


Status: Complete

Date No. Surname/Last Name First Name/Given Name Committed by Whom Committed When Committed Where Offence Sentence Disposed of How Disposed of When
August 8 714 Jones Ben G.P.M Murray PM 8 August S Brisbane Disobeying in Board Ship Remand To Police 12 Aug 90
"8 15 Collins Richard Do 8 " Do Embezzling cargo Remand "
"8 16 Wagland George P. Pinnock PM 8" Brisbane Larceny 1 month conf or £2 Sent Back 6 Sep 90
"8 17 Hickey William Do 8" Do Larceny 1 month conf or £1 Do 6
"11 18 Hughes Fred alis Smith Samuel Andrews IP 11 Tallebudgera False Pretences 5 months Conf Do 10 Jany 91
"12 19 Aylesbury Charles G.P.M Murray P.M 12" Brisbane Disobedience on Ship 14 days H.L or sooner if required by captain To Master 15 Aug 90
"12 20 Luke Carl August W. Yaldwyn P.M 8" Ipswich Maintenance 12 months Conf in default of sureties St Helena 9 Sept 90
"12 21 Sater August P. Pinnock P.M 12" Brisbane Larceny Remand To police 26 Aug 90
"12 22 Mounter Oliver Do 12" Do Vagrancy; Same 6 montths H.L; 6 months H.L concurrent sent expo 11 Feb 90
"12 23 Wheeler Edward F.J Do 12" Do Attempted Suicide Remand for trial Dist ct Brisbane 19 August 90 Bail 15 Aug 90
"12 24 Bates Philip Do 12 " Larceny 1 month Conf Sent Back 11 Sep 90
"13 25 Huges Edward F Dp 13 Do Stealing from the person Remand To police 15 Aug 90
"13 26 McDonnell Thomas Do 13 Do assault 2 months Conf from 29 July 90 Sent back 29 Sept 90
"13 27 Henman Thomas alias Daucey G.P.M Murray 13 S Do Suspicion of Larceny Remand To police 15 Aug 90
"14 28 Brown Fred P. Pinnock P,M 14" Brisbane Assault & Robbery; Vagrancy Remand " 26 Aug 90
"14 29 Black William Do 14" Do Assault & Robbery; Vagrancy Remand " 26
"14 30 Collins Daniel Do 14 Do Vagrancy 3 months conf or £5 Fine Paid 15 August 90

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