


Status: Complete

The proceedings were then brought to a close by the
Principal pronouncing the benediction. (For a full account of
the proceedings see College Journal 15th Decr 1877).

Important courses of lectures were this Session delivered
by the Revd Dr. Jenkins on Pastoral Theology and Homiletics,
and by the Revd Dr. Jardine, late Principal of the Church of
Scotland Institution, Calcutta, on Comparative religion from a
Missionary Standpoint.

On the 4th Decr, a Committee of the Board consisting
of the Revd Dr. Jenkins, the Revd Dr. Bell, and Mr. G.M.
Macdonnell was appointed to print two Hundred and fifty
copies of the Statutes of the Board, the Act of the Legislature
of Ontario, amending the Royal Charter, and the Royal Charter
itself, for the use of the members of the Board.

On 24th April 1878, the Report of a Committee
of the University Council on the Subject of more adequate
University Endowment was read and approved, and a Deputation
of their number was appointed to wait upon the Board
at its meeting on the same day, and urge upon them the necessity of taking immediate steps for accomplishing the
end in view. Accordingly, the Deputation consisting
of His Worship Mayor McIntyre, R.V. Rogers Esq


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