designated by the City Council of said
Notes and Questions
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Hello, overall great job! I did make a minor adjustment by combining hyphenated words at the end of a line to be a single word. For example, the word "immediately" was originally split between lines 39 and 40. I have combined the two pieces and kept the word on line 39. While doing so does not accurately represent the material, it does make a different for accessibility purposes. - Monica