The Domesday Book of Queen's University (Volume 2) 1900-1924



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Dec 15th 06 My dear Prof Cappon

Instead of troubling the Principal will you allow me to write direct to you.

I took the enclosed words for the new inscription to the engraver today. He showed me rubbings of many beautiful Tablets which I think you will like. They are mostly

Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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horizontal oblongs thus

[image-drawing across the page of an oblong]

The point I would wish especially to consult you about is, what you object to, that is a reference to Doomsday Book.

I do not quite understand why you should object. The Tablet cannot tell the whole story possibly not 1/4 of 1 percent and the aim is to refer the reader to the place where he can get more information if that be his wish. The Tablet is merely an index to Doomsday Book. That is the view which the late principal must have had when he designed another Tablet which you will see on the walls with the following words inscribed thereon. V S S

Last edit about 2 years ago by Khufu
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In Remembrance of The Benefactors who laid the foundations of Queens University in 1839-40-4

See the Records in University Doomsday Book

Of course I quite understand that there will be no precedent for the reference. But cannot we make one, is it not desirable that we should do so, part of our policy is to show to the world that our Benefactors on whom we still depend are not forgotten. Their names are embellished in Doomsday Book and we are not ashamed of the fact. If you think it better to have the words in Latin, be it so - but as they are designed for a purpose why should they or something to mean the same they be omitted - please return the enclosed with any further recommendations.

Yrs faithfully Sandford Fleming

Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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In 1923 the Trustees of the University decided that a continuation of Queen's Domesday Book should be written. The work of compilation was given to Dr. Malcolm Macgillivray; and he accordingly collected the material that has been transcribed in the following pages.

In 1934 the Librarian, E.C. Kyte, brought before the Library Curators the question of perpetuating in a second volume the manuscript material that Dr. Macgillivray had gathered. It was resolved to obtain a writer; and Mr. Hall, the father of a student, Oswald Hall, of Cecil, Saskatchewan, was asked to make up the book on the sheets provided. Mr. Hall died in the following year, having transcribed the material up to the year 1910-1911. The Library Curators then asked the Rev. Mr. Baldwin, of Kingston, to complete the work. This was done in May, 1936. Mr. Baldwin received $50.00 for his part of the transcription.

Last edit about 2 years ago by Khufu
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A.D. 1900-01.

Last edit about 2 years ago by Khufu
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