Moońgalbā (oo as in English bull, not as in moon) is the
Stradbroke Island natives' name for the site of the aboriginal
station, near Dunwich, to which the authorities have given
the name (foreign to the place) of Miora. This information
was given to me by a native residing there. I did not,
however, get the meaning of the name.
Site of Paterson`s sawmill at Toowong: - Tom Petrie gave the
natives' name of this place as Bunaraba but did not give its
meaning, The meaning is probably "Place of bloodwood trees".
A matter of interest in this place that I have discovered,
is that, in the early days of Brisbane, there was a black's
camp on the hill near by. This is possibly the camp from
which Oxley, when exploring the river, heard the sounds of
a great "coroboree", when he camped by the river side the
night before he landed at North Quay looking for water.
According to Petrie the site of the Regatta Hotel,
adjoining the land that Mr. Drew called Toowong, the blacks
called Jo-ai Jo-ai, the meaning of which I cannot trace.
Yours faithfully,
F.J. Watson.
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