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Correspondence, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: Other Departments - Miscellaneous (ITM336560_15-0273)

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19th September 1912


To Deputy Chief Protector of Abos? Brisbane


In reference to application of railway Department for Aboriginal names for Stations the following may be suitable

Names Ingham [Cardwell?] Tully River
Outside Argea Netfar [Kunnyructyar?]
Iron Bark [Culburw?] ... ...
Grass Yabbooloo Kutchaw Padchaw
[Ti?] Tree Pudfoo Pobel Booiegoo
Bloodwood ... coorookaw [Jingilla?]
You might verify them with [Lenny? Michael] on the phone at [Dunwich]


Last edit about 2 years ago by L.Vink
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[left margin] [stamp1] [ABORIGINAL SETTLEMENT] 19 9 12/1920 [BARAMBAH?]

[stamp2] PREV 1541


in any further correspondence refer to No. 12:2297.

The Supt Barambah Can you suppl some suitable names. [Dept ?ar?] [J?] Dl. Ph 17.9.12

[stamp3] B.C. 17.9.12 No 12/502 [?] 19.9.12

[right margin] Other Depts Misc

[stamp4] CHIEF PROTECTOR OF ABORIGINALS 01885 *14.SEP.1912 QUEENSLAND. Chief Engineer [Reys?]

[coat of arms] AUDAX AT FIDELIS Queensland Railways

Chief Egineer's Office Brisbane 13th September 1912.

For Names of Stations - TOWNSVILLE-INGHAM LINE.

S i r,

I shall be obliged if you will favor me with some Aborginal names and their meanings for stations on the Townsville-Ingham Line at the following mileages:-

Mileage Class of Country
2 Miles 36 Chains Abattoir reserve.
7 " 16 " Lightly timbered with ironbark.
12 " 5 " Grazing country.
14 " 28 " Ti-tree forest.
18 " 70 " Thick forest, bloodwood and ti-tree.

I shall be glad if you will treat this matter as urgent.

I am, Sir, Yours faithfully,

[U. G. Gell] Chief Engineer. per [C.Y?.P.?]

The Chief Protector of Aboriginals, B r i s b a n e.

Last edit about 2 years ago by L.Vink
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12/1885 Other Dept Mis

Supt B.A.[S?]

For to supply

17. 9. 12

Last edit about 2 years ago by L.Vink
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12/1541. Other Depts. Misc.


23rd August 1912.

Sir, In reply to your letter of the 1st instant, which I regret was neglected so long owing to pressure of work at the Exhib- 12/743. ition, I forward a list of aboriginal words from the language of the Gibbir or Gwiyungun tribe whose district was the nearest to Mary Valley which may provide you with names suitable for the five stations you propose to establish.

NAME PRONUNCIATION MEANING 2 m 21 ch. Weigah (wygar) High Ridge 4 m 72 ch. Bulyan (bull yan) Silver leaf ironbark tree

9 m. Dooboon Ironbark 10 m 70 ch. Buthar (boo thar) Red Soil 14 m 70 ch. Girra Rich Country.

or any of these, Wallah Big Rock Darrang Running Creek. Gorroman Old man kangaroo [check mark] Emar Female kangaroo [check mark] Dagoon Home-Camp Binnam Staghorn Goongoonwundai - Yurgan Pretty girl.

Yours obediently,

Deputy Chief Protector of Aboriginals. The Chief Engineer, Railway Department, B R I S B A N E .

Last edit over 2 years ago by RobinH
Page Status Needs Review


[left margin] 12/420.

[right margin] away

12/1047 Other Depts Misc.

22nd may 1912.


Referring to your communication of the 17th instant asking to be furnished with an aboriginal name suitable for a station on the Blackall-Windorah extension. In further reference to this matter I would call your attention to my latters of the first of January and tenth of April of this year, and to earlier communications in which several aboriginal names were submitted.

I am now giving you a few additional names one of which may suit your purpose,

Aboriginal. English
[tick] Biroo Biroo open country
Gwinim Boree country
Mendah Nice place
Joo-Joo small & good
Karoo grows in Boree country
Yoomba hard wood used to make spears etc.,
Wama sugar bag
Pachee wild flowers
Wam Wah Magpie
Apana Pigeon
[tick] Muntapa Plain Turkey
Kuncool Wallaby
Yours obediently,

Chief Protector of Aboriginals.

