University Officers
Board of Trustees
Rev. Thomas Wardrope, D.D., Guelph
Rev. Neil McNeish, B.D., LL.D., Cornwall
Rev. Donald Ross, M.A., B.D., Lachine, P.Q.
James Croil, Esq., Montreal
George H. Boulter, Esq., M.D., M.P.P., Stirling
Alexander Buntin, Esq., Montreal
James Dennistown, Peterboro
Rev. William Bain, D.D., Perth
Rev. Thomas G. Smith, Kingston
Rev. Daniel J. Macdonnell, M.A., B.D., Toronto
James Maclennan, Esq., M.A., Q.C., Toronto
Hon. Alexander Morris, M.A., D.C.L., Perth
George Davidson, Esq., Kingston
George M. Kinghorn, Esq., Montreal
Rev. George Bell, L.L.D., Walkerton
Rev. John Jenkins, D.D., Montreal
Rev. Daniel M. Gordon, M.A., B.D., Ottawa
George M. Macdonnell, Esq., B.A., Kingston
James M. Grant, Esq., M.D., Ottawa
Hon. John Hamilton, Kingston
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