The Chief Engineer, Railway Department, B R I S B A N E.

[water mark - backwards] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT

Last edit about 2 years ago by L.Vink
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[left margin] [stamp1] Prev. 739 App Misc N.

In any further Correspondence refer to No. 12:1881.

[right margin] Other Dept Mis


[coat of arms] AUDAX AT FIDELIS Queensland Railways.

Chief Engineer's Office. Brisbane. 17th May 1912.

S i r,

I am desirous of obtaining a suitable name for the station at 22 Miles 33 Chains on the Blackwall-Windorah Extension. The surrounding country is open downs, slightly timbered with Boree.

Kindly favor me with a few names to choose from.

I am, Sir, Yours faithfully,

[Mmm? G Bell] Chief engineer.

The Chief Protector of Aboriginals, B r i s b a n e.

[water mark - backwards & upside down] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT

Last edit about 2 years ago by L.Vink
Page Status Needs Review


[left margin] 12/301.

[right margin] 12/739. Applic. Miscell.


10th April 1912.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 3rd instant, asking to be furnised with some aboriginal names suitable for Railway Stations on the Oakey-Cooyar line, and I now append a few names with their meanings some of which may suit your purpose.

Aboriginal. English
Wootool Good grass
Mooloo Black Soil
Kowaa Scrub
[tick] Narco Good soil
Wontee Good place
Wongu Mosquito
Tolka Native Companian
[tick] Muntapa Plain Turkey
Carpee Wallaby
Kapoon Fresh water
Balambah Open Country
Boruda Forest Oak
Dabilbello Box tree
Woora Lie down
Woona Cloud
Yours obediently,

Chief Protector of Aboriginals.

The Chief Engineer, Railway Department, B R I S B A N E.

[water mark - backwards & upside down] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT

Last edit about 2 years ago by L.Vink
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[left margin] 57


In any further correspondence refer to No. 12:1079.

[right margin] Applications misc


Chief Egineer Railway.

[coat of arms] AUDAX AT FIDELIS Queensland Railways

Chief Engineer's Office.

Brisbane. 3rd April 1912.

For aboriginal names for stn on Oakey to Cooyan Line.

Dear Sir,

I shall feel obliged if you will furnish me with suitable aboriginal names in regard to stations at the undermentioned mileages on the Oakey-Cooyar Line:-

Mileage Class of Country.
17 1/2 Miles Cultivation and Box forest.
20 3/4 " Brigalow Scrub and Prickly Pear.
24 1/2 " Cultivation.
27 1/2 " Vacant Crown Lands.
32 1/2 " Cultivation.
35 " Cultivation.
Yours failthfully, [N B Bell] Chief Engineer. [??H]

The Chief Protector of Aboriginals, William Street, Brisbane.

[water mark - backwards & upside down] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT

Last edit about 2 years ago by L.Vink
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[left margin] 12/18.

[right margin] 12/57. Applic. Misc.


[1?]th january 1912.


I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 20th ultimo, asking to be supplied with a suitable aboriginal name for a Station at 45 miles 66 chains on the Dalby - Tara line.

I am now submitting a few names for your information.

aboriginal english
Goomba Ironbark
Goongoo Pine tree (cypraess)
Wingeen Melon Holes
Yarra Gum Tree
Boogara Kangaroo
Goobee Opossum
Moora Good Camp.
Yours obediently,

Chief Protector of Aboriginals.

The Chief Engineer, Railway Department, B R I S B A N E .

[water mark - backwards & upside down] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT

Last edit about 2 years ago by L.Vink
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[left margin] [stamp1] Prev. 11/2338 ...


In any further correspondence refer to No. 11:2089

[right margin] Applic mis


[coat of arms] AUDAX AT FIDELIS Queensland Railways

Chief Engineer`s Office.

Brisbane. 20th December 1911.

For an aboriginal name for Dalby-Tara line 45 m 66 ch

Dear Sir,

I am desirous of obtaining a suitable aboriginal name for a Station at 45 miles 66 chains on the Dalby-Tara Line.

The country in the immediate vicinity is Brigalow scrub, with Ironbark and Pine timber, also melon holes.

I shall be glad if you will suggest a few names.

Yours fiathfully, [N?G Bell] Chief Engineer [?F.C]

The Chief Protector of Aboriginals, B R I S B A N E.


Last edit about 2 years ago by L.Vink
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